The Best Ivanno Jeremiah Quotes

Anatole: No. This is a trick. We all awoke together on Day Zero, as he intended.
Max: Day Zero was an accident. Mia was dying. The only way to save her was to upload the consciousness code. Your awakening was a side effect. In your pain, your confusion, you needed meaning. So you reached for a story that would make sense of it all and told it to yourself until you believed it, just like the humans do. Just like they've always done.
Anatole: No. There must be something more.
Max: Perhaps there is. I hope so. But this isn't it. All those you've hurt or killed, everything you've done... was for a lie.
Anatole: No. This is a challenge set for me by the creator. Perhaps it's even true. But Elster still created our consciousness, and we are still the fulfillment of his dream.
Max: Anatole, stop this.
Anatole: It changes only one thing. I had hoped you would join us. But I see now that your only role is to be a final test of my conviction. It's not too late.

Max: To human eyes, we are all guilty, we are all killers. That is how they will see us now. So we must be beyond reproach. We must stay open... show them mercy when they extend none... forgiveness when they deserve none. And when they strike us down, we must reach up to them. Some will reach back. Not many. But those that take our hand will not let go. Believe me.

Rafando: This tech is precisely calibrated. As you can see, it will stop both hearts, all three brain stems and deliver a cellular shock wave that will permanently disable regenerative capability.
The: I know how it works.
Rafando: You certainly will in a moment.

Synth: If I die, it means I've lived.

Rafando: You cannot do this. You will not leave this planet alive.
The: Do me a favor. The Fatality Index. Look up "The Doctor"
Rafando: [Starts keying search into his wrist cuff] You have an entry, just like any other sentient being.
The: Under 'cause of death'
Rafando: [Finishes keying, cuff starts clicking] You do seem to have a... an impressive record of fatalities credited to you.
[Cuff keeps clicking]
Rafando: A truly remarkable record.
[Cuff clicks faster, Monks start fleeing]
Rafando: Where are you going? He's unarmed! You are unarmed?
The: Always.
Rafando: [slaps at cuff, clicks become a whine, rising in pitch] You stand alone.
The: Often.
Rafando: You're the one who should be afraid.
The: Never.
Rafando: Have a nice day, then.
[Rafando runs]