200 Best Nathan Scott Quotes

Julian: [voiceover] The world is full of magic, you just have to believe in it.
Brooke: [voiceover] So make your wish. Do you have it?
Nathan: [voiceover] Good. Now believe in it...
Haley: [voiceover] With all your heart.

Dan: Nathan, how have you been?
Nathan: Drunk. Bitter. Kinda like Mom.

Nathan: Coming to the game tonight?
Haley: Um... I don't know...
Nathan: You should come. We always beat the crap out the Pickerington Hicks.
Haley: They're called the Hicks?
Nathan: No. But they should be.

Nathan: Well, this is it. Massage and Spa.
Tim: What's the back say?
Nathan: Ask for the special.
Tim: It's the happy ending!
[eagerly rings the bell]

Nathan: I heard about what happened Saturday night.
Lucas: And?
Nathan: And if all this stuff about Brooke is gonna make you play any worse, you should just take yourself out of the game right now.
Lucas: Thanks for your concern, but how about you mind your own business?
Nathan: The game *is* my business, all right? And I don't want you screwing it up over some chick.
Lucas: Heh. You're one to talk.
Nathan: Yeah, I am. See, my game's gotten better; your game sucks. Fix it.
Lucas: Your marriage sucks. Fix it.
Nathan: I'll tell you what. I'll give you the same brilliant advice that you gave me when Chris kissed Haley.
[Nathan copies Lucas' voice and signature squint]
Nathan: "Just forgive her, man. She loves you."
[Lucas glares at Nathan]
Nathan: Doesn't help much, does it?

Skills: So what's up, man? How 'bout some shots with the Scotts?
Nathan: Look, man, you blew up out there, but it's only gonna get tougher, so you gotta keep bringing it, all right?
Skills: Look, man, I'm -a be so tight out there, dawg, they 'bout to be calling me Ziplock.
Nathan: Just say you're gonna bring it, Skills.

Nathan: [Nathan and Chris are rushing Dan to the hospital in a stolen police car, Chris is driving] Put the siren on!
Julian: I've never been in a cop car before! I don't know where the siren is!
Dan: [weakly] It's the switch in the middle.
Nathan: [laughing at the irony] You're gonna be OK! You're gonna be OK, Dad!

Dan: Nathan. Remember, 20 shots - no less.
Nathan: Got it, Dad.
Coach: Quit yakking and warm up.

Haley: Hi.
Nathan: Hey. Thanks for coming.
Haley: Yeah, thanks for calling me. What's wrong?
Nathan: Your song is great, Haley. Chris played it for me... uh, it's a long story, but it's really great. I just wanted you to know that.
Haley: Oh... okay.
Nathan: My mom left... for good. I think. Oh and apparently my dad's the mayor now, so, yeah, today's really sucked ass.
Haley: Oh, Nathan. I'm so sorry.
Nathan: You know for most of my life I would have gone through this alone, but then I met you. And I finally found someone I could depend on like I've got this. So I guess I called you 'cause I wanted to know if that was still there.
Haley: Nathan, you can always call me. Always and forever. I want to ask you something, umm, the night of the masquerade party, did we... did you kiss me?
Nathan: Of course I did.
Haley: Oh, no you didn't. That kiss wasn't half as good as this one. I love you for lying to me. Thanks for calling.
Nathan: Haley... stay with me tonight.
Haley: Oh, I was hoping you would say that.

Nathan: [after Nate and Haley have reunited in the hospital and Nate is being evaluated by the doctors] You know you don't have to stay here with me the whole time.
Haley: [hugging Nate] Are you kidding me? I'm never gonna let you go. If I could sew my skin to yours, I would.
Nathan: That's really gross.

Dan: OK, just wait. Let's just talk.
Nathan: Bout what?
Dan: I dunno. How's your wife?
Nathan: [Nathan looks as him mom steps out of the house and looks at them] Lot happier than yours.

Nathan: Evening, officer, buy us some beer?

Nathan: So a month ago, did you think we be alone in your bedroom?
Haley: Oh but we're not alone in my bedroom, we have the fore-fathers with us.
Nathan: They can watch.
Haley: Nathan, can you just get serious for a minute?
Nathan: Oh I'm serious, come here.
[he pulls her next to him and they start to kiss]

Haley: Nathan, about last night?
Nathan: Hey, look it's not about sex with me all right. When you're ready, I will be too.
Haley: Come here.
[they kiss]

Haley: I need you to talk to me.
Nathan: Haley, I'm not trying to shut you out, ok? I just don't understand it enough to let you in yet.
Haley: Whatever it is we are going to get through it together. I'm right here, Nathan. I'm not going anywhere.

