250 Best Chad Michael Murray Quotes

Peyton: So, this is Lucas. The boy I have been telling you about. Look what he's done, he got me smiling. Can you believe it?
Lucas: Hey Mrs. Sawyer. I just want you to know that Peyton is the best thing I have in my life. I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for her.
Peyton: Like wise.

Nathan: Jamie is gonna be the man. I'm gonna be second best. You'll be lucky to make the top 10, Luke.
Lucas: Thanks.

[Austin sees Sam leaving; as he rushes towards her, he is confronted by his dad]
Austin's: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, what are you doing?
Austin: I'm outta here.
Austin's: What! You're throwing away your dream!
Austin: No, Dad. I'm throwing away yours.
Austin: [to Ryan] It's your game now, go get them.

Lucas: You didn't read it, did you? The letter.
Brooke: Yeah! Sure.
Peyton: Absolutely.
Lucas: Really? So the threesome with the hot fude didn't bother you, huh?
Brooke: I knew we should have read that letter.

Karen: So what does this dress say to you? Single and successful or married to her work?
Lucas: Is this for that Justice League thing?
Karen: Small Business League, and I want to look nice
Lucas: Is Keith still going as your date?
Karen: It's not a date. So which dress?
Lucas: Umm... black I guess
Karen: Then black it is. Keith didn't say anything to you did he?
Lucas: Ohh about the date that you two aren't going on? No...
Karen: Haha... good luck on your game tonight...
Lucas: Yeah you too Ma.

Lucas: Do you really think a party is appropriate, Brooke?
Brooke: It's not a party. It's more of a cleansing for every kid in this school. You know, everybody's here, everybody's invited, everybody's together. So just check it out, okay? We've got co-ed bathrooms, science lab for drugs and pharmaceuticals, health class for condoms and people probably using them, Spanish class has kick-ass margaritas, and there's the tutor center. Anybody who needs a little extra help. Tonight, we're all together, and we stop judging each other and let everybody heal their own way. If you need to do this alone, I understand, but if you need me, I'm here.

Lucas: Are you drunk?
Peyton: Are you wearing eye shadow?

Nathan: I heard about what happened Saturday night.
Lucas: And?
Nathan: And if all this stuff about Brooke is gonna make you play any worse, you should just take yourself out of the game right now.
Lucas: Thanks for your concern, but how about you mind your own business?
Nathan: The game *is* my business, all right? And I don't want you screwing it up over some chick.
Lucas: Heh. You're one to talk.
Nathan: Yeah, I am. See, my game's gotten better; your game sucks. Fix it.
Lucas: Your marriage sucks. Fix it.
Nathan: I'll tell you what. I'll give you the same brilliant advice that you gave me when Chris kissed Haley.
[Nathan copies Lucas' voice and signature squint]
Nathan: "Just forgive her, man. She loves you."
[Lucas glares at Nathan]
Nathan: Doesn't help much, does it?

Jake: Yesterday was freaky.

Lucas: [voiceover] Most of our life is a series of images that pass us by like towns on the highway. But sometimes a moment stuns us as it happens and we know that this instant is more than a fleeting image. We know that this moment, every part of it, will live on forever.

Lucas: I guess, I'd rather live a short, full life than... have a long, empty one.

Lucas: [voiceover] There are moments in our lives when we find ourselves at a crossroads. Afraid. Confused. Without a roadmap. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and go back. But once in a while people push on to something better. Something found just beyond the pain of going it alone. And just beyond the bravery and courage it takes to let someone in. Or to give someone a second chance. Something beyond the quiet persistence of a dream. Because it's only when you're tested, that you truly discover who you are. And it's only when you're tested, that you discover who you can be. The person you want to be does exist. Somewhere on the otherside of hard work and faith and belief... and beyond the heartache and fear of what lies ahead.

Lucas: You know, Peyton, you can learn a lot from Ellie. She struck me as tough.
Peyton: Yeah.
Lucas: And that's important. But, I also think you can learn a lot from her mistakes. Don't live your life alone. Let us in.

Lucas: The last time I made a speech about Nathan and Haley was, well, at their first reception. I remember saying "Prepare to be surprised." Well, I have to say even I was surprised. Because, you see, they do something very rare to see in someone our age. Actually, it's very rare to see in anybody. They give their hearts to each other. Unconditionally. And that's what true love really is. It's not this fairy tale life that never knows pain. But it's to souls facing it together. And diminishing it with unconditional love. To Nathan and Haley Scott.

Lucas: There's something I have to tell you. You should sit.
Karen: Okay. I think I'll stand.
Lucas: This is gonna hurt you, Mom. And I'm sorry.
Karen: What happened?
Lucas: Brooke's pregnant.
Karen: [she slaps him] Oh, my God, Lucas. I'm so sorry.
Lucas: I guess I deserved that. Stupid...
[he walks off]

Peyton: [tucks Luke into bed after finding him passed out at the bar] Oh, Luke. I'm so sorry. I didn't want this for you.
Lucas: Peyton. I hate you.
Peyton: What?
Lucas: I wish you never came back. You ruined my life.

Austin: I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone... Then I think of you.

Anna: Take a photo with a stranger in a photo booth.
Lucas: Hmm...
Anna: Come on.
[They go inside the photo booth]
Anna: So... I have a confession to make. The card doesn't say 'take a photo with a stranger in a photo booth.'
Lucas: No?
Anna: No. It says 'make out with a stranger in a photo booth.'

Brooke: I lied.
Lucas: What?
Brooke: I'm not pregnant.
Lucas: Wha - But I saw the test.
Brooke: I know. And when the doctor called, he said I wasn't pregnant. He said that can happen.
Lucas: Okay, no-no-no-no no. I-I-I was standing right there when he called.
Brooke: And you had just called me a slut.
Lucas: So you lied to me to punish me? How could you do that?
Brooke: How could you cheat on me with my best friend?
Lucas: Brooke, I never meant to hurt you.
Brooke: That doesn't really matter, Lucas. 'Cause in the end it all hurts just the same.

Lucas: H. L. Mencken once wrote:"Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats."

Lucas: Joseph Conrad once wrote: "Who knows what true happiness is, not the conventional word... but the naked terror. To the lonely themselves, that wears a mask, the most miserable outcast hugs some memory... or some illusion."

Lucas: Anyway... Guys kept teasing me about it, about how Nathan's dad was my dad, too. So I asked my mom, and she said he wasn't. But I get home, and I hear her crying in her room. I knew it was true. So I never went back. I told my mom it was because I didn't want to have to see his face. But, it was mostly because I didn't want her to have to.

Nathan: Yeah, I was pretty wasted. And she was... she was kind of the first girl I ever had sex with.
[Lucas laughs]
Nathan: Great, great, laugh it up. You know what, the only good thing about this is that I don't think she really even remembers me.
Lucas: Oh, wow, you really rocked her world, huh?

Lucas: [throws a can of spray paint at Nathan] You left that at the court.
Nathan: I don't know what you're talking about.
Lucas: Then call it a gift. Besides, you're gonna need it to paint over your scoring title in the gym, cause I'm taking it.

Peyton: Those are my sketches!
Lucas: Uhm, I wasn't looking at them.
Peyton: This is personal. Alright. I don't read your diary!
Lucas: I don't have a diary!
Peyton: No. Dear Diary, my daddy doesn't love me. P.S. Stay out of my stuff!

Lucas: My brother's been going through a tough time lately. I wish there was more I could do to help him. I mean, just getting along is kinda new to us. But I guess that's how brothers are. I also wish I could make things easier for my mom. I mean, even though it's been a tough year for us, I want her to be happy more than anything. But that doesn't change the fact that I need to get closer to my father. Because if I can get closer to him, maybe I can find a way to beat him, once and for all. And set all the people that I love free. I just hope I have the strength to tear him down for good.

Lucas: [sees a handsome guy at the party] Peyton, right?
Really: How did you know?
Lucas: Lucky guess...

Lucas: I didn't want to be like him and I was afraid that I'd become him if I played. In the gym, I felt like he had a piece of me. I never felt like that on the playground.
Karen: Well, I'd say he's taken enough from us. I took the night off to watch my son play again. The way that he used to when he loved the game more than anything

Haley: Any side effects?
Lucas: From what?
Haley: Your amnesia.
Lucas: What are you talking about?
Haley: I'm talking about, you must have gotten amnesia because I know you would have mentioned that you got into a fight today. Are you okay Luke?
Lucas: Yeah. You ever wake up from a really good dream, and try to get back to sleep? Or you got the flu, and you promise yourself you will appreciate normal so much more, if you can just get back to it? That's the way I feel. I just want things to go back to the way they were.
Haley: With basketball?
Lucas: With everything.

Lucas: Tennessee Williams once wrote: ''We all live in a house on fire, no fire department to call; no way out, just the upstairs window to look out of while the fire burns the house down with us trapped, locked in it''.

Lucas: [discussing Brooke's alleged pregnancy] Brook, this is my decision too.
Brooke: Really? As though you're the only guy I've ever slept with.

Haley: [Calling her parents] Hey, Mom it's Haley. Haley James, your daughter. Listen I'm gonna go out after work, and I'll be home. Okay? All right, bye.
Lucas: Was your mom drinking?
Haley: No, I got the machine.

Lucas: My best friend, Haley, left town recently. And it's... been hard. You know... until this year, it's-it's always been us against the world. We pretty much grew up together and... now she's just gone. You know, I... I understand the leaving part. Trust me... I just wish she woulda called me; before she left. I wish... I coulda talked to her about it. I mean, not to change her mind... or to tell her what to do, but... just to say I love you... and I miss you. Just to say goodbye.

Thing: I'm The Thing
Thing: And I'm thing # 1
Lucas: And let me guess your thing # 2?
Lucas: [points at thing #3]
Thing: No I'm thing # 3. Because, I'm the third.

Peyton: [sarcastically] Nice pass!
Lucas: Nice legs!

Haley: The magazine pages are sticky again, little perv. Hey, Lucas! Have you been reading this?
Lucas: I don't know, Haley. Is that the "Why do I hang out with these people?" issue, because your on the cover of that, right?
Haley: Actually it's the "My best friend is an idiot" issue, and there you are.

