The Best James Dutton Quotes

James: What's the rule on firearms in this town?
Livery: This place'll pick you apart if you ain't got one.

- That ain't six, captain.
James: I count 12.
- Thirteen.
- Run. And fan out wide.
- You keep running, don't stop, no matter what!

James: [rides up to Ennis who is watching the herd] If you want to court my daughter, you can.
Ennis: [bewildered] Court her?
James: [nods his head in approval] You can do it.
Ennis: Not sure what it means.
James: Well, son, it means you can talk, and... talk and go on rides and talk...
Ennis: We've kinda been doing that.
James: You know the drill, then. You break her heart or get handsy... you and me are gonna have a problem.
Ennis: [smiles] Define handsy.
Ennis: [James exhales staring hard at Ennis as Ennis' smile quickly evaporates] It was a joke. And a bad... bad time to tell it.
James: [humorless] Hmm.
Ennis: [fearful] Sorry sir.
James: [shakes his head as he questions his judgement, reins and rides off] Goddamn, boy.

James: My wife can back a wagon through the doors of a saloon.

Claire: [disapproving] James, your children are feral. Absolutely feral.
James: Hello, Claire.
Claire: Hi.
James: Sorry to hear about Henry. He was... a patient man.
James: [...] Losing her husband didn't soften her much.
Margaret: Hmph. You could soak that woman in buttermilk for a month and not even soften her a bit.

James: I'm taking Elsa...
Margaret: You're what?
James: This bunch is short on riders and we need her.
Margaret: I'd object, but it sounds like you're not asking my permission.
James: No, ma'am, I am not.
Margaret: How am I supposed to make her a lady when you keep treating her like a man?
James: [rides off] Plenty of ladies in this world. Pretty short on decent men, though.
Margaret: [exasperated] How am I supposed to respond to that?

James: You do what you want. I'm heading west.
Shea: [emphatically] I said east.
James: I don't give a shit what you said. I don't work for you.
Shea: They won't make it. The country's too rough. No water. There's bandits in every canyon, and there ain't no wall around that reservation, neither.
James: I ain't asking your permission, I'm telling you my decision and my decision's west.
[reins and rides upbank]

- Let's hold the herd up here.
James: Hold 'em up!

- Why is it for me?
- Whatcha doin'?
- I'm trading these things.
- Got no use for 'em anymore.
James: Elsa.
- Stay in here.
- You don't want to see this.

Margaret: She has her eyes on this cowboy and he's eyeing her right back.
James: Well, I'll shoot him first thing in the morning, hon.