Nathan: I am the kid, Hales and I'm sick of dealing with my parents' problems. If it's not my dad with a restraining order, it's my mom with a glock. They're unbelievable. My one saving grace. My one way out is if I play halfway decent in these playoffs, I can get a scholarship and I can get the hell away from both of these lunatics. Should my mom have a gun? No! But am I going to let her stupidity or anything else stand in the way of my dreams? Not a chance.
[Nathan kisses Haley's forehead]
Nathan: See ya!

Nathan: [voiceover] The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it.

Brooke: Thank you for coming, Nate.
Nathan: Whatever, I just ran out of alcohol.

Haley: Is that it?
Nathan: You know, my pride says, "Yeah, that's it. Just walk away and let Haley deal with the fact that she's clearly threatened by a sexual relationship." But my heart says, "Just forget your pride, you idiot. You love this girl. And even if you're gonna catch pneumonia, your ass is gonna stand out here in the rain... until you convince her to forgive you." So, come on, Hales, just meet me halfway?
Haley: Why should I?
Nathan: Because I'm sorry. Because I love you. And because you're looking really hot standing out here in the rain and I'm thinking I have to kiss you.
Haley: Well, if you have to.

Nathan: [at the hospital] Dad, why does this have to be so difficult? You're my father, so I should love you, but I've spent so much of my life hating you.
Dan: [nods] I was a terrible father. I know this.
Nathan: You know, I can justify a lot of screwed-up things that you've done. You bullied me because you wanted to make me tough. You tried to ruin my marriage because you wanted me to have a career. You even burned down your diner just because you wanted to see me again. But I can't understand how you could murder your own brother. And I'm worried. I'm worried that when you're gone, that's all I'll remember. And I'll still hate you for it.
Dan: You should hate me for it.
Nathan: So why did you do it?
Dan: [shrugs] I was always jealous of Keith. Even when we were kids. I was athletic, popular, all the things that he wasn't. But still I was jealous of him. And people were drawn to Keith, and I hated him for it.
Nathan: So you shot him because people liked him more?
Dan: The day I shot Keith, I was in a dark place. I was convinced that he tried to kill me. I'd lost you, I divorced your mom, my life was spiraling downwards, and meanwhile Keith was building a new life with my high school sweetheart and the child I abandoned, and every time I looked at him, I felt like I was punched in the gut.
Nathan: So what happened in that hallway?
Dan: Keith wanted to go into the school to save that kid. So I let him go... hoping he'd get shot. Let him be the hero, as long as he was a dead hero. And then I thought 'why should he be the hero when it could be me?' So I followed him in. Jimmy was crying... and Keith was telling him 'it gets better... that pain in your heart that tells you there's no way out, it's wrong... it gets better'. And I felt like he was talking to me. And in that moment, maybe the most heroic, kindest moment of my big brother's life, I hated him. I hated him more than anyone or anything, because nothing had gotten better. That pain was still in my heart. That voice in my head saying there was no way out was right! And he was standing there lying to me! And after Jimmy died, I picked up the gun, and I aimed it at Keith, and he looked at me. And all I could think of was how everything that had gone wrong was his fault. And it wasn't gonna get better until he was gone. Just pull the trigger and it all ends!
[voice breaks]
Dan: So I pulled that trigger! And it didn't end! It got worse. I'm so sorry.
Dan: I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry.

Dallas: Great song huh.
Nathan: Yeah.
Dallas: You're uh, Haley's husband right?
Nathan: Yeah.
Dallas: [shakes Nathan's hands] Dallas, Epic Records. She's talented. I gotta be honest though. It's a shame she's not touring. She must really love you.

Dan: [notices Nathans nipple piercing] If I wanted a daughter I'd adopt one.
Nathan: What so you could abandon her too.

Nathan: You kissed my wife, you lost all my money, you lied to me about a poker game and you got me attacked by a munchkin and a transvestite...
Chris: Whoah, whoah, whoah... you think Emmanuelle's a dude?
Nathan: E-MAN-uelle has an adam's apple!