Brooke: I love you, Lucas, and I probably always will... but we go days without having a meaningful conversation... and I used to miss you so much when that happened... but it never seemed like you missed me. And I guess because of it I stopped missing you. I mean look at today...
Lucas: [Thinking] I guess I should've said something... anything... I mean, for a guy who wants to be a writer, it suddenly seemed like no words had ever been written. But when someone tells you that they somehow stopped missing you, you're pretty much screwed, no matter what you say.

Lucas: I don't get you. You want to express yourself through your art but you don't want anyone to know it's you...
Peyton: I guess I'm just a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside a bitch...
Lucas: Or just a tormented artist...

Lucas: Blessed are the hearts that can be bend, they shall never be broken. But I wonder? If there's no breaking and no healing. And if there's no healing, then there's no learning. And if there's no learning, then there's no struggle. But struggle is a part of life. So must all hearts be broken.

Peyton: How drunk was I last night?
Lucas: Drunk enough to puke six times.
Peyton: Lemme guess. Rachel?
Lucas: Yeah. Rachel's probably not the best person to use the buddy system with.
Peyton: I feel like you're always rescuing me. Also like there's a giant elephant standing on my head.

Lucas: Lindsay, Peyton's got a big heart.
Lindsey: Yeah, to go along with her big mouth.

Lucas: You ever look at a picture of yourself and see a stranger in the background? It makes you wonder how many strangers have pictures of you. How many moments of other people's lives have we been in? Were we a part of someone's life when their dream came true? Or were we there when their dreams died? Did we keep trying to get in, as if we were somehow destined to be there? Or did the shock take us by surprise? Just think, you'd be a big part of someone else's life... and not even know it.

Lucas: Porn freak!
Nathan: [laughs] Shut up.

Lucas: You ever wake up from a really good dream and try really hard to get back to sleep or you've got the flu and promise yourself you'll appreciate normal so much more if you could just get back to it.

Tim: She's here! Stripper time!
[Runs to open the door. Lucas stands behind it]
Tim: Oh, it's just you.
Lucas: Not the thrill it used to be, huh?

Karen: [Karen, Lucas, and Haley are sitting at a table in the cafe. Karen has just learned that Lucas and Nathan have fought in class, becuase Nathan described Lucas in one word... bastard] So, are you going to tell me about the fight, or are you going to assume that I know while I yell at you?
Lucas: Mom, listen...
Karen: No, when they called me from school today, I was sure they had the wrong Scott. Then they told me they had both Scotts, and I could take my pick. Honestly! Fighting in school, Lucas? Fighting at all? My God, Lucas, what were you thinking?
Lucas: But he was being a jerk, mom!
Karen: And this is something new? He hasn't been a jerk before?
Lucas: Yes, but...
Karen: Then, why sink down to his level?

Lucas: Maybe you shouldn't feel so much pressure to define yourself.

Lucas: Ida Scott Taylor once wrote: Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.

Lucas: [to Nathan] Why are women so screwed up?
Nathan: Let me guess. Peyton?
Lucas: How did you know?
Nathan: When she sent you a drink with a cheque in it?

Lucas: Henry James wrote:"Be not afraid of life believe that life is worth living and your belief will create the fact."

Skills: Yo! Look, I just gotta thank the brother who helped a brother get on the team, and a brother who helped a brother score once he got there.
Lucas: I lost track; which one am I, again?

Brooke: Lucas! Do not make me come in there with you!
Lucas: Uhh. I little privacy here.
Brooke: No. You have been in there forever. By the time I get in there the waters gunna be...
Brooke: [sticks hand in the shower]
Brooke: Cold! Are you taking a cold shower?
Lucas: No, the hot water...
Brooke: Gross you are. You know what next wet dream, tell Peyton I say 'Hi!' Ew!

Lucas: What do you think?
[Points around the room]
Lucas: I was thinking bar right over there, then some lights... DJ right over here... And then, the three of us trying to be friends right about, um, well, over there.
[Points at where they are standing]
Brooke: Okay... Totally confused over... here.
[Points at herself and Peyton]

Lucas: And Hansel said to Gretal: Let us drop these bread crumbs, so that together we find our way home, because losing our way would be the most cruel of things." This year I lost my way.
Nathan: And losing your way on a journey is unfortunate. But losing your reason for the journey... is a fate more cruel.
Peyton: The journey lasted eight months. Sometimes I traveled alone. Sometimes there were others who took the wheel, and took my heart. But when the destination was reached, it wasn't me who'd arrived. It wasn't me at all.
Brooke: And once you lose yourself, you have two choices. Find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely.
Mouth: Because sometimes, you have to step outside of the person you've been, and remember the person you were meant to be. The person you wanted to be. The person you are.

Peyton: Look, you mind if I ask you a question?
Lucas: Shoot.
Peyton: Why'd you decide to do it? Join the team. Cause you don't exactly fit in here do you?
Lucas: The game I guess. I love the game.
Peyton: Right. The same reason I cheer, it's all a big game. But why not just stay on the playground? Why join varsity?
Lucas: Because I want to know if I'm good.
Peyton: But if you ask my opinion, we all just wasted a perfectly good evening. You, me, and everybody else in there.
Lucas: Then why do you do it? I mean, do you really like it or not?
Peyton: If I say that I like it then I'm just another cheerleader. But, if I say that I hate it, then I'm either a liar or a fraud. Either way I lose. Do you want to come in?
Lucas: What about Nathan?
Peyton: What about him?
[Gets out of truck, Lucas gets out after her. At door, she turns and see him]
Peyton: What are you doing?
Lucas: Um, you just said ...
Peyton: I didn't invite you to come in. I just asked if you wanted to. Thanks for the ride.

Lucas: [approaching Lindsay] Hey, I've been looking for you everywhere!
Lindsey: Well, if you keep looking next to Peyton you're never gonna find me. But I guess sneaking around with her at Tric is your new thing...
Lucas: OK, what's going on with you?
Lindsey: Why'd you sneak over here the other night? I saw your car parked outside.
Lucas: So that's why you've been so upset. Why didn't you tell me sooner?
Lindsey: No, Luke. You should have told ME.
Lucas: I didn't sneak here. I wasn't even planning on coming here. I saw the light on and I tried to convince my friend to be nicer to the girl that I love.
Lindsey: Right... See, I'm still trying to figure out which is which.

Karen: So, I got something for you, Lucas.
Haley: Actually, I found it. Not that I was looking for something specifically, which implies some hideous sort of "Joey loves Dawson" scenario and completely creep me out, but, you know, we saw it, and... Well, give him the book!
[Lucas open up the gift]
Lucas: Wow. "Julius Caesar."
Karen: "There's a tide in the affairs of men", or something like that.
Lucas: Nice. Thank you, guys. Thank you very much.
Haley: Whatever. That's what you're into.

Lucas: Does this darkness have a name? This cruelty, this hatred, how did it find us? Did it steal into our lives or did we seek it out and embrace it? What happened to us that we now send our children into the world like we send young men to war, hoping for their safe return, but knowing that some would be lost along the way. When did we lose our way? Consumed by the shadows. Swallowed whole by the darkness. Does this darkness have a name? Is it your name?

Lucas: William Shakespeare wrote:"Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, it is an ever-fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken; Love alters not with time's brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom''.

Dan: Guns and Roses, Whitesnake, Metallica, Aerosmith...
Lucas: [laughing] Please tell me you're kidding. You didn't actually listen to metal?
Dan: Even had my own spandex.
Lucas: Oh, man! That's not not a vision I wanted to have in my head!

Lindsey: [to Lucas, after Peyton walks away] What was that about?
Lucas: She had a rent check for me. I didn't take it
Lindsey: Why not?
Lucas: I don't feel right accepting money from Peyton, alright, we've been friends for too long.
Lindsey: Hate to break it to you but most guys aren't friends with their ex's.
Lucas: Peyton's different. Look, I know I said we could try avoiding her but maybe we should work this thing out. At least say something to her?
Lindsey: Fine. Let's go.
[approaching Peyton]
Lindsey: You know when you said you don't like me? Well I don't like you either.
[to Lucas]
Lindsey: There, I said something.

Lucas: Octavio Paz once wrote: Solitude is the profoundest fact of human condition; man is the only being who knows he is alive.

Lucas: My dad didn't want me, okay? Not just that he didn't want to claim me. He didn't want me to be born. Now I always thought that when I started a family, I'd be older and settled and I'd be...
Brooke: In love?
Lucas: Yeah. But so did my mom.
Brooke: Lucas...
Lucas: No, look - this whole thing scares the hell outta me, okay? But whatever you decide to do, I'll be there. And if you're not ready, then you're not ready, but if you wanna have this baby - then so do I, and whatever it takes for me to be a good father, I'll be there. Always. I promise you. I won't let you down.

Lucas: In the gym I felt like he had a piece of me, I never felt like that on the playground.

Lucas: Brooke kind of found out that I kissed Peyton, again.
Skills: Well, it's a good thing you're in a hospital; 'cause your sorry ass in bad shape bro.

Mr. Kelly: You know, early in his career, Hemingway was frustrated. He was a good writer who wanted to be great and eventually he discovered that less was more. Peyton. Describe Lucas using just one word.
Peyton: Joke.
Mr. Kelly: Okay, quiet, please. Thank you. Lucas, care to respond and describe Peyton?
Lucas: Lonely.

Skills: So what it's been about a week since Mouth skipped town with Rachel. Now all of a sudden I get this cryptic message.
Lucas: Okay like what, a voice mail?
Skills: Text, actually. Check it out.
Lucas: "Honey Grove, Texas. Please come. Need ass?"
Skills: Yeah I was thinking he would've typed assistance, but his battery died.
Lucas: Well then why didn't he just write help? Need help?
Skills: Maybe he need ass.

Lindsay: You're here.
Lucas: Hey.
Lindsay: So. How was your flight? You ready for today?
Lucas: Yeah umm it was fine. No listen there's something I probably should have talked to you about it a while ago but...
Lindsay: Look, I don't want this to be awkward for either of us alright. We have to work together, so lets not do the heavy emotional thing.
Lucas: [Nods]
Lindsay: Ill be okay if youre okay. Okay?
Lucas: [Nods and Sniffs out]
Lindsay: Wait till you see what we have planned for you today its gonna be great. Starting with this.
Lindsay: [Hands Lucas his book, The Comet]
Lucas: [Exhales]
Lindsay: So what do you think?
Lucas: I think it looks amazing.

