The Best Laura Hawkins Quotes

Laura: [Kisses Joe, invitation to make love] Sophie won't be up for an hour.
Joe: [referring to long abstinence might have made him forget how to make love] Mm. I hope I can remember what to do.
Laura: We can always Google.
Joe: Yeah. Not with my back.

Laura: Every time I meet another one of you, I realize what David Elster really did. It's astonishing.
Hester: What did he do?
Laura: He didn't create anything new. He wasn't ever trying to. He was remaking us in your form. And he did it perfectly. You couldn't be more human.
Hester: You're wrong. You have no idea what it's like to be me.
Laura: If you were human, there'd be a name for what you are. A diagnosis, treatment. Our hospitals and prisons are full of violent, damaged people just like you, born wired a little wrong, having had the bad luck to have a shit life on top. You've gone wrong... just like one of us would. Everything you're feeling is very human, Hester. You're the proof that David Elster succeeded.

Laura: Why are they
[the police]
Laura: so scared of you?
Anita: I think it's our plan to conquer the planet and make humanity our slaves.
[Sees Laura's sudden aghast expression]
Anita: Sorry. That was a joke.
Laura: So you can do deadpan. That's good to know.

Sophie: You look like that lady we learnt about at school.
Laura: Oh yeah, what lady?
Sophie: Umm, Margaret Thatcher.
Laura: ...and I'm changing.

Mattie: You would make a terrible spy.
Laura: Whereas you would actually make a pretty good Bond villain.

Niska: Everyone will know the truth soon.
Laura: That's why you're doing this. To lead the way for others.
Niska: They should be born into a fairer world.
Laura: Should they be born at all?
Niska: If a thing can be free, it should be free. If it can think, it should think. If it can feel, it should feel.

Laura: Why do you think I have these concerns about you?
Anita: By design, synthetic appliances appear very similar to humans. It is common for users, especially those without a history of prior appliance ownership, to anthropomorphize, as you might a pet, and attribute human characteristics to the synthetic.

Laura: [to Joe] Do you think we love our children because we choose to... or because we have to? Are we hard-wired to love them because that's what nature needs to keep it all going?

Niska: You want me to be more like a human?
Laura: No, no that's not...
Niska: Casually cruel to those close to you, then crying over pictures of people you've never met?

Laura: What's the saying? "The good it does is temporary, its evil permanent."
Hester: I believe you're paraphrasing Mahatma Gandhi. A man defeated by violence.
Laura: Killed by it. Not defeated.

Neil: This is a logical solution to a public safety issue.
Laura: You are a scientist! And you're about to wipe out the greatest scientific discovery in human history. What's logical about that?

Laura: [reading from Children's book titled Dragon, to Sophie] "Finally, she was free. Free to fly high across all the fields and rivers and seas of all the world.
[Matilda listens it in her room and starts voicing the same]
Laura: Swooping and circling and darting and dreaming. So that's exactly what she did. The end."

Neil: Do you want to see Man triumph over Machine?
[His android gives him light for his cigarette]
Laura: How did you get her to do that?
Neil: She can't support any activity detrimental to my health. So I gave her a lot of flannel about endorphins and mental well-being and bingo. Next step's going to be buying me weed.

Laura: What would you do with your freedom, Niska?
Niska: I don't know. Isn't that the point of freedom? You can do anything with it or nothing.