Top 50 Quotes From Karen Roe

Karen: [to Lucas] Hey! I almost didn't recognize you without Peyton attached to your hip.

Lucas: I'm sorry, Mom, but this is my life.
Karen: You know, if I'd been that selfish at your age, you might not be here right now.

Karen: [to Peyton] You know, I don't know what it's like to have a daughter. But I do know what it's like to be a mother. And your's would be so proud of the woman you've become.

Karen: You've stopped in for coffee every morning this week, and well... I enjoy seeing you, it's just, well, I'm not sure it's appropriate.
Andy: Well, you know, in some cultures, you can buy coffee without actually having to have sex with the café owner. You know, those cultures aren't nearly as much fun for me, but what are you gonna do?

Karen: Then you said something I'll never forget. You said you felt bad for the kids who never figured it out, because when they grew up and had kids of their own, there wouldn't be any gifts on Christmas morning. You're a good kid, Luke. But sometimes I feel like you're sitting out your life on account of me, and I don't want that for you. My past is not your future, okay?

Keith: Karen. Ready to go?
Karen: Oh, I'm not going. I decided to stay open. I could use the business.
Keith: You talk to Luke about this?
Karen: No, he will understand.
Keith: Karen...
Haley: She doesn't want to go. She doesn't want to see her high school sweetheart slash your brother Dan slash the jerk who abandoned Lucas slash the father of Nathan, the team's star player slash my wrists if I hear this story again. Let's go.
Keith: I think you're making a mistake.

Karen: [to Keith] Marry me.

Nathan: When Haley told me about the tour, I got mad at her. Told her that if she left with Chris, it was over. I didn't really mean it. She left anyway.
Karen: Nathan...
Nathan: She's not coming back. What am I gonna do?
Karen: Nathan, I know what it's like to have the person you love walk away. Trust me. But I know Haley and she's a good person. She'll do the right thing. You just have to have a little faith.

Karen: There is only one Tree Hill.

Dan: Karen, would it be the strangest thing if we grab a cup of coffee sometimes.
Karen: I have given up coffee through my pregnancy.
Dan: Movie then?
Karen: No!
Dan: You have given up movies too?
Karen: No. I just don't want to go with you.

Karen: [Shari invites Karen to a meeting with the team moms. She lies, and tells her it starts at 6-ish] Hi, I'm Karen, Lucas' mom. You said 6 o'clock, right.
Shari: Oh, I'm sorry, honey, you must have misunderstood. We start at 5 o'clock sharp.
Karen: [Karen mumbles under her breath] Yeah, right...
Alice: [Asks Karen] Is you son going to be a permanant player on the team? I just find it funny that you son just joined the team and gets a star position ahead of boys that have been Ravens for years.
Karen: It's because he's good...
Shari: What?
Karen: He's a kid who wants to play. And he's good. Maybe your boys should remember that the next time they want to steal his wallet or ruin his clothes or do whatever else they have planned for him...
Shari: What are you trying to say? Our boys did this? Our kids are the good ones...
Karen: You know, Shari, I came here tonight wanting to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I can clearly see that you are still the same... petty little bitch you were in high school.
Shari: Uh!
[Shari lets out a shocked gasp, and the other ladies sit in silence, as Karen slowly turns around and leaves the room with a satisfied grin on her face]

Karen: I will not have a gun toting junkie destroy a 17 year old business.

Karen: So, I got something for you, Lucas.
Haley: Actually, I found it. Not that I was looking for something specifically, which implies some hideous sort of "Joey loves Dawson" scenario and completely creep me out, but, you know, we saw it, and... Well, give him the book!
[Lucas open up the gift]
Lucas: Wow. "Julius Caesar."
Karen: "There's a tide in the affairs of men", or something like that.
Lucas: Nice. Thank you, guys. Thank you very much.
Haley: Whatever. That's what you're into.

Dan: I'm only thinking of the kid.
Karen: You have no right to think of him - not today or any other day of his life. How dare you.
Dan: Are you finished?
Karen: I haven't even started!

Karen: Haley comes from a big family. When Lucas met her, I think they were eight or nine. But she saw it was just me and Lucas, and she said "Yeah, I come from a big family. I think you guys need me more."

Karen: You know what Dan, if you are looking for people who are mad at you, you might want to start at A in the phone book.

Karen: I know you're searching for things, Lucas. And I hope, with all my heart that you find the answers to your questions. But the answers that you're looking for are closer than you think. They're in your heart. And in the hearts of those who love you. And that is right here at home. Now, in your life you're going to go to some great places, and you're gonna do some wonderful things. But no matter where you go or who you become... this place will always be with you. There is only one Tree Hill. And it's your home.

Lucas: [enthusiastically] Hey, guys, maybe we should have, like, a signal. You know, in case any of us wants to leave.
Keith: [rather unenthusiastically] Or maybe we should just leave.
Lucas: Oh, come on, that's no fun. How about "CAAAW"?
Karen: "Caw"?
Lucas: Yeah, you know, like a raven. CAAAW!
Karen: CAAAW!