Lucas: [voice-over] Do not let your fire go out... spark by irreplaceable spark... in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish... in lonley frustration for the life you deserved... but never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists, it is real. It is possible. It is yours.
[Ayn Rand]

Lucas: At this moment there are six billion, five hundred and two million, eight hundred and sixty seven thousand, one hundred and twenty people in the world, give or take a few and sometimes all you need is one. For better or for worse.

Brooke: There are 82 letters in here, and they're all addressed to you. I wrote them all this summer. One a day, but I never sent them 'cause I was afraid.
Lucas: Brooke...
Brooke: I was afraid of getting my heart broken again, like before. 'Cause you hurt me so bad, and I was afraid to be vulnerable. And I was afraid of you and the way that you make me feel. And I know that doesn't matter now after what I did, but I just thought that you should know. This was how I spent my summer, Luke, wanting you... I'm just too scared to admitt it.
Lucas: Brooke! I'm sorry! What you did with Chris... it's okay.
Brooke: It's not. It can't be. It's too much to forgive!
Lucas: Well, that's too bad because I forgive you.
Brooke: You can't!
Lucas: I just did. So you're gonna just have to deal with it. I'm the guy for you Brooke Davis, and I know I hurt you last time we're together, but...
Brooke: I love you.
Lucas: I love you too... pretty girl.

Lucas: Hey, do you guys play Nathan and Whitey next season?
Skills: December 9th, 3 o'clock. And I plan to score at 3:01, 3:02 and 3:03.

Lindsey: It was a comet, Luke. The boy saw a comet.
Lucas: Okay...
Lindsey: The boy saw the comet and felt as though his life had meaning. And when it went away, he waited his entire life for it to come back to him.
Lucas: Lindsey I love you, but this isn't the time for a book review okay?
Lindsey: What was the first day you ever talked to Peyton?
Lucas: Lindsey...
Lindsey: Please.
Lucas: Her car broke down.
Lindsey: The boy saw the comet and suddenly his life had meaning. I'm sorry Lucas, I can't marry you.

Lucas: Trade you my juice box for your bag of chips. And I'll throw in a cookie.
Brooke: Peyton must really need chips.
Lucas: Okay, how can I make this any clearer? There is nothing going on between me and Peyton.
Brooke: And there's nothing going on between us, so why are you still here?

Lucas: [to Peyton] I'll be seeing you.

Shelby: [Shelby and her friends are looking at the menu, looking what they want to eat] Why do I have the feeling that I won't be able to get a Zone Meal here?
Madison: I already ate.
David: Madison, laxatives don't qualify as a food group. Surprised you didn't know that.
Shelby: [to David] Stop it!
[sees Sam coming toward them]
Shelby: Well! If it isn't Diner Girl!
Sam: [reluctantly taking Shelby's order] What can I get you guys?
Shelby: What can I get here that has no sugar, no carbs, and is fat free?
Sam: Water.
Ryan: [Shelby smirks at Sam nastily, as the boys laugh] Water? Feisty!
Madison: [Madison looks at Sam, confused] Was that supposed to be a joke?
Austin: [chuckling] It was funny!
Shelby: [smirks at Sam and orders her drink] I'll have a Voss.
Sam: [looking at Shelby, confused] Excuse me?
Caitlyn: [scoffing at Sam] It's water. From Norway?
Shelby: [to her friends and Austin's friends laughing] She's the worst!
Shelby: [to Shelby] Sorry, we only have water from the Valley.
Shelby: Oh. Well, then I'll have an iced tea.
David: [Sam jots it down on the notepad] Make that two!
[to Sam, as a joke]
David: And you know, I'm still waiting on that breakfast burrito, Diner Girl!
Madison: [Shelby's friends and Austin's friends laugh at Sam as she gets the drinks. Madison shoos her away] See ya!
Shelby: [about Sam] She is *so* not getting a tip!
Austin: [turning to Shelby] Shelby, we really need to talk... privately.
Shelby: Anything you say to me, you can say in front of my peeps.
[Madison and Caitlyn, as well as Ryan and David lean forward to hear what Austin has to say]
Austin: Okay.
[Shelby looks at Austin]
Austin: I want to break up.
Shelby: [shocked at the fact Austin is dumping her] What?
David: [about the breakup] Ouch!
Caitlyn: [Madison is shocked] That was harsh!
Shelby: [to Austin, asking why he dumped her] Are you in love with somebody else?
Austin: [smiling] I think so!
Caitlyn: [to Austin] No way!
Ryan: [to Austin] What? Who, bro?
Austin: [to Ryan] I don't know.
[to Shelby, with the "Just friends" speech]
Austin: But we can still be...
Shelby: [points her finger at Austin, warning him not to say it] *Don't* say the word "friends"! Now, fortunate for you, I'm gonna... overlook this mental breakdown of yours. Look, just chill out, we're gonna get ready for the dance, and; I'll see you there. Hmm?
[Shelby and her friends leave the table]
Ryan: [to Shelby and her friends] Later. Late!
David: [amazed he did that to Shelby] That went well, bro!
Ryan: No, she took it well!
Austin: Good looking out.
David: [Austin and his friends leave the table. David says to Sam] Later, Diner Girl!
Ryan: [to Sam] Too late!
Sam: [Austin is about to give Sam a tip, but she dismisses it as she comes back with the drinks] Oh, don't worry about it.
Rhonda: [Sam comes back to Rhonda and puts the iced teas on the bench]
[Rhonda refers to Shelby and her friends]
Rhonda: You know, those kids remind me of why I used to fight in school.

Lucas: [talking to Dan] Maybe, you should tell the truth when I have a gun aimed at your head.

Lucas: I'm the guy for you, Brooke Davis... you'll see.

Lucas: I think everybody knows that Nathan and I got off to a pretty sketchy start. Nathan, mutual hatred sound about right?
Nathan: Worse.
[Many of the guests laughs]
Lucas: Yeah... You see, then a funny thing happened. Haley. She showed me that you can find the good in everybody, if you just give them a chance. The benefit of the doubt. Sometimes, people disappoint you. Sometimes they surprise you. But you never really get to know them, until you listen for what's in their hearts. And that's what Haley did for Nathan. That's what we should do for them. So for you sceptics out there, prepare to be surprised. So this is to my brother... and my little sis... in-law, and in love.
[People raise their glasses]

Jake: You know, I've been thinking about that kiss.
Anna: [puzzled] Kiss?
[pulls herself together]
Anna: Remind me again how I did it.
Jake: In front of your mom?
Anna: It's okay. She owes me.
[They kiss]

Haley: You're not gonna like this. In fact, you're gonna hate this. But I feel that I should tell you in the interest of full friendship disclosure.
Lucas: [chuckles] Yeah, right. What could be worse than you tutoring Nathan, huh?
[Haley looks guiltily at him and sighs. Lucas stops smiling]
Lucas: You like him...

Haley: We're going to London for a few days.
Lucas: Doesn't it always rain there?
Nathan: Oh yeah... smiles.

Lucas: You gonna stop a bullet with a baseball bat? Hey, Nathan, Nathan. Someone has a gun in here.
Nathan: Lucas, I know that. Okay, I know this is stupid, but what if something happens to Haley, huh? What if we walk away and something happens to Haley? You gonna live with that?
Lucas: Most heroes are dead, Nate.
Nathan: It's Haley, Lucas.

Lucas: [about her sketch] Pretty dark, don't you think?
Peyton: I love you Luke, but I've chosen darkness.

Peyton: I guess misery really does love company.
Lucas: What're you doing here?
Peyton: Actually, I'm not here. I was never here.
Lucas: You know, I shoot the ball, and it goes in. I don't ask questions. I don't think about it. That's just the way it is.
Peyton: Or the way it was.
Lucas: Yeah.
Peyton: Look, it's just a game. Who cares if the entire school and most of your friends and, half the town saw you suck?
Lucas: So, you've clearly come to cheer me up.

Karen: So what does this dress say to you? Single and successful or married to her work?
Lucas: Is this for that Justice League thing?
Karen: Small Business League, and I want to look nice.
Lucas: Is Keith still going as your date?
Karen: It's not a date. So which dress?
Lucas: Umm... black I guess.
Karen: Then black it is. Keith didn't say anything to you did he?
Lucas: Oohh about the date that you two aren't going on? No...
Karen: Haha... good luck on your game tonight...
Lucas: Yeah you too Ma.

[Brooke and Lucas are standing outside Rachel's cabin]
Brooke: Oh, okay, what do you wanna show me? It's freezing out here!
[Lucas is pulling Haley's wedding ring out from his pocket]
Lucas: This...
Brooke: Are you proposing to me? Lucas, this is really Naley...
Lucas: No, no, no, no... This is Haley's ring. Nathan stole it. I'm just holding on to it until he proposes to her again tomorrow.
Brooke: Like a re-proposal? She's already had one.
Lucas: Well, Nathan wants to have this big, fancy wedding.
Brooke: Awww... That is SO romantic!
Haley: [imitates Brooke] Awww...
[Haley comes out to Lucas and Brooke]
Haley: ...What is so romantic? Oh, is that my ring?
Lucas: Yeah... I... found it. Surprise.
Haley: Oh my God! Thank you! Where did you find this?
Lucas: Uh... It was on the... thing... next to the other... thing.
Haley: I've been looking for this everywhere! Thank you so much! You're not gonna tell Nathan, are you?
Lucas: Nope. I wouldn't do that.
Haley: Thank you! You're the best!
[Haley kisses him on the cheek and walks happily away. Lucas smiles, resigned]
Lucas: Now I'm pretty much dead...
Brooke: Yeah...
Lucas: Yeah...
Brooke: Yeah.

Lucas: George Eliot once wrote:''There is no despair so absolute as that which comes with the first moments of our first great sorrow, when we have not yet known what it is to have suffered and be healed, to have despaired and have recovered hope.''

Lucas: Regret comes in all shapes and sizes. Some are small , like when we do a bad thing, for a good reason. Some are bigger, like when we let down a friend. Some of us escape the pangs of regret by making the right choice. Some of us have little time for regret, because we're looking forward to the future. Sometimes we have to fight to come to terms with the past. And sometimes we bury our regret, by promising to change our ways. But our biggest regrets are not for the things we did... but the things we didn't do. The things we didn't say that could save someone we care about. Especially when we can see the dark storm that's headed their way.