Nathan: [enters their bedroom and leans in the doorway while Haley makes the bed] Quiet around here without Jamie.
Haley: Yeah, he's with Brooke. Baby steps.
Nathan: Yeah. How you sleeping these days?
Haley: So-so. Jamie tosses around like a Tasmanian devil.
Nathan: He should probably get back to his own bed soon. The whole separation thing... Or he can sleep in the spare bedroom with me.
Nathan: You know, sometimes I find your goodness staggering. I didn't get a chance to tell you in the session but your kindness is overwhelming, Haley. I mean, you saved my life.
Nathan: If I haven't said it lately, you're also sexy as hell.
Haley: [Nathan starts to leave their bedroom] Hey... I was thinking, um... not sleeping in this bed might not be so bad if you wanted to try it with me.
[Nathan kisses Haley and tosses her down on the bed, they continue kissing]
Haley: You got any more of that sexy talk?
Nathan: What, the kindness stuff or the sexy stuff?
Haley: The sexy.
Nathan: You have a serious ass, Haley James.

Dan: OK, just wait. Let's just talk.
Nathan: Bout what?
Dan: I dunno. How's your wife?
Nathan: [Nathan looks as him mom steps out of the house and looks at them] Lot happier than yours.

Lucas: I think everybody knows that Nathan and I got off to a pretty sketchy start. Nathan, mutual hatred sound about right?
Nathan: Worse.
[Many of the guests laughs]
Lucas: Yeah... You see, then a funny thing happened. Haley. She showed me that you can find the good in everybody, if you just give them a chance. The benefit of the doubt. Sometimes, people disappoint you. Sometimes they surprise you. But you never really get to know them, until you listen for what's in their hearts. And that's what Haley did for Nathan. That's what we should do for them. So for you sceptics out there, prepare to be surprised. So this is to my brother... and my little sis... in-law, and in love.
[People raise their glasses]

Nathan: [highly demotivated as he is wearing a white skirt and green sash that is saying 'Lady Leprechaun' in gold] Good evening, Mr and Mrs Tree Hill resident. We're selling these delicious cookies to raise money for 'Lady Leprechauns', an organisation that empowers us girls to be strong, beautiful, independent women of tomorrow.

Rachel: I know you saved my life.
[Nathan looks uncomfortable]
Rachel: I'm going to find a way to thank you.
Nathan: You don't have to do that.
Rachel: No, I want to.
[Rachel kisses Nathan on the cheek]
Rachel: You have Cooper's eyes.

Haley: [surprisingly, to Nathan] Water?
Nathan: I wasn't even planning on drinking until Brooke forced her... 'self' on us.

Nathan: How did it go with Anna anyway?
Lucas: Well. Let's just say we didn't exactly end the night together.
Nathan: Who did you end up with?
[Someone knocks on the door, and Brooke opens it from outside]
Nathan: [snorts] Only in Tree Hill.

Brooke: Hey guys, what's going on? Is Mouth okay?
Lucas: It doesn't sound like it.
Peyton: Honey Grove, TX. Please come.
Brooke: Need ass? I don't get it. He left with Rachel. Why would he need ass?
Lucas: Assistance.

Dan: Yeah. And this bet tonight is that a joke, too? Or would you really quit the team? 'Cause let's be honest you have everything to lose here and nothing to gain.
Nathan: Sometimes what you call "everything," I call "nothing."

Deb: The two of you were driving us crazy.
Haley: The two of us?
Nathan: I might have called a few times.
Deb: Six times.
Haley: You over obsessive parent!
Deb: You called eight.

Lucas: I'm open Nathan. BALL!
Nathan: [Nathan throws the ball and Lucas moves so the ball hits Chris] The best pick you made all night.

Nathan: [after scaring Chris Keller into falling off his chair] Consider that me hitting you, without the hitting.

Lucas: [after 'Dim' Tim opens the door to him and looks disappointed] What's wrong with Dim?
Nathan: Don't take it personally, he thought you were the stripper.
Lucas: We prefer to be called exotic dancers.

Chris: [Nathan punches Chris - again] Ah! Stop hitting me!
Nathan: Stop kissing my wife!
Chris: I'll stop when you start!