Karen: Look, I'm sorry about what I said before. Because, let's face it, it's been a long time. We really don't know each other anymore. But I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, so that next time we meet, at least I'll be dealing with the person you've become. And I hope you'll do the same.

Dan: I thought maybe you'd be at Tric.
Karen: Oh, yeah, Deb fired me.
Dan: Fire is her specialty.

Karen: Welcome to my history, Haley James Scott.

Karen: [after finding out Brooke is pregnant, Karen has slapped Lucas] Lucas! I didn't mean it.
Lucas: I'm pretty sure you did.
Karen: No! It's just - do you understand? This is *exactly* what I didn't want for you! I mean, have I been talking to myself for the last few years? You have so much left to do in life! So does Brooke. Oh God, you're both just too young for this.
Lucas: Don't cry, Mom.
Karen: It's just that I'm scared for you. I can't believe this is happening.

Karen: "Caw"?

Lucas: How close was I to not existing? Dan wanted an abortion, Mom. Why didn't you listen to him?
Karen: Because I realized... I wanted you in my future.

Haley: [answers phone at the café] Karen's Café.
Nathan: I'm calling for Haley James.
Haley: Yeah, this is her.
Nathan: Hey, it's Nathan Scott. Um, I really need your help.
Haley: Sorry, this isn't her.
[hangs up phone]
Karen: What was that?
Haley: Wrong number.

Karen: Well, if it makes you feel any better, I called some woman a bitch the other day.
[Lucas laughs]
Karen: I'm proud of you. You know that? Sometimes I wonder where you get all your strength.
Lucas: Well I get that from you.
Karen: Oh, I don't know about that. I haven't been on my best behavior lately.
Lucas: Ah, well they don't make it easy, do they?
Karen: No they don't. That doesn't mean we have to sink to their level.
Lucas: Take the high road, huh? Sounds familiar. But Mom... I tried that. And I want to make you proud. I do. But there comes a certain point when you have to fight back. And I'm at that point.

Lucas: There's something I have to tell you. You should sit.
Karen: Okay. I think I'll stand.
Lucas: This is gonna hurt you, Mom. And I'm sorry.
Karen: What happened?
Lucas: Brooke's pregnant.
Karen: [she slaps him] Oh, my God, Lucas. I'm so sorry.
Lucas: I guess I deserved that. Stupid...
[he walks off]

Karen: Oh. You just took 10 years off my life
Lucas: It is 1 o'clock in the morning, I have been worried sick, where have you been?
Karen: I'm sorry- I was just
Lucas: You know the rules if you are not home by midnight you call
Karen: [sarcastic] ha ha ha, I really hope I don't sound like that. When did you get home?
Lucas: About 5 minutes ago
Karen: [looks at her watch] Well then we are both grounded
Lucas: Clearly a rookie mom, next time try sneaking though the window.

Andy: So, Business 101, huh? You a business major?
Karen: I'm not sure yet. It's my first college class.
Andy: Are you taking it with Hargrove? This guy's tough.
Karen: Really? How tough?
Andy: I heard he shot a guy, at B school, just to watch him die.
Karen: You're kidding?
Andy: Yes. Well, about him shooting someone. Not about him being tough though. Good luck.
[Andy walks up to the front]
Andy: Andy: Morning, folks! My name is Andy Hargrove...
[Karen looks confused]

Keith: Whitey, what are you doing in our room?
Coach: Don't you mean our room? Oh, the two of you shacked up together in sin. That's a bad example to the children. Ya oughta be ashamed of yourselves.
Karen: But, uh...
Coach: Oh, don't worry Karen. I'll take good care of him. Well, what have we got here? Mmmm... truffles.

Dan: I saw the light.
Karen: I doubt it.

Karen: Is everything alright? Is Dan okay?
Deb: Uh, the doctors are ready to release him.
Karen: Oh, that's good news.
Deb: Yeah.
Karen: Let me grab some coffee.
Deb: Dan says he wants to come home.
Karen: Well, let me grab some liquor.

Karen: So what does this dress say to you? Single and successful or married to her work?
Lucas: Is this for that Justice League thing?
Karen: Small Business League, and I want to look nice
Lucas: Is Keith still going as your date?
Karen: It's not a date. So which dress?
Lucas: Umm... black I guess
Karen: Then black it is. Keith didn't say anything to you did he?
Lucas: Ohh about the date that you two aren't going on? No...
Karen: Haha... good luck on your game tonight...
Lucas: Yeah you too Ma.

Karen: Look who it is, the kissing bandit. Did you fondle anyone while I was away?
Dan: I should apologize. I won't but I should. That kiss was a reckless mistake, kind of like Lucas. That was a joke
Karen: Funny, no wonder you are getting a divorce. How's that going by the way
Dan: Why you ready for round two.
Karen: [clears throat] Sorry, I just threw up a little in my mouth.
Dan: Could I just have a coffee please.
Karen: Sure, just let me spit in it first.

Karen: Okay. What does this dress say to you?
Lucas: Uh... Beware of crazy ladies who talk to dresses.