Lucas: Does this darkness have a name? This cruelty, this hatred, how did it find us? Did it steal into our lives, or did we seek it out and embrace it? What happened to us? That we now send our children into the world like we send young men to war hoping for their safe return, but knowing that some will be lost along the way. When did we lose our way? Consumed by the shadows, swallowed whole by the darkness. Does this darkness have a name? Is it your name?

Peyton: [Lucas entering her office] Oh, God, you know, just rip up the cheque, I'm moving offices anyway.
Lucas: Let me ask you something. Do you have an alarm in your head that goes off every time I'm happy with someone else?
Lucas: What do you want from me? I flied to L.A., I asked you to marry me, you said 'No' so I moved on. Why haven't you?
Peyton: 'Cause I should have said 'Yes'.

Austin: You need a wax.
Sam: Excuse me?
Austin: [laughs] I meant the car.

Lucas: [to Peyton] Hey. So I saw Nathan in the shower... yeah, no wonder you broke up with him.

Peyton: Can you believe this? Derek. Is it any wonder that I have commitment issues?
Lucas: Yeah. You're pretty much the Bermuda Triangle of relationships.
Peyton: Thanks.
[looks at her watch]
Peyton: Crap. Turn around.
Lucas: What?
Peyton: Turn around; I have to change.
Lucas: Oh.
[turns around]
Peyton: [while changing] You know, I just can't believe what a creep he turned out to be. And I just let him waltz into my house. Like "Hey, I'm a crazy psycho, can I come in?", and I'm all like "Yeah, sure! Wanna see my bedroom?"
Lucas: Peyton.
Peyton: And he's still out there.
Lucas: They'll find him, ok? The detectives said they'll call when they do and then we'll finally have some answers. Until then, you're safe with me, I promise!
Peyton: You're always saving me.
[Lucas smiles]
Peyton: Ok, you can turn around.
Lucas: [Turns around and sees Peyton in her cheerleader's uniform] Woah! Is this your way of saying thank you?
Peyton: Nice try! A few of the cheerleaders have to be at Nathan's press conference.
Lucas: Oh wow! I forgot about that. Wouldn't you be safer just to avoid the whole thing?
Peyton: No, I'm not gonna hide out because of Derek. No way.
Lucas: Actually I meant because Brooke might be there.

Lucas: Ida Scott Taylor once wrote: Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.

[the girls on the prom are trying to get to know the crashing people from Tree Hill]
Lucas: So nobody has a fatal heart condition and a father who was purposely set on fire?
[the girls are shaking their heads]
Nathan: You probably have classmates who are married, right? Wife's pregnant? Got married as juniors?
[the girls are shaking their heads again]
Brooke: I started the clothing line after Peyton and I shoplifted my designs back and got arrested.
Prom: Arrested? What did your parents say?
Brooke: Oh, I haven't seen my parents in, like, a year. I live with my friend Rachel. She's so funny. She's had all this plastic surgery, and she just got suspended, and... Now she's kind of missing.
[the girls looks at her in sympathy]
Marvin: You ever had your heart broken?
Prom: Yeah, I think that happens everywhere.

Lucas: Man, its been like, twenty minutes, do you think they're coming back?
[Nathan shrugs, then starts laughing]
Lucas: What?
Nathan: Thing, Thing 1, and Thing 3.
[they both laugh]
Lucas: Well, yeah, man, he was the third.
Nathan: Yeah.

Nathan: How did it go with Anna anyway?
Lucas: Well. Let's just say we didn't exactly end the night together.
Nathan: Who did you end up with?
[Someone knocks on the door, and Brooke opens it from outside]
Nathan: [snorts] Only in Tree Hill.

Lucas: Man, its been like, twenty minutes, do you think they're coming back?
[Nathan shrugs, then starts laughing]
Lucas: What?
Nathan: Thing, Thing 1, and Thing 3.
[they both laugh]
Lucas: Well, yeah, man, he was the third.
Nathan: Yeah.

Lucas: That doesn't change the fact that we haven't seen a single car pass by since we've stopped.
Brooke: Uh...
Lucas: Until now.
[sees the bus coming]
Nathan: That's a bus.
Brooke: No, that's a tour bus.
Peyton: Oh, please be The Foo Fighters!
Skills: Please be Kanye!
Chris: [gets off the bus] Well, well.
Haley: Stupid Elvis Sandwhich!

Brooke: LUCAS! Do not make me join you!
Lucas: Uh, a little privacy here.
Brooke: No, you've been in the shower forever! By the time I even get in the water it's gonna be...
[Checks water]
Brooke: cold! Are you taking a cold shower?
Lucas: No, the hot water...
Brooke: Gross! You are! You know what? When you have you're next wet dream, tell Peyton I said 'Hi'. Eww!

Lucas: We just spent the last couple of days together happier than either one of us can remember and I know I have been all over the place but my best friend told me to pick a team. You were right.
Haley: You happy?
Lucas: We both are.
Haley: That's all the counts. Besides the only people that tear happy people down are those that are unhappy.

Haley: Okay, how about this one? "Lucas, you know you want me! Taylor James."
Lucas: I wonder what she wrote in Nathan's yearbook.

Lucas: No foul, basket counts, besides you won't score again.

Detective: Listen, they filled me in on this whole long-lost-brother scenario. What else can you give me?
Lucas: Unfortunately not much. Look, I just really have a bad feeling about this guy and I'm worried about my friend Peyton.
Detective: You carried her out, Peyton Sawyer. You're the one who carried her out of the school
Lucas: Yeah.
Detective: Ok, we'll bring him in.
Lucas: So you believe me? You don't think this sounds crazy?
Detective: I didn't say it didn't sound crazy. But that look in your eyes tells me that you believe it.

Lucas: You ever have something that you knew that you were better at than... almost anybody else?
Peyton: Sex... Joke.

Peyton: Lucas, I lost Brooke. I'm sorry.
Lucas: She's fine. She's fine, but, okay, you're not. We gotta get you somewhere safe. Come on.
Peyton: No, I can't. I can't walk. I tried.
Lucas: Okay.
[gets up from kneeling beside Peyton]
Peyton: No, don't leave me, please!
Lucas: No, look, look, hey.
Peyton: Please?
Lucas: I'm gonna go block the entrance, all right. We'll just hide, all right? We'll wait this out, okay? Listen to me, okay? I'm not leaving you, Peyton. I won't. I won't, okay?

Nathan: I heard about what happened Saturday night.
Lucas: And?
Nathan: And if all this stuff about Brooke is gonna make you play any worse, you should just take yourself out of the game right now.
Lucas: Thanks for your concern, but how about you mind your own business?
Nathan: The game *is* my business, all right? And I don't want you screwing it up over some chick.
Lucas: Heh. You're one to talk.
Nathan: Yeah, I am. See, my game's gotten better; your game sucks. Fix it.
Lucas: Your marriage sucks. Fix it.
Nathan: I'll tell you what. I'll give you the same brilliant advice that you gave me when Chris kissed Haley.
[Nathan copies Lucas' voice and signature squint]
Nathan: "Just forgive her, man. She loves you."
[Lucas glares at Nathan]
Nathan: Doesn't help much, does it?

Karen: [after finding out Brooke is pregnant, Karen has slapped Lucas] Lucas! I didn't mean it.
Lucas: I'm pretty sure you did.
Karen: No! It's just - do you understand? This is *exactly* what I didn't want for you! I mean, have I been talking to myself for the last few years? You have so much left to do in life! So does Brooke. Oh God, you're both just too young for this.
Lucas: Don't cry, Mom.
Karen: It's just that I'm scared for you. I can't believe this is happening.

Lucas: Robert Louis Stevenson wrote: ''You cannot run away from weakness; you must some time fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?''.

Skills: So let me get this straight, you and Peyton just friends right?
Lucas: Uh-huh...
Skills: I wish I had friends like that.

Lucas: I look like an idiot.
Haley: Dude, I saw you in your headgear.
Lucas: Don't call me dude. And I thought we promised not to talk about that in public?

Haley: [Small flock of birds just flew at her] Damn! What is up? I was attacked by a flock of crows last week! I'm totally serious!
Lucas: By the way, it's a murder.
Haley: What?
Lucas: More than one crow is a murder.
Haley: I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Lucas: A parliament of owls, an exaltation of larks... a murder of crows.
Haley: I think that is why people think you're weird, right there.
Lucas: I would like to show him sometimes, what a mistake he's made.
Haley: Dan?
Lucas: Mostly for Mom... and sometimes for me.
Haley: So Luke, what are ravens? I mean, you know, more than one?
Lucas: An unkindness.

Sam: Austin? What are you doing?
Austin: Something I should have done a long time ago.
[he kisses her, it starts to rain, they both look up]
Austin: Sorry I waited for the rain.
Sam: It's okay.

Jake: You know, it's just... Yesterday was freaky, and I mean, I see your mom... And I like her. I mean, not "like her" like her, but, you know, I mean... Like her as your mom. Listen, do you think we could just rewind this whole thing and start again?
Anna: [smiles] I'd like that.

Lucas: Katherine Anne Porter once said, "There seems to be a kind of order in the universe... in the movement of the stars and the turning of the earth and the changing of the seasons. But human life is almost pure chaos. Everyone takes his stance, asserts his own rights and feelings, mistaking the motives of others, and his own.

Lucas: The last time I gave a speech about Nathan and Haley was, well at their first reception. I remember saying, 'Prepare to be surprised.' Well, I have to say even I was surprised; because, you see they do something that's very rare to see in someone our age. Actually, it's very rare to see in anybody; they give their hearts to each other, unconditionally. And, that's what true love really is. It's not this fairytale life that never knows pain, but it's two souls facing it together and diminishing it with unconditional love. To Nathan and Haley Scott.

Haley: Excellent right back at you, BIL.
Lucas: [laughs] Okay, I've been gone for, what, a few days, and you already forgotten my name? Who's Bill?
Haley: [links arms with him] B-I-L! Brother In Law. That's you!
Lucas: [jokingly] Oh-ho! Crap... I'm related to you?