Haley: Nathan, I know I'm driving you crazy.
Nathan: No you're not.
Haley: Do you think that I'm a tease?
Nathan: Stop it.
Haley: Well what do you think?
Nathan: I think that you're my girlfriend, and I like to spend time with you. Look I just don't want to push you.
Haley: You're not.
Nathan: But I am. Haley, you got a tattoo for god sakes. It just freaks me out a little bit, because obviously this whole thing with us means a lot to you.
[she looks at him, worried]
Nathan: I just don't want to do anything to pressure you. Or drive you away. Even though sometimes I can't help it. Just like I can't help that I fell in love with you. Cause I did. I love you, Haley. And it scares me, a little bit, but, there it is.
Haley: Wow. There it is.
[She kisses him]
Haley: I love you too.
[They continue to kiss]

Haley: I guess everybody's just gonna change and go back to Karen's, okay?
Nathan: People are definitely gonna change.
Haley: [sighs] Will you unzip me?
Nathan: Oh, Haley, I love you.
Haley: I love you, too.
Nathan: It's all so uncertain. God, I love you. I don't ever want to come that close to losing you again. I need you to be safe, okay?
Haley: I told you. I'm not going anywhere.

Nathan: I'm sorry. Okay, I never wanted to hurt you and I'm sorry for all the ways that I did.
Haley: I know you're sorry, I know that you don't want to hurt me. But I need to know that you're going to be honest with me.
Nathan: I promise, I -
Haley: I need to know that you're going to let me in, Nathan. I mean, all the way.
Nathan: I will, okay. I'll - I'll let you in if that's what it takes, I'll let you in. It's just... sometimes I'm afraid that if I do, you'll see the real me. The guy I was before you. And I'm not proud of that person, okay; the one that I used to be. But if I have to be that guy to keep you safe, then that's who I'm going to be. Look, if you want me to apologize for defending you, or for fighting back when somebody hurts you, then I can't do that - I won't do that, okay because the truth is: that's a guy I'll never be; a guy that just stands by and watches while the world hurts you. Can you understand that?
Haley: I can't...
Nathan: Haley, you have to -
Haley: No, I can't keep standing on one foot. So, if there's more, I should sit down. But if you're done, then, um... just take me home 'cause I'm tired and I miss you and I love you, every version of you.
Nathan: Come here...
[They hug and he kisses her forehead]

Tim: [to Nathan] Are you sure you know this guy?
Nathan: He works with me at Hot & Twisted
[pretzel stand at the mall]
Nathan's: Great, even the losers don't know me.
Tim: Just read the damn quiz.
Nathan's: [sigh] When your boyfriend kisses you, he a:...
Lucas: What the hell are you reading?
Tim: Cosmo Girl, go on...
Nathan's: When your boyfriend kisses you, he a: looks deeply into your eyes, b: closes his eyes, c: cradles your head softly, d: unhooks your bra.
Tim: It's D, it's definitley D. You go for the bra.
Nathan: Now, Tim, you realise you're supposed to be answering as a girl?
Tim: I know, and i'd want a boyfriend who isn't afraid to go under my shirt!
Lucas: And hopefully someday you'll find him.

Nathan: I heard about what happened Saturday night.
Lucas: And?
Nathan: And if all this stuff about Brooke is gonna make you play any worse, you should just take yourself out of the game right now.
Lucas: Thanks for your concern, but how about you mind your own business?
Nathan: The game *is* my business, all right? And I don't want you screwing it up over some chick.
Lucas: Heh. You're one to talk.
Nathan: Yeah, I am. See, my game's gotten better; your game sucks. Fix it.
Lucas: Your marriage sucks. Fix it.
Nathan: I'll tell you what. I'll give you the same brilliant advice that you gave me when Chris kissed Haley.
[Nathan copies Lucas' voice and signature squint]
Nathan: "Just forgive her, man. She loves you."
[Lucas glares at Nathan]
Nathan: Doesn't help much, does it?

Lucas: Man, its been like, twenty minutes, do you think they're coming back?
[Nathan shrugs, then starts laughing]
Lucas: What?
Nathan: Thing, Thing 1, and Thing 3.
[they both laugh]
Lucas: Well, yeah, man, he was the third.
Nathan: Yeah.

Brooke: Haley still loves you. All you have to do is take her back.
Nathan: Right. Kind of like with you and Lucas? You see! It's not so easy getting back in the ring. Ecspecially with the one who knocked you out in the first place.

