The Best Kevin Rawley Quotes

Greg: It's beautiful... what is it?
Kevin: It's an altar; or you might call it a HHH... Chupah?

Kevin: There he is. Okay, G-Man, we've got swordfish and we've got salmon, what'll it be?
Greg: How 'bout a little of both, K-Dog, I'm pretty hungry.
Jack: I think they call that the 'munchies'.

Kevin: [On who inspired him to be a wood worker] I guess I would have to say Jesus. He was a carpenter, and I just figured if you're going to follow in someone's footsteps, who better than Christ?
Greg: Hmm.
Jack: Greg's Jewish.
Kevin: Are you?
Greg: Yeah.
Kevin: Well so was J.C. Wow. You're in good company.

Jack: Greg's a male nurse.
Greg: Yes. Thank you, Jack.
Kevin: Wow, that's great. I'd love to find time to do some volunteer work. Just the other day I saw a golden retriever, he had like a gimp, ya know I just wish I could have done something.
Greg: Yeah, well I get paid too so it's sort of an everyone wins thing.