The Best Margaret Dutton Quotes

Claire: [uncompassionate reaction to German immigrants succumbing to cholera after drinking unboiled water from the trinity river] Better they die up here than do something on the trail that gets us killed. Only cure for stupid is reaching the gates of heaven.
Margaret: Funny, I don't recall the word "stupid" anywhere in the Bible.

Mary: [standing over her aunt observing, asks an accusing question] You drink coffee?
Margaret: It's not for me.
Mary: No one else here.
[Margaret rises and takes a drink of coffee]
Mary: You lied!
Margaret: I did, didn't I?
Mary: What kind of a woman drinks coffee?
Margaret: I can't wait to hear this lecture on womanhood. This coffee is for him. After a long night. Someday, if you're lucky to find a man... or simply find a man who is extremely unlucky, you will learn coffee is a welcome treat after a hard ride.
Margaret: [gives her niece a hard look and takes another drink of coffee] Mmm
[walks past her niece while continuing to stare her down]

Margaret: She has her eyes on this cowboy and he's eyeing her right back.
James: Well, I'll shoot him first thing in the morning, hon.

Ennis: [watching Margaret and Elsa hold the herd] Woo. One for me. One for you.
Wade: Think that one's taken. And her husband don't look too fun to fight. I'd keep that in mind when you're chasing his daughter.
Ennis: [Margaret and Elsa ride up] Well, good looks run in the family, I see.
Margaret: Good manners don't seem to run in yours.
[Wade looks down and chuckles appreciatively]

Claire: [disapproving] James, your children are feral. Absolutely feral.
James: Hello, Claire.
Claire: Hi.
James: Sorry to hear about Henry. He was... a patient man.
James: [...] Losing her husband didn't soften her much.
Margaret: Hmph. You could soak that woman in buttermilk for a month and not even soften her a bit.

Claire: [Margaret sitting by the fire as Claire walks in] Godless noise. We could be listening to cicadas and frogs by the river, but instead we're listening to this.
Margaret: For once, we're in agreement.

- What about these thieves?
- They need doctors.
- Fort caspar will have 'em.
- We need to head the other way if we're going to solve this problem we found.
- I know.
Margaret: James?

James: I'm taking Elsa...
Margaret: You're what?
James: This bunch is short on riders and we need her.
Margaret: I'd object, but it sounds like you're not asking my permission.
James: No, ma'am, I am not.
Margaret: How am I supposed to make her a lady when you keep treating her like a man?
James: [rides off] Plenty of ladies in this world. Pretty short on decent men, though.
Margaret: [exasperated] How am I supposed to respond to that?

- Fuck.
- That ain't one of yer good ones, is it?
Margaret: I don't have a good one.
- No, no, I'm not ready.