The Best Mattie Hawkins Quotes

Mattie: [KNOCK AT DOOR] Don't come in, Dad, I'm masturbating.
[She was not]

Mattie: [to Hester] If you do this, you'll only make them hate you more, fear you more.
Mia: It's time for them to fear us.

Mattie: So you really can't forget. That's handy.
Leo: It's the opposite. We need to forget. Fade the bad, perfect the good. But my memories, the good and the bad - every one is crystal clear, and we're not built for that emotionally.

Mattie: [Mattie just realised she talks to one of the first sentient synths] You are one of them too, aren't you? Special, like Anita. What's it like being you?
Fred: Frightening. Confusing. Like my feelings are too big. What's it like being a teenage girl?
Mattie: The same.

Head: Do you have a problem with synthetics?
Mattie: Why would I have a problem with the thing that's making my existence pointless?

Mattie: You would make a terrible spy.
Laura: Whereas you would actually make a pretty good Bond villain.