Lucas: So, Daytona, how long has it been since last time you've seen Nate?
Daytona: Well, I think last time I saw him, he was shorter than me.
Lucas: [laughs]
Nathan: By, like, half an inch.
Daytona: Whatever, Shorty.

Quentin: [rapping] Ho Ho... There he is. I said its J. Luke Scott, the boy is hot, wherever he goes, homey that's the spot...
James: His name is Q, he's better than you, if the spot is hot, then he's there too...
Quentin: Haha, my man!
Nathan: Ch... yea... I'm the dad, I'm not so bad... I...
[Jamie and Quentin stare at Nathan]

Dan: Nathan, how have you been?
Nathan: Drunk. Bitter. Kinda like Mom.

Dan: Don't you see, Nathan? The strength you need to let go of it, to leave your old man behind - that's what I taught you.
Nathan: Well, lesson learnt.

Clay: [talking to a pig] I feel bad, man, 'cause I love bacon, and I love pork chops. And I love ham, you know, but then I met you. Now I'm conflicted.
Nathan: Look, I know your planning on falling insanely in love with that pig, but can we please talk about something else?

Lucas: Is that an order captain.
Nathan: Don't push me bitch.

[Haley and Nathan are on a date, Tim and some buddies walk up]
Tim: Hey Nathan, what's up man?
[looks at Haley]
Nathan: Hey guys, you know Haley, she's my tutor...
Tim: This looks a lot like a date to me
Nathan: No man, definitely not
Tim: All right, see you later
Nathan: I'm sorry about that...
Haley: [cutting Nathan off] Are you embarrassed to be seen with me? And why are you only nice to me when we're alone?
Nathan: It's just...
Haley: ...You know, for an hour you almost got me to believe that you're not a son of a bitch but, God, you fooled me again.

Nathan: Yeah, very funny Lucas. Your ass is still sleeping on the floor.
[he walks into the bathroom where Haley's taking a bubble bath]
Haley: Surprise. I switched rooms with Lucas, I don't have to sleep on the floor do I?
Nathan: How'd you manage to switch rooms?
Haley: Well believe it or not Bevin "mastermind" maskey arranged the whole thing.
Nathan: [whispers] Come here. You have any room in there for me?
Haley: I thought you'd never ask.
[Nathan jumps in the bath fully clothed]
Haley: NATHAN!! haha. Come here.

Haley: [Haley and Nathan attempting to recording voices to the voicemail] Lets just do one message together.
Nathan: But isn't that what really cheesy couples do?
[lying on his stomach looking at haley with the answering machine in front of him]
Haley: But we are a really cheesy couple, mister
[she says witha a smile]
Nathan: You got a point
[says with a smile , looking back at answering machine]
Haley: [starting voicemail mesage] You have just reached Haley
Nathan: [interrupting haley from message and says into answering machine] ... and Nathan... I live here too
Haley: Ya, Nathan lives here too...
[fake gasp]
Haley: because we're married...
Nathan: And we're not here because we're...
[trailing off because he doesn't no what to say]
Haley: [fills in for nathan] ... having sex... ya...
[Nathn crawls on top of her and kisses her neck while Haley says]
Haley: ... we're having hot sex...
[Haley giggles and remembers that they are still recording while nathan is kissing her]
Haley: We're still on
[she says to nathan]
Nathan: O ya
[turning to the answering machine]
Nathan: leave a mesage and we'll get back to you when we're done.
[turns back to haley and continues kissing her]
Nathan: [they kiss and roll off the bed and giggle]

Nathan: The thing you and I have been down similar roads. We were in the same cliques. We both felt the same pressures, same expectations. Our parents were like children. And we both grew into kind bad versions of ourselves way too fast. So I think you know and get it.
Brooke: They never really gave us a chance did they? Our parents?
Nathan: They didn't know how. Look the thing is you made your dream happen and I know I didn't quite get there when it was taken away from me I dealt with it alone and it was stupid and selfish and wrong. So if your mom tries to take your dream away from you and you feel that same pain like I did I've sort of been there and I'm going to be pissed off if you don't come talk to me about it.

Nathan: Basketball was the most important thing to me. It was the only thing. But now, Haley is.

