The Best Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele Quotes

Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: [off camera; probably pointing to the Swamp] What's that over there Colonel?
Lt. Col. Henry Blake: Officer's quarters, sir.
Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: And there?
Lt. Col. Henry Blake: [proudly] That's our four-place latrine, sir.
Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: Good thinking. The men can encourage each other.
Lt. Col. Henry Blake: Camaraderie.
Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: Precisely!

Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: [referring to an earlier remark Blake had made about his mother's canary] Canary had bronchitis, eh?
Lt. Col. Henry Blake: He didn't die of it, though; he fell off his little swing and smashed his bill.
Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: Good. I hate birds.

Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: You're insubordinate!
Capt. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: Right!
Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: You're insolent!
Capt. Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce: Right! And you're nuts!

Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: [Klinger, wearing a dress, walks up to General Steele and salutes] Not now, Marjorie. I'm inspecting the troops.

Lt. Col. Henry Blake: This is my company clerk, Corporal O'Reilly.
Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: The Irish were rotten Indian fighters! Noncoms, the backbone of the service. Where are you from, son?
Radar: Iowa, sir.
Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: No talking in ranks!

Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: Just tell us what happened at the chopper pad. But First a number.
Warrent: [pause, and looks at Hawkeye and Henry] Sir?
Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: A musical number. Why it's in your blood boy!
[singing and dancing]
Maj. Gen. Bartford Hamilton Steele: When the sun goes down, and the darkies go to town, Hey hey what do you say.
[Continues singing and dancing on out of the tent - The JAG officer looks back at Henry, and places the papers back into his file]