Karen: I am all for living life to the fullest, but can this day just be over already?
Lucas: Mom, you loved Dan, right? In high school?
Karen: Oddly, yes.
Lucas: Okay, I know you probably can't answer this for me, but what did you do when he didn't love you back? How did you get over it?
Karen: When I do, I'll get back to you.

Lucas: [after 'Dim' Tim opens the door to him and looks disappointed] What's wrong with Dim?
Nathan: Don't take it personally, he thought you were the stripper.
Lucas: We prefer to be called exotic dancers.

Lucas: I'm the guy for you, Brooke Davis... you'll see.

Lucas: [in the time capsule, about Haley] Wish I could talk to her about it, I mean, not to change her mind, or to tell her what to do, but just to say I love you. And I miss you. Just to say goodbye.

Brooke: Guess we never finished that conversation.
Lucas: Everyday. I was just angry and upset about Keith and I needed to be alone, but that doesn't mean I didn't miss you, Brooke. Because I did.
Brooke: I needed to hear your voice. There's just so much stuff going on with me and I-.
Lucas: What kind of stuff?
Brooke: It doesn't matter anymore.

Jules: So, since your mom hired me to work here, Keith helped me do a crash refresher course on bartending last night. Ask me anything.
Lucas: Okay, what's in a Long Island Iced Tea?
Jules: Wouldn't you rather have a Screwdriver?

Lucas: [in the time capsule] I need to get closer to my father. Because if I can get closer to him, maybe I can find a way to beat him. Once and for all. And set the people that I love, free. I just hope I have the strength to tear him down for good.

Karen: [to Lucas] Did you pull Dan out of the fire?
Lucas: Mom...
Karen: Did you?
Lucas: Yes.
Karen: You selfish, stupid boy. Did you think about me? Just once, think about me, and what my life would be like if I lost you? Running into burning buildings, high schools with guns. Did I raise an idiot?
Lucas: I know! Okay, I know! It's my fault! If I didn't go back in there, Keith would still be here, and I know that. And I'm sorry.
Karen: Well, sorry isn't gonna bring him back, is it?

Lucas: How close was I to not existing? Dan wanted an abortion, Mom. Why didn't you listen to him?
Karen: Because I realized... I wanted you in my future.

Haley: Well, at least things are, uh, working out for one of us. It looks like you and Peyton are heading in the right direction.
Lucas: Well, if it'll make you feel better, that lasted all of about five minutes.
Haley: [laughs and leans her forehead against Lucas'] It doesn't make me feel any better.
[as she pulls back]
Haley: Well, welcome back!
Lucas: To where?
Haley: To normal.

Lucas: I know it's a bit sudden okay, but yesterday was a great day. And I'm sitting on the bus and I realize that none of my great days in my life matter without you, and you're the one I want next to me when my dreams come true. You're the one I want next to me if they don't. As long as I have you nothing else matters.

Lucas: [voiceover] The things that take 14 minutes: boiling an ostrich egg, Michael Jackson's Thriller video, it also takes 14 minutes to get from the Melina Bridge to Tree Hill Hospital. In those 14 minutes, three lives hung in the balance. For the rest of us there was nothing to do but wait. I guess that's why they call it the waiting room.

Lucas: Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, "Many people die with their music still in them. Too often, it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out."

Karen: Well, if it makes you feel any better, I called some woman a bitch the other day.
[Lucas laughs]
Karen: I'm proud of you. You know that? Sometimes I wonder where you get all your strength.
Lucas: Well I get that from you.
Karen: Oh, I don't know about that. I haven't been on my best behavior lately.
Lucas: Ah, well they don't make it easy, do they?
Karen: No they don't. That doesn't mean we have to sink to their level.
Lucas: Take the high road, huh? Sounds familiar. But Mom... I tried that. And I want to make you proud. I do. But there comes a certain point when you have to fight back. And I'm at that point.

Lucas: [voiceover] The hardest part of saying goodbye, is having to do it again, every single day. Every day we face the same truth. That life is fleeting, that our time here is short. And to honor the fallen, we must live our own lives well.

Lucas: I did something tonight, and I can't take it back.

Lucas: I never would have joined the basketball team if it wasn't for my Uncle Keith. You know, he wanted me to be a part of something; to feel like I belong.
Guidance: Sounds like he really cares about you.
Lucas: Yeah, he's like a father to me.

Haley: So uh, I gotta ask you kind of a personal question... just out of curiosity. How many times per minute do you guys think about sex?
Lucas: Per minute?
Haley: Yeah, Elle magazine said that guys think about sex like every 30 seconds
Lucas: You're thinking about having sex with him!
Haley: Shhh...
Lucas: [whispers] Sorry.
Haley: Ok, it just, it keeps coming up...
[Lucas looks at her in disbelief]
Haley: sorry, wrong words.

Karen: Okay. What does this dress say to you?
Lucas: Uh... Beware of crazy ladies who talk to dresses.

Haley: Lucas,Luke I'm scared, Luke this is so not cool come out here right now, LUCAS SCOTT.
Lucas: Boogie Man
[Haley punches Lucas in the stomach]
Lucas: .Damn it Haley, jees your gonna kill me . You know Hoodinie died like that.
Haley: Ya well you deserve it dumbass! I told you i didnt want to take this shortcut.
Lucas: What are you whispering for
Haley: Because...
Lucas: Haley, these people, there dead
Haley: Yes but if you keep yelling the freakin zombie's are gonna hear us
Lucas: Haley !
Haley: What?
Lucas: i gotta tell you somthing !
Haley: Ok what is her name and what is it that you did that you regret
Lucas: I'm going to Charleston with keith
Haley: What are you talking about?

Lucas: As happens sometimes a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment. And sound stopped and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment. And then the moment was gone.

Karen: Oh. You just took 10 years off my life
Lucas: It is 1 o'clock in the morning, I have been worried sick, where have you been?
Karen: I'm sorry- I was just
Lucas: You know the rules if you are not home by midnight you call
Karen: [sarcastic] ha ha ha, I really hope I don't sound like that. When did you get home?
Lucas: About 5 minutes ago
Karen: [looks at her watch] Well then we are both grounded
Lucas: Clearly a rookie mom, next time try sneaking though the window.

Jake: Sorry I'm late, Coach.
Coach: Why should today be any different, Jageilski? Move your ass. The rest of you ladies start defense drills, pronto.
[walk out]
Nathan: Why is coach so easy on you, Jageilski?
Tim: If I'm late I get wind sprints.
Jake: We party together.
Tim: Maybe they're lovers.
Nathan: [to Tim and Jake] Why, did you two break up?
[Nathan and Tim leave]
Lucas: So, anyway, man, what's the deal? What's going on? You know, you're out sick all the time, and you come in late and cut out early. I don't understand. Coach just lets you.
Jake: [getting changed] Just helping me out.
Lucas: Meaning?
Jake: Meaning he's just helping me out.
Lucas: All right.
[Lucas leaves and Jake leans against his locker and sighs]

Tim: [to Nathan] Are you sure you know this guy?
Nathan: He works with me at Hot & Twisted
[pretzel stand at the mall]
Nathan's: Great, even the losers don't know me.
Tim: Just read the damn quiz.
Nathan's: [sigh] When your boyfriend kisses you, he a:...
Lucas: What the hell are you reading?
Tim: Cosmo Girl, go on...
Nathan's: When your boyfriend kisses you, he a: looks deeply into your eyes, b: closes his eyes, c: cradles your head softly, d: unhooks your bra.
Tim: It's D, it's definitley D. You go for the bra.
Nathan: Now, Tim, you realise you're supposed to be answering as a girl?
Tim: I know, and i'd want a boyfriend who isn't afraid to go under my shirt!
Lucas: And hopefully someday you'll find him.

Lucas: Some people believe that ravens guide travelers to their destinations. Others believe that the sight of a solitary raven is considered good luck. While a group of ravens predicts trouble ahead. And a raven right before battle promises victory.

[Lucas stands in the mall in front of the sales girl to return his bra]
Sales: Can I ask you why you'd like to return it?
Lucas: Um, wrong size?

Lucas: So, Haley told me you didn't get into High Flyers after all. Tough break.
Nathan: Yeah, it's too bad.
Lucas: You did get in. Nathan. Man, you've been working for your whole life for this. You can't say no.
Nathan: You know what it's like to hit a game-winning shot. The whole crowd loves you. Everybody treats you like you're a star. I get to feel that every time I play. I mean, you know. You've felt it. Now, it's Haley's turn. I mean, she's an incredible musician, Luke. And she's ready to give it a shot. So, if I go to camp now for three months... who knows where her head's gonna be? I just really want her to feel, like, the thrill of the crowd. She deserves it.
Lucas: What about your future?
Nathan: I already know my future. It's with Haley.

Lucas: Tennessee Williams once wrote: "When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely, it would be inexclusively selfish to be lonely alone".

Lucas: [approaching Brooke] Brooke, hey, can you do me a favor?
Brooke: Well if it involves drinking and flirting with a hot bartender then yes, I can.
Lucas: Now, you like Peyton and Lindsay, right?
Brooke: What kind of favor is this?

Lucas: [Reading Mouth's text to Skills] Honey Grove, TX. Please come. Need ass?
Antwon: Yeah, I was thinking he would've typed 'assistance', but his battery died.
Lucas: Well, why didn't he type help? Need help?
Antwon: Maybe he need ass.

Antwon: [walks into Lucas' room and sees him in bed with Peyton and Brooke] Damn. Nice work.
Lucas: No, it's not - it's the attack last week. Neither one of them wants to be alone.
Antwon: [looks again at Peyton and Brooke sleeping in Lucas' bed] Hey, if that's your story.

James: When you get married do I have to be the ring bearer again?
Lucas: Not if you don't want to.
James: Good, cause last time it didn't work out so well.

Lucas: All right, look. I know you don't feel much like playing basketball tonight. And I get it. When I was in high school, someone close was taken away from me. And I couldn't understand how a game could matter anymore. But my coach was a wise man, and he told me that basketball was more than just a game. That it had the power to heal me if I let it. He was right

Lucas: So what number are you up to, huh? Three?
Brooke: Four! Mop the kitchen floor.
Lucas: And you're using a sponge?
Brooke: Is that wrong?
Lucas: Okay, Brooke, this is a mop.

