The Best Millicent Quotes

Victoria: Penelope Davis!
Millicent: I'll be in the back.
Victoria: Did you schedule a conference call with Macy's?
Brooke: Yeah. 'Cause I was thinking...
Victoria: Well, don't! In case you have to hear it, you have zero business sense!
Brooke: Mom...
Victoria: Let me finish. For the last three years I've been calling the shots and look how this company has grown. You're a talented designer, Brooke but you don't spin the straw to gold. I do. Truth be told, you're not smart enough to do it.
Peyton: [running outside after Victoria] Hey, Ice Queen! Stop being such a bitch to your daughter.
Victoria: And did my daughter pay you to say that?
Peyton: No, I came up with that one for free.
Victoria: Well, I advise you keep your little underachieving mouth shut. Because my relationship with my daughter is none of your business.
Peyton: No, it is, when you tear her down and call her stupid. See, the truth is, you're actually worried she's smart. And that's a threat you to because when she figures out how to do the business side of this company - Goodbye, Victoria.

Millicent: OK, so it's just like 'rock,paper, scissors' only it's called 'ninja, bear, hunter'.
Marvin: Aaand why do you play this again?
Millicent: I don't get out much.

Millicent: Oh, no.
Brooke: What?
Millicent: It's him.
Brooke: Who?
Millicent: The hot guy I met at the opening.
[Runs and hides behind the counter]
Marvin: [enters the store] Hey.
Brooke: Hey, honey. Step aside, hot guy guy coming through.
Marvin: What?
Brooke: [realizes Mouth is the guy and turns to look at him] Oh.
Brooke: Hi.
Marvin: Hi.