The Best Lainie Jensen Quotes

Lainie: I am defending a lawsuit brought by two parents whose daughter was so damaged by something that she took her own life. What if our son was part of that?
Matt: He's not capable of it.
Lainie: How do you know?
Matt: I know.
Lainie: I have to give up the case. I can't take it to trial.
Matt: To protect Clay? Or you and me?
Lainie: To protect all of us. Quitting the case wouldn't even do that, would it?

Lainie: Well, don't you look nice! Off to the party?
Clay: Uh, is that still okay?
Lainie: No, of course. It just started drizzling out. Are you sure you don't want me to give you a ride?
Clay: Yeah, of the few things in life that I *am* sure of, that is one of them.
Lainie: Can I get you your rain poncho?
Clay: I'm gonna let you guess the answer to that.

Lainie: Clay, honey. If this case could hurt you in any way, then I won't take it, but you have to tell me why. You have to tell me what's going on. I can't help you if you don't talk to me.
Clay: You can't help anyway, Mom.

Lainie: Clay, I need to talk to you about the trial.
Clay: What? What trial?
Lainie: Hannah's trial. It's moving forward.
Clay: What? You told me it was settled.
Lainie: We thought it was, but the Bakers rejected the district's final offer today. It starts tomorrow.
Clay: Tomorrow? How is that possible?
Lainie: They were up against the trial date. At the last minute, the Bakers rejected the settlement.
Clay: So, I'll get to testify about Bryce?
Lainie: Sonya did tell me that you're not on either witness list.
Clay: Why not?
Lainie: Clay, each side chooses witnesses based on a variety of factors.
Clay: Bryce raped Hannah. Why is nobody talking about that? You heard his confession. You heard everything before you dropped out.
Lainie: I didn't drop out of the case. I withdrew because your involvement created a conflict of interest.
Clay: Well, I'm not involved anymore, so can someone do something?
Lainie: If we knew the girl on tape 9.
Clay: Mom, it's not my place to tell you that.
Lainie: If she would come forward...
Clay: This is a fucking joke. He confessed!
Lainie: Clay, I'm worried about your anger.
Clay: You're worried about my anger? That's what you're worried about? I'm not angry, Mom. I'm fine.
Lainie: That's why you're never home?
Clay: We had a deal. I've had perfect attendance, kept up my grades, I get to have a life of my own.
Lainie: The deal was that you would be safe. You put a lock on your door.
Clay: Which you found out by trying to open it?
Lainie: Clay, I know this is going to be very hard for you.
Clay: It's not. I haven't thought about Hannah in months, so I'll just keep on like that.

Clay: I lied. Um, I did know Hannah Baker. We worked together all the time at the Crestmont, we had classes together. Uh, she was my friend and I miss her really fucking bad.
Lainie: Oh, honey.
Clay: I didn't know how empty it would feel. There's this big part of the world that's just just gone, and everyone else just keeps moving forward.
Lainie: Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry.
Clay: The worst part is, there's there's nothing I can do. I can't save her, I can't... I can't bring her back. I'm... I'm completely fucking useless.
Lainie: No, you're not useless.
Clay: You don't know, you don't know.
Lainie: I know that you're a good person with a big heart. I know Hannah was very lucky to have you as a friend.
Clay: She wasn't, though. She wasn't.

Lainie: [to Clay] Well, I am sorry. You do not get to answer me with a shrug anymore. You do not get to shut me out. You are my son.

Lainie: Clay, about the Baker trial...
Matt: Can we just have one morning without discussing that?
Lainie: The subpoenas go out today.
Clay: Who's getting one besides me?
Lainie: Sorry, Clay, I'm not at liberty to discuss it. The other day, you asked me if a person could be prosecuted if they hurt someone, but the victim couldn't come forward. You said it was hypothetical, but you were talking about Hannah, weren't you?
Clay: I wasn't, actually.
Lainie: Because if something happened to her and you were involved in any way...
Clay: You think I hurt her?
Matt: Lainie...
Lainie: I don't.
Clay: If I did hurt her, and I admitted it, I could go to jail.
Lainie: W-Well, this is a civil proceeding, not criminal.
Clay: But it is sworn testimony, so if I lied, it's perjury.
Lainie: Why would you need to lie?
Clay: If I knocked down a stop sign and a kid got killed, is that manslaughter?
Lainie: Clay, what the hell are we talking about?
Clay: I'm sorry, Mom. I'm not at liberty to discuss it.

Lainie: [to Mrs. Baker] My son is worth everything to me as I'm sure Hannah is to you and if I lost him, felt someone had taken him from me, I would pursue any remedy possible, yes, but I don't know any amount of money would suffice.
Olivia: Would you settle for say, two hundred thousand dollars?
Lainie: I think I would only settle for the truth whether I liked it or not.

Clay: [picking up the phone] Hey, Mom.
Lainie: Hi, Clay, it's Mom.
Clay: Yeah, I just said that.