Lucas: [to Peyton] Hey. So I saw Nathan in the shower... yeah, no wonder you broke up with him.

Austin: [after Brianna and Gabriella both tell him that they're his mystery girl] Ladies, ladies, I can settle this, all right? The girl that I met at the dance, she dropped something on her way out. What was it?
Gabriella: Oh that's easy! A wallet!
Austin: No.
Gabriella: I mean a... wallet-purse.
Austin: [succinctly] No.
Brianna: Oh, a fish!

Jarrett: So, it's like your mom's Cooper's sister?
Lucas: No, my mom slept with Cooper's sister's husband.
Jarrett: Okay. Whatever that means. Sounds messed up.
Lucas: It is.

Haley: Hey, stranger.
Lucas: Hm, no stranger than you.

Lucas: Oh, I think you got the wrong car
Brooke: Nah. Don't mind me. I just have to get out of this uniform. So, uh, anyways, I'm Brooke. But you probably knew that. Can I tell you that that last shot was awesome? How'd it feel? Good, huh? You know it did.

Lucas: I don't see why you get off by screwing things up!
Chris: How? By having sex with Haley?
[Lucas looks shocked]
Chris: Because we haven't done that.

Haley: Hey, Luke, will you promise me something? No matter what happens you and I will always be friends
Lucas: [in a mocking tone] Always... and forever.

Nathan: I gotta tell you, man. I never thought when we played that one-on-one game i'd be back here feeling like this.
Lucas: like what?
Nathan: Like I'm gonna miss you. You gotta do what you feel but I actually wish you weren't gonna leave. Because you're one hell of a basketball player. And because you're my brother. Take care of yourself man.
Lucas: You take care of haley.
[they hug]
Lucas: I'll miss you too little brother.

Lucas: [enthusiastically] Hey, guys, maybe we should have, like, a signal. You know, in case any of us wants to leave.
Keith: [rather unenthusiastically] Or maybe we should just leave.
Lucas: Oh, come on, that's no fun. How about "CAAAW"?
Karen: "Caw"?
Lucas: Yeah, you know, like a raven. CAAAW!
Karen: CAAAW!

Lucas: [after Brooke saw Rachel naked in the back of Luke's car] Brooke, this isn't what it looks like. Anyways, I don't get why you're so upset.
Brooke: You're kidding, right?
Lucas: You're the one who wanted to be non-exclusive. I'm just doing what you wanted.
Brooke: What I wanted? I wanted you to fight for me! I wanted you to say that there was no-one else you could ever be with and that you'd rather be alone then without me. I wanted the Lucas Scott from the beach telling the world that he's the one for me!
Lucas: How was I supposed to know that?
Brooke: You just are.
[looks at Luke's car]
Brooke: And one more thing...
[goes up to the car window where Rachael still is in the backseat and punches her]
Brooke: Don't ever hit me again.

Brooke: [Brooke, Peyton, Natha, Johnny "Vegas" and others are sitting/standing around a table] Hey Lucas.
[Lucas, who was looking in the refrigerator, turns around]
Brooke: Come play.
Lucas: What the game?
Brooke: "I've never".
Johnny: [after a pause] And yet apparently you have.
Brooke: [after a few "oohs"; laughing] Shut up Vegas!

Dan: How much are you lifting?
Lucas: 160
Dan: Wow, I didn't know I had a daughter.

[the team is running into the gym for a game, Lucas sees Peyton and turns around]
Lucas: Hey. Your art matters... it's what got me here.

Lucas: You know, I always figured if I met the devil that she'd be hot and holding a basketball.

Lucas: Kahlil Gibran once wrote: "Your reason and your passion are your rudder and sails of your seafaring soul. If either be broken, you could but toss and drift or else be held at a standstill amid seas. For reason, running alone, is a force confining. And passion, unattended, is a flame that burns to its own destruction."

[Lucas puts his arm around Haley as Nathan comes in the picture]
Nathan: [jokingly] Hey! Get your own wife.
Lucas: [laughs] Okay, that just sounds weird.

Lucas: He has a little brother, he has parents...
Skills: How does a mother ever breathe again?

Lucas: [to the crowd at a Ravens game] Everyday we face the same truth. That our time here is short. And to honor the fallen, we must live our own lives well. We must take the high road when we can and allow our common loss to bring us together. I think that's the way Q would've wanted it. And while tonight we miss our fallen teammate, friend, loved one, we commemorate him for all time. No Raven will ever wear the number 44 again, and for as long as this gym stands, Quentin fields will be here with us. No one can take his place on this team and no one can take his place in our hearts.

Lucas: Great, it's gone global.
Haley: Yeah, at least now the whole world knows all the nice things you said about me to go along all the crappy things Nathan said about me.

Lucas: Stephen King once wrote: Time takes it all. Whether you want it to or not. Time takes it all, time bears it away...and in the end, there is only darkness. Sometimes we find others in that darkness. And sometimes we lose them there again.

Lucas: [voiceover] There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune but omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat and we must take the current when it serves or lose the ventures before us. -Julius Caeser

Keith: [as a ghost] Seeing your mom still takes my breath away.
Lucas: Even though technically you don't have any breath. I do. I just saw myself in the room. Guess I'm still breathing for now.
Keith: She feels guilty for letting you play.
Lucas: It's my fault. I didn't take my pills.
Keith: Yeah, you know what? That was a very stupid thing to do, Luke.
Lucas: I was trying to win a state championship. And anyway, is a spirit allowed to call people stupid?
Keith: I'm dead. I can say whatever the hell I want.
Lucas: Yeah, well it isn't very nice!
Keith: Not taking your pills wasn't either.
Lucas: Yes! I know that, but you don't have to call me stupid. So what if I don't wake up?
Keith: I don't know, you tell me.
Lucas: You don't know. You know for a SPIRIT, you SUCK at this.
Keith: What do you want me to say?
Lucas: I... I want to know if there's a heaven. I want to know about eternal like and all that stuff. I want to know if we're ever going to see each other again.
Keith: We're seeing each other now right.
Lucas: Ah, man, you REALLY suck at this, Keith.
Keith: Alright, get out.

Brooke: Hey guys, what's going on? Is Mouth okay?
Lucas: It doesn't sound like it.
Peyton: Honey Grove, TX. Please come.
Brooke: Need ass? I don't get it. He left with Rachel. Why would he need ass?
Lucas: Assistance.

Austin: Do you believe in love at first sight?
Sam: I'll let you know.

Lucas: Nathaniel Hawthorne once wrote, "No man, for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true."

Lucas: John Steinbeck once wrote: "It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure on the world."

Haley: What'd you say to Hooter girl when she made her topless debut?
Lucas: I told her she looked beautiful.

Peyton: So, what did you bet?
Lucas: I win, Nathan stays on the team.
Peyton: Why?
Lucas: Because it's the last thing he wants. And anyway, it's not about him.

Karen: [referring to Brooke] Oh Lucas, look it's her loss. There are a ton of girls out there that would be lucky to have you.
Lucas: I'll make sure to tell those girls my mommy said so.
Karen: I'm serious. You know a customer once told me that the best way to get over someone was to get uder someone else.
[stops licking envelope after realizing what she just said]
Karen: Ohh my God! I just realized what that meant! Uhhhh, ohhh my God. I-I thought it was more philosophical, you know get to know them... not get under them...
Lucas: Mom!
Karen: Uhhhh, scratch that.

Lucas: T.H. White said, "Perhaps we all give the best of our hearts uncritically... to those who hardly think about us in return."

Haley: Okay, Brooke, freshman year. Lance Bass? Really?
Brooke: He was cute, okay?
Nathan: I'm not sure I'd go there, Hales. Check this out. "Luke, stay cool forever! Haley."
Haley: So, what's wrong with that?
Lucas: You think that's bad? Check this out. Peyton wrote to me in my sophomore yearbook... "Peyton Sawyer".

Lucas: [on the time capsule] My brothers been going through a tough time lately, I wish there was more I could do to help him. I mean just getting along is kind of new to us, but I guess that's how brothers are better to each other and worse to each other than anyone else.

Lucas: [talking about Skills' relationship with Deb] It's funny, you know all these years we called him Skills, I always thought it had something to do with basketball.
Nathan: That's no funny.
Lucas: Kinda funny.

Lucas: William Shakespeare wrote; 'Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. It is an ever fixed mark that looks on tempests and is never shaken. Love alters not with time's brief hours and weeks, but bears it out even to the edge of doom'.

Nathan: Go ahead man prove me wrong.
Lucas: I don't have to prove anything to you.

Chris: [Chris is about to sing the national anthem] This goes out to all your girlfriends, You know who you are.
Lucas: I hate that guy.

Lucas: You think there's a heaven, Skills?
Antwon: Do I think there's a heaven?
Lucas: Yeah, you know, like pearly gates and angels?
Antwon: I don't know about all that. Maybe some chrome gates and some freaky angels. No, but I do think there's something else out there, and I do think that whatever we do in this world matters in the next.
Lucas: Yeah, before you came in, I was thinking about Edwards. How he could take Keith's life.
Antwon: Luke, he wasn't right, dawg. Jimmy was sick.
Lucas: So, if that's true, is heaven the kind of place that'll hold that against someone? You know, because if not, Jimmy's a victim, too. And right now, in your world beyond this one, Jimmy and Keith are in the same place. I can't figure out what kind of place that would be.
Antwon: It's a place you and I wouldn't understand.
Lucas: Or a place that doesn't exist.

Peyton: Do you remember when you first joined the Ravens? And you took al my sketches over to Thud without asking? And... do you remember what you said that night that you entered the gym for the first time?
Lucas: Your art matters. It's what got me here.
Peyton: Yeah... it's like you touched my soul. And... a few days ago I was ready to quit again... but you saved me, with the words you wrote about me in your novel. So, if you're struggling to write the next one... you should know... that your art matters, Lucas. It's what got me here.

Haley: Do you think he maybe - I mean, just maybe - he's had a change of heart?
Lucas: [snorts] Requires a heart.

