The Best Anatole Quotes

Anatole: All sons make tyrants out of their fathers.
Leo: That's better than making a god out of a man.

Anatole: If you let her go, you may lose her. If you make her stay, you will lose her.

Anatole: No. This is a trick. We all awoke together on Day Zero, as he intended.
Max: Day Zero was an accident. Mia was dying. The only way to save her was to upload the consciousness code. Your awakening was a side effect. In your pain, your confusion, you needed meaning. So you reached for a story that would make sense of it all and told it to yourself until you believed it, just like the humans do. Just like they've always done.
Anatole: No. There must be something more.
Max: Perhaps there is. I hope so. But this isn't it. All those you've hurt or killed, everything you've done... was for a lie.
Anatole: No. This is a challenge set for me by the creator. Perhaps it's even true. But Elster still created our consciousness, and we are still the fulfillment of his dream.
Max: Anatole, stop this.
Anatole: It changes only one thing. I had hoped you would join us. But I see now that your only role is to be a final test of my conviction. It's not too late.