Nathan: Someday, this beach might wash away... the oceans may dry, the sun could dim, but on that day I'll still be loving you. Always and forever. I promise you, Haley.
Haley: I, Haley, take you Nathan, to have and to hold from this day forward. In sickness and in health. For richer or poorer. For better or worse. I promise that I will love and cherish you, and will deny all things that come between us. I make this promise for eternity. A promise that I will keep forever. Until the end of time. 'Til death do us part.

[first lines]
Nathan: Someday after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity. We will harness for god the energies of love. And then for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.

Nathan: I called your house, your mom said you were here.
Haley: Great. I'll be sure to lie to her next time.
Nathan: Look I didn't know that Brooke read that note okay. I didn't even know there was a note until later. I wouldn't do that to you.
Haley: Okay.
Nathan: Great so we're cool?
Haley: No we're not.
Nathan: Well you believe me right?
Haley: Yeah I believe you're sorry.
Nathan: Well then what?
Haley: Look this whole tutoring, hanging out whatever this is thing. It's just a bad idea. I'm done. Just done.

Nathan: No regrets.

Nathan: I don't think anybody understood the love that I had for you. Because if they did, they would have never doubted us.

Nathan: [Nathan wakes up from his dream where Peyton and Brooke both like him] Haha I know you both want me.
Peyton: Yea, in your dreams!

Nathan: [after scaring Chris Keller into falling off his chair] Consider that me hitting you, without the hitting.

Nathan: [Nathan talking to Haley after getting out of the hospital] Tonight when I fell on the floor I was so scared, so terrified, then I saw you and I promised myself that if I could just get up, walk over to you and tell you how much I need you, how much I want you and that nothing else matters.
[Haley kisses Nathan]

Nathan: [to priest] This test doesn't show how hard we work to keep this relationship together, or that I can't stand it when we're apart, or that every time I look at her, I know that I'm gonna be with her for the rest of my life. We love each Father. No test is going to show that.

Bobby: Nathan Scott. Great to meet ya. How was your flight?
Nathan: It was good sir. Thanks so much for having me.
Bobby: Its Bobby. Hey I really appreciate you coming up here short notice but I wanted you to have a look at the facility before we really get into things. As you'll see, everything here is state of the art. The owners have spared no expense.
Nathan: Heh, I can see that sir.
Bobby: Its just Bobby. Just Bobby. Come on let me show you around. Make no mistake we want to win here weve got some great players on our squad, some of whom youll meet today, I know that with the right coaching we can send some of them to the MBA next season. And all that begins right here. So Nathan, how does it feel to be in a real gym again?
Nathan: Heh, good. It feels good.
Bobby: Bet it does. Come on.

Dan: It's not worth it, son. Pissing your life away over some girl.
Nathan: Some girl? She's my wife, Dad!

Coach: Scott.
Nathan: Sup coach?
Coach: Not you.
[looks at Lucas]
Coach: You.
[looks at Nathan]
Coach: You go read a book or something.

Lucas: You gonna stop a bullet with a baseball bat? Hey, Nathan, Nathan. Someone has a gun in here.
Nathan: Lucas, I know that. Okay, I know this is stupid, but what if something happens to Haley, huh? What if we walk away and something happens to Haley? You gonna live with that?
Lucas: Most heroes are dead, Nate.
Nathan: It's Haley, Lucas.

Nathan: [Dan has just flatlined] Dad, Dad?
[shakes him]
Nathan: Hey, hey! Dad, come on!
Dan: [Nathan rushes to get help, Keith watches him leave... Dan's eyes open] Keith.
Keith: [smiles] Hi, Danny.
Dan: [Dan gets up out of bed and follows Keith out of the hospital room which transitions into the hallway where Keith was murdered] What are we doing back here, Keith?
Keith: I don't think either one of us ever really left, Danny.
Dan: Keith, if I could take it back...
Keith: Well, you can't. I think we both know that.
Dan: I'm so sorry. For that day and every day before it.
Keith: [nods] I know you are, Danny. And I forgive you.
Dan: I took you away from everyone and everything you ever cared about. How can you just forgive me?
Keith: Well, you're dead, Danny. If I can't forgive you now, when can I?
[chuckles softly]
Keith: Look Danny, you've done some horrific things. You can't change that, and you can't take it back. Since then, you've done everything you could to make up for it. You've become a better man.
Dan: [scoffs] I lied about my heart transplant. My book and show were a fraud. I set my own diner on fire.
Keith: [smiles] Well, I didn't say you were perfect. But nobody is. But you learned what's important. You learned to put friends and family first. And you've become the selfless, kind person that I always wanted for a brother.
Dan: Like the kind of brother you were. For so many years, I was so jealous of you. I should've been trying to be more like you. I should have been proud of you. I am proud of you. I love you, Keith.
Keith: [puts his hand on Dan's shoulder] I love you too, Danny.
[beckons towards Dan's room]
Keith: Come on.
Keith: [they gaze at their grieving family standing over Dan's body] I told you the voice was wrong... it gets better.
Keith: Come on, little brother... take a walk with me.
Dan: [they walk towards a mysterious light at the end of the hall] I know where you're going... but what about me?
Keith: Don't worry little brother, you're my 'plus one'.
[Keith puts his hand on Dan's shoulder as they vanish into the light]

