The Best Hollis Peaker Quotes

Congressman Hollis Peaker: [At the launch of Capricorn One Peak notices the Vice-President ogling a woman through his souvenir binoculars. He points to the launch pad] It's that big, tall, white thing over there. You can't miss it.

Congressman Hollis Peaker: [to the young NASA usher he previously mildly bullied into bringing another set of commemorative binoculars for his wife, who has just handed both the vice president and his wife a pair] What's your name, son?
N.A.S.A. Usher: Hughes, sir - Mark Hughes.
Congressman Hollis Peaker: You learn pretty quick. You'll do alright.

Vice: Hollis, there are a number of people who feel that we have problems right here on Earth that merit our attention before we spend billions on outer space.
Congressman Hollis Peaker: There are a number of people who feel that there are no more pressing problems than our declining position in world leadership.