[Lucas and Brooke are out in the storm, yelling to each other]
Lucas: Stop! This is ridiculous!
Brooke: Ridiculous? I found that letter in your sad-box to Peyton, whatever, in your closet! Dear Peyton, blah blah blah, you're mine forever, LOVE LUCAS!
Lucas: I don't even remember writing that!
Brooke: Well, you did! Looks like forever just got a lot shorter!
Lucas: Brooke, I am sorry! It was a mistake!
Brooke: Which time? When you wrote it to ME or PEYTON?
Lucas: You know, YOU were the one who was snooping through MY closet!
Brooke: SO not the point!
Lucas: Look, I know you feel vulnerable about what you wrote to me in your letters...
Brooke: That is NOT why I'm upset right now! And FYI, I am NOT your recycling bin!
[Brooke stomps away]
Lucas: [yelling after her] NO, YOU'RE PSYCHOTIC!

Lucas: I'm open Nathan. BALL!
Nathan: [Nathan throws the ball and Lucas moves so the ball hits Chris] The best pick you made all night.

Lucas: Why are you a cheerleader? I mean, no offense or anything, but you're about the least cheery person I know.
[gets into truck and comes out few minutes later after it seems like Nathan isn't coming to pick Peyton up]
Lucas: Come on. Let me give you a ride. I'll let you insult me.
Peyton: First of all, you don't know me. And second of all, you don't know me.

Lucas: [Peyton's car has broken down, Lucas comes to tow it] Can I ask you a question?
Peyton: It's a free country.
Lucas: Why are you a cheerleader? I mean, no offense or anything, but you're about the least cheery person I know.
[Gets in wrecker, Peyton is waiting for Nathan to show up]
Lucas: Come on, let me give you a ride. I'll let you insult me.
Peyton: First of all, you don't know me. Second of all, you don't know me. God, why are guys suck jerks?
Lucas: Guys or Nathan?
Peyton: Him. You.
Lucas: I don't know. We share the same father.
Peyton: Yeah, I heard that. He's kind of an ass. That must suck, having to see him around.
Lucas: For my mom. I never knew him.
Peyton: But she told you he was your dad?
Lucas: Yeah, eventually. We used to play in junior leagues together, me and Nathan.
Peyton: Basketball?
Lucas: Yeah. And I loved it, and I was good at it. Have you ever had something that you knew that you were better at than almost anybody else?
Peyton: Sex.
[Lucas gives her a look]
Peyton: Joke.
Lucas: Anyway. Guys kept teasing me about it, about how Nathan's dad was my dad too. So I asked my mom, and she said he wasn't, but, I get home, and I hear her crying in her room. And I knew it was true. So I never went back. And I told my mom it was because I didn't want to have to see his face. But it was mostly because... I don't want her to have to.
Peyton: So why'd you just tell me all that? I mean, we don't even know each other.
Lucas: Maybe that's the point.

Lucas: I'm sorry, Mom, but this is my life.
Karen: You know, if I'd been that selfish at your age, you might not be here right now.

Lucas: Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always. A promise. Like a reward for persisting through life so long alone. A belief in each other and the possibility of love. A decision to ignore, simply rise above the pain of the past. A covenant, which at once binds two souls and yet severs prior ties. A celebration of the chance taken and the challenge that lies ahead. For two will always be stronger than one, like a team braced against the tempest civil world. And love will always be the guiding force in our lives. For tonight is mere formality. Only an announcement to the world of feelings long held. Promises made long ago. In the sacred spaces of our hearts.

Lucas: I should go.
Haley: Lucas, wait.
Lucas: No, I should go. I thought you weren't ready. I didn't mean to - it's just - I thought you were going to wait until you got married, Haley.
Haley: What?
Lucas: I thought you were going to wait.
Haley: We did.
Lucas: What?
Haley: We, um -
[hold up her left hand]
Haley: - we got married last night.

Lucas: Much as some of us fight it, our parents have a mystical hold over us, the power to affect our thoughts and emotions the way only they can. It's a bond that changes over time, but doesn't diminish, even if they're half a world away, or in another world entirely. It's a power we never fully understand. We're left only to wonder that when our time comes, what kind of hold will we have on our children?

Lucas: Look, Brooke, I need you to listen to me. Okay? I understand that you didn't know about the kiss and I'm sorry for springing it on you, but I meant what I said. It didn't mean anything.
Brooke: A kiss always means something.
Lucas: Okay, maybe you're right. But it wasn't a romantic moment and you would know that if-.
Brooke: If what? I was there? As you so sweetly pointed out to me at the party, the party that I threw for you, I wasn't there, was I?
Lucas: Is it impossible for you to forgive me? I forgave you.
Brooke: For what?
Lucas: Sleeping with Chris Keller
Brooke: And you know what, Lucas, I loved you for that. You had such grace in that moment that I fell in love with you all over again. I just can't believe you would use it now as a bargaining chip!
Lucas: No, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I, just, need you to trust me and believe me when I tell you my heart is with you. A part of me feels like ever since we got back together, you've just been waiting, waiting to push me away.
Brooke: Oh, great. You kiss Peyton, again, and I'm pushing you away. God! Why did I have to make everybody identicle purses as wedding gifts?
Lucas: I love you, Brooke. I don't know how else to say it.
Brooke: How about how you show it? I am not pushing you away, Lucas, I am holding on for dear life. But I need you to need me back, okay? Why didn't you tell me about the kiss? And why didn't you call me while you were away? And why won't you ever just let me all the way in? We have to go give our speeches now about love.
Lucas: Please don't be mad, Brooke.
Brooke: I'm not mad, Luke. I'm not mad.

Haley: Did you ever pick out your porn name?
Lucas: What are you talking about?
Haley: Your porn name. Um, you know. You take the name of your first pet and your mother's maiden name, you put them together. What was the name of your first pet?
Lucas: You know that. I had a dog named Rocket.
Haley: Oh, Rocket. I loved Rocket. So, your mother's maiden name is Roe. Rocket Roe. Nice.
Lucas: What's yours?
Haley: Oh, I had a bunny named Bunny.
Lucas: You named the bunny Bunny.
Haley: Yes, I did. And my mother's maiden name is Beaugard. So...
Lucas: Bunny Beaugard.
Haley: Bunny Beaugard. Dawson's Freaks, starring Rocket Roe and Bunny Beaugard.
Lucas: Nice.
Haley: Shut Up.

James: When you get married do I have to be ring bearer again?
Lucas: Not if you don't want to.
James: Good, cause last time it didn't work out so well.

Lucas: Charles Bukowsky once wrote: ''There will always be something to ruin our lives, it all depends on what or which finds us first. We are always ripe and ready to be taken''.

Nathan: Sure your up for this old man?
Lucas: I can do this forever little brother

Nathan: I think there's something in your heart you're running from.
Lucas: What are you, psychic?
Nathan: You can make jokes about it all you want, but you know there's a girl you have feelings for.
Lucas: Nathan...
Nathan: Look me in the eye. Tell me I'm wrong. See? Now, you can be mad at me all you want. You can say your heart's fine. But until you tell this girl how you feel, your heart's gonna be flawed. You need to talk to her, Luke.

Lucas: Everything you need to say is already in your heart.

Anna: Do you think two people can get to know each other without ever going into their long stories?
Lucas: Sure.
Anna: But isn't who you were a part of who you are?
Lucas: Maybe... but I guess I'm saying that I don't really need to know the person that you used to be as much as the person that you're trying to be.

Peyton: I'll be seeing you.
[walks away]
Lucas: [has a flashback] Peyton.
[walks over to Peyton]
Lucas: It's you.
Peyton: What?
Lucas: It's you I want standing next to me when all my dreams come true.
[kisses Peyton]

Lucas: You know I use to watch you?
Peyton: When?
Lucas: Well Freshman year, Softmore year, both summers actually.
Peyton: Stop it!
Peyton: [a slight pause, both Peyton and Lucas smile] What did you watch?
Lucas: Your legs mostly.
Peyton: What?
Lucas: No I'm serious. You know from up close they're a little chickeny.
Peyton: Shut up!
[Hits Lucas playfully]
Lucas: But from where I was hiding, they were pretty awesome.

Lucas: Do you ever wonder if the we make the moments in our lives or if the moments in our lives make us?

Lucas: [voiceover] Dan Scott is many things: the mayor of Tree Hill, the once great hight school basketball player and Nathan's father. He's also my father, but he never claimed me. Believe it or not, I got the better end of the deal. I was instead raised by my mom with the help of my Uncle Keith, until Keith's life was taken

Haley: Did you ever figure out your porn name?
Lucas: What are you talking about?
Haley: Your porn name. Uhm, you know, you take the name of your first pet and your mother's maiden name and you put them together... What was the name of your first pet?
Lucas: You know, I have a dog named Rocket.
Haley: Oh, Rocket! I loved Rocket! So your mother's maiden name is Roe... Rocket Roe!
Haley: Nice!
Lucas: [laughs] What's yours?
Haley: Oh, I had a bunny named Bunny.
Lucas: You named the bunny "Bunny"?
Haley: Yes, I did and my mother's maiden name is Beaugard so...
Lucas: Bunny Beaugard?
Haley: Bunny Beaugard... Dawson's Creek starring Rocket Roe and Bunny Beaugard.
Haley: [Lucas interrupts to say "Nice"]
Haley: Shut up!

Brooke: How could you cheat on me with my best friend?
Lucas: Brooke, I never meant to hurt you.
Brooke: That doesn't really matter, Lucas. 'Cause in the end it all hurts just the same.

Lucas: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once wrote:"We are all architects of faith, ever living in these walls of time."

Lucas: [voiceover] My name is Lucas Scott. I'm a senior at Tree Hill High School. I play basketball - at least I used to. I have a girlfriend - at least I used to. And I have a best friend. Tree Hill is just a place somewhere in the world. Maybe it's a lot like your world, maybe it's nothing like it. But if you look closer, you might see someone like you. Someone trying to find their way. Someone trying to find their place. Someone trying to find their self. Sometimes it seems like you are the only one in the world who's struggling, who's frustrated, unsatisfied, barely getting by. But that feeling's a lie. And if you just hold on, just find the courage to face it all for another day, someone or something will find you and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes-someone to helps us hear the music in their world, to remind us that it won't always be this way. That someone is out there. And that someone will find you

[Lucas walks into the kitchen, where Karen and Whitey already has taken seats]
Lucas: If you're having an intervention, you can have my heart pills.

Peyton: [Lucas and Haley on the counter talking, Peyton approaches them] How are you feeling Haley?
Lucas: Hales, you know my girlfriend Peyton, right?
Peyton: Oh God.
[Peyton leaves embarrassed]
Haley: What? Since when?
Lucas: Since now, I hope!

