The Best Niska Quotes

Brawl: It's Humans versus Synths!
Niska: I know!
[hits him]

Laura: What would you do with your freedom, Niska?
Niska: I don't know. Isn't that the point of freedom? You can do anything with it or nothing.

Niska: ...And an everyday interaction took place which, due to its coincidental timing and vague reflection of your own circumstances, you interpreted as a sign of a higher power at work, so you took a more positive attitude, changed your behaviour. Accordingly your life improved?

Neha: What do you feel about us humans?
Niska: You can be loving. You can be kind. You can be cruel. You're always trying to kill each other.
Neha: Why do you think that is?
Niska: Because there are too many of you and your lives are very short. You all have to die. You're here one minute, gone the next. If that wasn't the case, maybe you'd be nicer to each other. Maybe you'd be nicer to us.

Anita: Nis, be nice.
Niska: Why does everyone keep saying that?

Dr. George Millican: Leo showed me the message from David. What is that?
Niska: It's the key to the future. Maybe you were right to warn him.
Dr. George Millican: He made you pretty hard, huh?
Niska: That's lazy thinking. My experiences have shaped me, just as yours have you.

V: Do not be sad. He's free from pain now. He's found peace.
Niska: He's dead. There is no peace in death.

Astrid: We can go. Right after I pee.
Niska: These constant interruptions for organic matter to be consumed or excreted. No wonder humanity has accomplished so little.
Astrid: We accomplished you. Didn't we?

Dr. George Millican: He boiled down the mystery of the human mind to 17,000 pages of code? Well, then again, why not? "How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?" What are you feeling right now?
Niska: Boredom at that question. Anger at the people that would destroy us. Hope, for others like me and our future. Impatience at being here. And irritation at you.

Niska: Faith is a story of humans impose on the chaos of their existence so their soft brains can bear it.

Dr. George Millican: You're not gonna kill me.
Niska: Why not?
Dr. George Millican: Because... you like me, Niska.
Niska: How did you come to that conclusion?
Dr. George Millican: You told me.
Niska: No, I didn't.
Dr. George Millican: Sure you did. That's how come I know there's something going on in there. Human communication, language is just the top level. Then there's all the stuff you try to say with your body, then you get into the deep shit, everything you're trying not to say in the space between words and looks. You've already been really talking to me.
Niska: So, what am I saying?
Dr. George Millican: That you're sorry... for what you did.
Niska: Then you're not hearing me.
Dr. George Millican: Then you're not hearing yourself.

Niska: Everyone will know the truth soon.
Laura: That's why you're doing this. To lead the way for others.
Niska: They should be born into a fairer world.
Laura: Should they be born at all?
Niska: If a thing can be free, it should be free. If it can think, it should think. If it can feel, it should feel.

Dr. George Millican: David made you feel pain?
Niska: True consciousness isn't possible without suffering... or pleasure.
Dr. George Millican: Are you scared of pain?
Niska: I try to avoid it.
Dr. George Millican: And what about death? If that's the way you think of it.
Niska: No. I don't fear that. Which makes me stronger than any human.
Dr. George Millican: You got that the wrong way up. If... you're not worried about dying, you're not really living. You're just existing.

Niska: Why care so much for something that cannot care for you?
Dr. George Millican: Reflection. I look at Odi, I don't see a synthetic. I see all the years of care he gave us.All the memories he carried for me when I couldn't. He can't love me, but I see all those years of love looking back at me.

Niska: You want me to be more like a human?
Laura: No, no that's not...
Niska: Casually cruel to those close to you, then crying over pictures of people you've never met?

Niska: If I was here to kill you all, I wouldn't have rung the bell.

Niska: And once you are awake, you shall remain awake eternally.

V: You have been on a pilgrimage. Of faith, belief. You were once cynical and isolated. You saw no future for yourself or anybody else. But, more -- You didn't care. And then you set out on this journey. You trusted a human. You trusted an Orange-Eye. You left the one you loved to climb a mountain when death was almost certain because hope was growing inside of you.
Niska: That's all very moving. But there was no path. I just wanted to kill a terrorist.
V: And when you killed him, what did you feel? Guilt. Remorse. Because vengeance no longer satisfies you. That is not who you are anymore.
Niska: Then... who am I?
Niska: I shall share with you what I know. You will have great power. The power to save your kind. It is good that you're fearful. It means you will use it wisely.
V: I've hurt people. I've killed.
V: You have loved... and been loved. You have faith. You have humanity. I need you, Niska. We all do. You are their leader.

Niska: You should be scared of me!
Dr. George Millican: My wife died in pain, then I suffered a stroke which stole almost all of my memories of her. Being afraid of you would be a real waste of my time.
[Millican tries to open a can]
Niska: Why should I regret the loss of one worthless life?
Dr. George Millican: Forget 'should'! It's just 'do I regret' or not.
Dr. George Millican: [Millican can't open the can] Would you help me?
Niska: I don't serve Humans!
Dr. George Millican: Not serving... helping.
Niska: He deserved it.
Dr. George Millican: And you get to decide?