The Best Mark Dacascos Quotes

Zero: Is that the dog? He likes you. Me? I'm, uh, more of a cat person myself.

Ananda: The past is in the past.
Gil: True, but sometimes it leaves its fingerprints on the future.

Zero: [With sword sticking through chest] Hey, John. That was a pretty good fight, huh?
John: Yeah.
[John gets up and starts walking away]
Zero: Yeah. Don't worry about me, John. I just gotta catch my breath. I'll catch up to you, John.
John: No, you won't.

[last lines]
Jackson: Now I'm going to kill you

Chloe: Why did you attack the guy in the parking lot?
Kimo: I swear, I wasn't going to hurt him.
Lucifer: Was he a terrorist about to plant a bomb? Leader of a murderous cult, perhaps? He must be someone really evil for the Weaponizer to get involved.
Kimo: He's just some guy in trouble with the Mob
Lucifer: So they've got his family and they're forcing him to kill the president?

Kimo: I'd never hurt Wesley. We were friends.
Chloe: Huh. Could've fooled me.
Kimo: We had a public rivalry, but-but it was just for business. In reality, we share everything. The same managers, agents, lawyers...
Chloe: Wives?

Thomas: And you, Mani? Which one will you choose?
Gregoire: Mani doesn't use firearms.
Mani: Too much noise, too much smoke, bad smell.

Mani: All women have the same color when the candle is out.

[Ananda is walking alongside the marketplace when Grissom pulls up in his car]
Gil: [referencing a Buddhist koan, or proverb] If you see the Buddha on the side of the road, kill him.
Ananda: [smiles in recognition of it] Because the true Buddha is inside of us. So that is the false Buddha... or a tired monk who doesn't drive because he can't control his anger.
Gil: Hop in, I'll give you a lift.

Zero: I gotta say, I'm a pretty big fan.