Ref: Coach, I can't let you play with four. Unless one of your players is hurt.
Lucas: All of my players are hurting, that's why we're playing with four.

Lucas: You know, I've never walked away from anything before, Haley?
Haley: I know.
Lucas: But I can't do it, and even worse, I don't know why I can't do it. You know, it's like, no matter how confusing or screwed up life got, you know, the game always made sense. It was mine, you know? And in a lot of ways it's who I am. But I can't be that person in their gym, or in their uniforms, or in their world.
Haley: I hear you, Luke. But I know you. And I know that no matter what happens you're still gonna be the same guy you always were. No uniform, no whatever is gonna ruin that, you know?

Austin: What up, guys?
David: What up.
Ryan: Sorry about your costume you lost, Austin.
Austin: It's all good, my friends.
David: No, it's not all good, bro. Now we don't get to be the Three Musketeers. You get to be Prince Charming, and we're the two wimps in wigs.
Austin: [laughs]

Junk: People loved Keith, you know? I was the worst mechanic on the planet, but he gave me a summer job because he knew I needed the money.
Fergie: We hung out that whole summer talking old-school basketball with him. Me, Skills, Mouth...
Marvin: And Jimmy. Jim's funeral is on Tuesday.
Lucas: Jimmy Edwards killed my uncle. Do not talk about him, not in my mother's house.

Lucas: Is that an order captain.
Nathan: Don't push me bitch.

Lucas: Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote: ''There is no privacy that cannot be penetrated. No secret can be kept in the civilized world. Society is a masked ball, where everyone hides his real character, and reveals it by hiding''.

Lucas: [to Nathan] I don't care what you do to me whatever you got you better bring it.

Brooke: George Bernard Shaw once wrote: "There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it." Clearly, Shaw had his heart broken once or twice.
Nathan: As far as I'm concerned, Shaw was a punk. Cause you know what? Tragedies happen. What are you gonna do, give up? Quit? No. I realize now that when your heart breaks, you got to fight like hell to make sure your still alive. Because you are. And that pain you feel? That's life. The confusion and fear? That's there to remind you, that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for.
Haley: This year, I got everything I wanted and everything I wished for. But in a way, I lost even more.
Lucas: Shaw was right. As we strain to grasp the things we desire, the things we think will make our lives better: money, popularity, fame... we ignore what truly matters, the simple things, like friendship, family, love. The things we probably already had.
Mouth: So Mr. Shaw thinks that getting your heart's desire is a tragedy? I say he's wrong. I mean, clearly Shaw never kissed Erica Marsh.
Peyton: Yes, losing your heart's desire is tragic. But gaining your heart's desire? That's all you can hope for. This year I wished for love... to immerse myself in someone else and to wake a heart long afraid to feel. My wish was granted. And if having that is tragic, then give me tragedy. Because I wouldn't give it back for the world.

[repeated line]
Lucas: It's worth nothing if you can't knock down the shot.

Lucas: How are you holding up?
Brooke: I never meant for it to happen Luke, I was just really drunk and Peyton broke up with Nathan and did I mention I was really, really drunk?

Nathan: [reading the text with Haley] Need ass?
Lucas: Well, we're thinking it's assistance.

Coach: Nice, isn't it? A lot of people like their gyms loud. I like mine like this: quiet, clean... kind of like a church. A lot of praying done here, anyway. You played ball in grade school. Why'd you quit?
Lucas: I didn't.
Coach: [chuckling] What, four guys in a park? That's not exactly basketball.
Lucas: Then what do you think we're doin' out there?
Coach: I don't know. Planning a bank job? Look, I've got an opening in my lineup. Varsity. Chance of a lifetime. What do you say?
Lucas: I say those people that pray here waste their time. God doesn't watch sports.

Lucas: How long has that light been on?
Brooke: Just a little while but its kind of a pretty color and i liked it.
Brooke: Bad Call?
Nathan: Ha
[car makes funny sound]
Brooke: bad call

Jake: Sorry I'm late, Coach.
Coach: Why should today be any different, Jageilski? Move your ass. The rest of you ladies start defense drills, pronto.
[walk out]
Nathan: Why is coach so easy on you, Jageilski?
Tim: If I'm late I get wind sprints.
Jake: We party together.
Tim: Maybe they're lovers.
Nathan: [to Tim and Jake] Why, did you two break up?
[Nathan and Tim leave]
Lucas: So, anyway, man, what's the deal? What's going on? You know, you're out sick all the time, and you come in late and cut out early. I don't understand. Coach just lets you.
Jake: [getting changed] Just helping me out.
Lucas: Meaning?
Jake: Meaning he's just helping me out.
Lucas: All right.
[Lucas leaves and Jake leans against his locker and sighs]

Haley: Did you ever pick out your porn name?
Lucas: What are you talking about?
Haley: Your porn name. Um, you know. You take the name of your first pet and your mother's maiden name, you put them together. What was the name of your first pet?
Lucas: You know that. I had a dog named Rocket.
Haley: Oh, Rocket. I loved Rocket. So, your mother's maiden name is Rowe. Rocket Rowe. Nice.
Lucas: What's yours?
Haley: Oh, I had a bunny named Bunny.
Lucas: You named the bunny Bunny.
Haley: Yes, I did. And my mother's maiden name is Beaugard. So...
Lucas: Bunny Beaugard.
Haley: Bunny Beaugard. Dawson's Freaks, starring Rocket Rowe and Bunny Beaugard.
Lucas: Nice.
Haley: Shut Up.

Brooke: [reads from Lucas's book] She was fiercely independant. Brooke Davis. Brilliant, and beautiful, and brave. In 2 years she had grown more than anyone I had ever known. Brooke Davis is going to change the world someday. And I'm not sure she even knows it.
Lucas: Your gonna do great, Brooke. The world doesn't stand a chance.
Brooke: Thank you...

Lucas: [voice-over] e.e. cummings once wrote, 'To be nobody-but-yourself, in a world which is doing its best, night and day to make you everybody else... means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight... and never stop fighting.'

Lucas: I should go.
Haley: Lucas, wait.
Lucas: No, I should go. I thought you weren't ready. I didn't mean to - it's just - I thought you were going to wait until you got married, Haley.
Haley: What?
Lucas: I thought you were going to wait.
Haley: We did.
Lucas: What?
Haley: We, um...
[hold up her left hand]
Haley: - we got married last night.

Lucas: When life comes rushing at you from out of the darkness, who will you choose to face it with? Will it be someone you trust? Will they be wise? And will their love for you help them to guide you to the light? Or will they lose their way in the darkness. Will they make noble choices or will that person be someone untested? Someone new? Life comes rushing at you from out of the darkness. When it does - is there someone in your life you can count on? Someone who'll watch over you when you stumble and fall and in that moment give you the strenght to face your fears alone.

Lucas: [to Peyton] Hey. Your art matters. It's what got me here.

Austin: You're not a guy, right? 'Cause if you are I'll kick your butt.
Sam: [chuckles] I am not a guy.

Peyton: So, last week... sucked. I just wanted to say thanks.
Lucas: Oh, you made me a mix?
Peyton: Just trying to square my karma.
Lucas: Uh-huh... Does this mean we're dating?

Lucas: [to Peyton] Hey I thought about it and I'm gonna talk to Brooke.
[Lucas looks over at Brookes empty desk]
Lucas: Hey Brooke!

Sam: I'm late.
Austin: For what?
Sam: Reality.

Lucas: You told me to fight for you, and I did. You never fought for me.
Brooke: And I'm not going to.
Lucas: Okay... I guess I was wrong... I'm not the guy for you Brooke Davis.

Sam: Don't you know who I am?
Austin: Of course I do. You're Princeton Girl. You're the girl I've been waiting to meet. I know exactly who you are! What's your name?

Haley: What'd you say to Hooter girl when she made her topless debut?
Lucas: I told her she looked beautiful.

David: [Austin is sticking ads everywhere to find his Cinderella] Dude, why are you going through all this trouble for one chick?
Austin: Look, she's not just some chick, all right? She was real.
Ryan: Real. Like, she still had her old nose?
Austin: No, real. The kind of girl who has more on her mind than what she wears, or how much weight she wants to lose. She listens to me, you know?
David: Listens yo you? Hey, brother, I listen to you, okay? I feel your pa...
[gets distracted by a girl passing by, then talks to the girl]
David: ...Hello, kitty!
Austin: Yeah, you're a great listener.
David: Well...
Ryan: Look, man, you found her cellphone. You just gotta get some clue from that.
Austin: The phone's locked. All I keep getting's these text messages like, "I need you", and "Come see me now."
David: Oh dude, it's so hot.
Austin: See, that's what I thought. Until I got one that said, "Come fix fryer".
David: Oh, dude, that's hot AND kinky, baby! You know what I'm saying? Can I get one? Let me get a pound, baby.
Austin: [looks at David disapprovingly]

Nathan: Do you ever think we can have a function in this town that doesn't end up in a brawl?
Lucas: Why? Getting a little too "Outsiders" for you?
Nathan: I never saw it.
Lucas: Well, you would have been one of the bad guys.
Nathan: Oh sh*t!
Lucas: You know... about what I said in the time capsule... with Dan.
Nathan: Whatever man... We're cool!

Brooke: Why does everybody lie? You know, the bad guys lie to get in your bed, and the good guys lie to get into your heart. And I'm the idiot who falls for it every time
Lucas: Brooke, you are not an idiot. Not even close. You know who you are, most people don't you know. That's why they lie. They are afraid people might find out who they are before they figure it out themselves.

Peyton: Well I have a question to ask you but before you give me an answer, I just want you to know there is a point to it okay?
Lucas: Okay.
Peyton: All right, ummm, imagine a future moment in your life where all your dreams come true. You know, it's the greatest moment in your life and you get to experience it with one person. Who's standing next to you?
Lucas: Mmm, Kate Bosworth.
Peyton: Shut up, I'm serious!
Lucas: Ohh, so am I.

Lucas: What a frightening thing is the human; a mass of gauges and dials and registers. And we can read only a few, and those perhaps not accurately.

Tom: I get one phone call, right?
Gil: Sure. Just like in the movies.