The Best Jill Green Quotes

Jill: You can't tell me what to do!
Rachel: I'm not. I'm telling you what not to do!

Ross: Rachel said you're just using me to get back at her...
Jill: So?
[starts making out with him]

[Jill is wearing a sexy outfit]
Jill: So, what do you think?
Rachel: I-I don't like it.
Jill: Really?
Rachel: It's kinda slutty.
Jill: It's yours.
Rachel: Well, I'm a slut.
Jill: Me too.

Jill: I was so upset when Daddy told me I had to get a job that I went shopping to calm down.
Ross: Uh, Jill; I thought your father took all of his credit cards from you.
Jill: Please; I've had those numbers memorized since I was fifteen.

Rachel: Honey what are you doing here?
Phoebe: [to Ross] Which sister is this, the spoiled one or the one that bit her?
Jill: Daddy cut me off.
Phoebe: [to Ross] Never mind I got it.
Jill: And you know what I said to him? I said, I'm gonna hire a lawyer and I'm gonna sue you and take all your money and then cut *you* off.
Rachel: Wow. What did he say?
Jill: He said he wouldn't pay for my lawyer.

[Knock at the door - it's Rachel's sister, Jill]
Rachel: Oh my God, Jill.
Jill: Oh my God, Rachel.
Chandler: Oh my God, introduce us.

Jill: [to Ross] And you - I throw myself at you, and you still say no? How gay are *you*?

Jill: You made me doubt my smartness.
Jill: You made me doubt my fashion sense!

Rachel: So what did you do that made Dad cut you off?
Jill: Ok, I bought a boat.
Monica: You bought a boat?
Jill: Yeah, but it wasn't for me, it was for a friend.
Chandler: Boy, did *we* make friends with the wrong sister.