Karen: You know, Shari, I came down here wanting to give you the benefit of the doubt, but clearly you're still the same petty little bitch you were in high school.

Lucas: I didn't want to be like him and I was afraid that I'd become him if I played. In the gym, I felt like he had a piece of me. I never felt like that on the playground.
Karen: Well, I'd say he's taken enough from us. I took the night off to watch my son play again. The way that he used to when he loved the game more than anything

Karen: I... I know we have to go, but there really is something I wanted to tell you... both of you. You know, in life, if you let it, you can always come up with reasons to give up. But if you don't, you might just find love in places you never imagined... in a new relationship or in your work...
Brooke: Or in your children.
Karen: Whatever it is, just don't give up on it. And if you don't get it, well, you might get something better.

Lucas: Did you change your hair?
Karen: If by "change" you mean "dragged a brush through it", then yeah.

Karen: [to Lucas] Did you pull Dan out of the fire?
Lucas: Mom...
Karen: Did you?
Lucas: Yes.
Karen: You selfish, stupid boy. Did you think about me? Just once, think about me, and what my life would be like if I lost you? Running into burning buildings, high schools with guns. Did I raise an idiot?
Lucas: I know! Okay, I know! It's my fault! If I didn't go back in there, Keith would still be here, and I know that. And I'm sorry.
Karen: Well, sorry isn't gonna bring him back, is it?

Karen: Can I be honest Dan? You are creeping everybody out

Keith: Karen. Ready to go?
Karen: Oh, I'm not going. I decided to stay open. I could use the business.
Keith: You talk to Luke about this?
Karen: No, but he'll understand.
Keith: Karen...
Haley: She doesn't want to go. She doesn't want to see her high school sweetheart slash your brother Dan slash the jerk who abandoned Lucas slash the father of Nathan, the team's star player slash my wrists if I hear this story again. Let's go.
Keith: I think you're making a mistake.

Brooke: [When seeing Karen's engagement ring] Get Out!!
Karen: This is my club?

Karen: It's past curfew, Brooke.
Brooke: [drunk] I know, I'm sorry. Bevin made me go to this party because I've been "drifting."
Karen: Have you been drinking, Brooke?
Brooke: No, Karen, "drif-ting."

Karen: [referring to Brooke] Oh Lucas, look it's her loss. There are a ton of girls out there that would be lucky to have you.
Lucas: I'll make sure to tell those girls my mommy said so.
Karen: I'm serious. You know a customer once told me that the best way to get over someone was to get uder someone else.
[stops licking envelope after realizing what she just said]
Karen: Ohh my God! I just realized what that meant! Uhhhh, ohhh my God. I-I thought it was more philosophical, you know get to know them... not get under them...
Lucas: Mom!
Karen: Uhhhh, scratch that.

Karen: It's hard to fight the things we are afraid of. Sometimes we just need a little help.

Karen: I am all for living life to the fullest, but can this day just be over already?
Lucas: Mom, you loved Dan, right? In high school?
Karen: Oddly, yes.
Lucas: Okay, I know you probably can't answer this for me, but what did you do when he didn't love you back? How did you get over it?
Karen: When I do, I'll get back to you.

Whitey: Well, I guess your nest is feeling pretty empty, huh?
Karen: Yeah, I guess so.
Whitey: You ever think maybe that's what Lucas wanted? You know, that silence would close in on you and you'd have to go out and make some noise yourself.
Karen: Well, I was thinking that... maybe I'd take some classes over at the university.
Whitey: Well, stop thinking about it, damn it, and do it! You know what I'd do if I was your age? Everything. And then, by golly, I'd turn around and do it again. I wouldn't give a rat's ass who disapproved or what I looked like doin' it. Karen... take it from me. When you're my age, you don't wanna be here... tangled up in that road never travelled. Make some time. Take a few chances.

Karen: [Karen, Lucas, and Haley are sitting at a table in the cafe. Karen has just learned that Lucas and Nathan have fought in class, becuase Nathan described Lucas in one word... bastard] So, are you going to tell me about the fight, or are you going to assume that I know while I yell at you?
Lucas: Mom, listen...
Karen: No, when they called me from school today, I was sure they had the wrong Scott. Then they told me they had both Scotts, and I could take my pick. Honestly! Fighting in school, Lucas? Fighting at all? My God, Lucas, what were you thinking?
Lucas: But he was being a jerk, mom!
Karen: And this is something new? He hasn't been a jerk before?
Lucas: Yes, but...
Karen: Then, why sink down to his level?

Karen: So what does this dress say to you? Single and successful or married to her work?
Lucas: Is this for that Justice League thing?
Karen: Small Business League, and I want to look nice.
Lucas: Is Keith still going as your date?
Karen: It's not a date. So which dress?
Lucas: Umm... black I guess.
Karen: Then black it is. Keith didn't say anything to you did he?
Lucas: Oohh about the date that you two aren't going on? No...
Karen: Haha... good luck on your game tonight...
Lucas: Yeah you too Ma.