The Best Karen Barnes Quotes

Karen: I'm here to be fired right?
Natalie: We're here to talk about your future
Karen: You don't have to "sugar coat" it I get the drill, what are they offering?
Natalie: Inside the packet you'll find a clearly worked out severance package
Karen: Give me the bullet points
Natalie: It's actually pretty good three months' pay, six months medical and a full year replacement services through our company's CTC
Karen: "Replacement services" that's generous
Natalie: Commonly it takes one month of searching for every ten thousand dollars you earn in salary
Karen: So I could be looking for a while
Natalie: Not necessarily
Karen: Don't even sweat it I'm pretty confident in my plans
Natalie: Really?
Karen: Yeah there's this beautiful bridge by my house I'm going to jump off it