The Best Joi Quotes

Joi: [Mrs. Jones hand Craig phone] Hello?
Joi: Who the fuck you go to the show with last night?
Craig: I didn't go to the show last night.
Joi: You ain't got to lie Craig, you ain't got to lie...
Craig: Ain't nobody lyin, I didn't go to the show last night.
Joi: Yes you did! Cause my sister-in-law's baby cousin Tracy, she told me she went to the show last night, and she saw you there all Hugged Up wit some Tramp. Now tell me who she was.
Craig: Yo sister-in-law's baby cousin Tracy is a goddamn...
[Craig realzes his mom is still in the room]
Craig: ... Yea, she a, she a liar. She ain't see me at no movies hugged up wit nobody.
Joi: Mmm-hmm yeah,yeah, well let me tell you what. You just tell the bitch, whoeva she is, when I catch her, Imma beat her ass!