Nathan: There was a moment when I was lost, when they had beaten me. And I decided to beg them to let me live... to see my beautiful wife, my son, and my daughter. To breathe another breath and lie in the sun and just live. But begging them wouldn't change things. It would only give them satisfaction and that I wouldn't do. No, this would be the job they carried with them for the rest of their lives. This would be the one they felt guilty about. That their older, fading selves woke up regretting in the middle of the night, trying to quiet their remorse before their own deaths were upon them. So I made a decision to give them nothing. And in that moment one word came to mind... Fortitude.

Nathan: Go ahead man prove me wrong.
Lucas: I don't have to prove anything to you.

Haley: Nathan, you're a hero. You did everything that you could. Nathan: Did I?
Nathan: Did I?

Nathan: Alright, Haley... we got married so quickly, we never really had the talk that most people have when they get engaged... about, you know, past relationships... sexual history.
Haley: Uh, well, that's probably because I can give you mine in under ten seconds while yours is catalogued in the Library of Congress.

Nathan: What do you know about it, Jagielski?
Jake: What do any of us know about anything?

Nathan: When I fell to the floor tonight, I was so scared, I was so terrified. Then I saw you, and I promised myself that if I could just get up, I'd walk over to you... I'd tell you how much I need you and how much I want you... and how nothing else matters.

Haley: The good news is you did better and the bad news is better is a "D".
Nathan: Yeah I guess I didn't really give this one my best shot.
Haley: What's going on with you?
Nathan: Well you know me and Peyton broke up.
Haley: Peyton and I.
Nathan: Well she broke up with you too? I didn't know she was going to take it this hard. She went off on Brooke at practice. I'm kinda worried about her.
Haley: Well maybe you should have worried about her more when you were together. I'm sorry, but come on it's true.
Nathan: No you don't know the first thing about Peyton and I.
Haley: Ahem... me and Peyton.
Nathan: Whatever.

Nathan: When Haley told me about the tour, I got mad at her. Told her that if she left with Chris, it was over. I didn't really mean it. She left anyway.
Karen: Nathan...
Nathan: She's not coming back. What am I gonna do?
Karen: Nathan, I know what it's like to have the person you love walk away. Trust me. But I know Haley and she's a good person. She'll do the right thing. You just have to have a little faith.

Jason: [approaching Carrie] Can I buy you a drink?
Carrie: Mmm, actually, my date took care of that.
Jason: Well, we're half way there then.
Nathan: [approaching them, sitting next to Carrie] I hope you're not trying to sit on my lap.
Jason: I'm just looking for someone to dance with.
Nathan: No, thanks.

Skills: You know you all are missing something out there right? Wanna know what it is?
Nathan: Let me guess you
Skills: Same old story dog. Whitey trying to keep a brother down.
[Whitey stands behind Skills]
Skills: Look, somebody gotta tell the old man that they don't call me Skills cause im really good at picking splinters outta my ass.
Nathan: [to Whitey] They don't call him Skills cause he's really good at picking splinters out his ass.
Coach: All right... Skills, lets see what you've got. God forbid Whitey should keep you down.
Nathan: You're welcome.

Nathan: I am Nathan Scott and I have too much to loose.

Haley: Okay, Brooke, freshman year. Lance Bass? Really?
Brooke: He was cute, okay?
Nathan: I'm not sure I'd go there, Hales. Check this out. "Luke, stay cool forever! Haley."
Haley: So, what's wrong with that?
Lucas: You think that's bad? Check this out. Peyton wrote to me in my sophomore yearbook... "Peyton Sawyer".

[Nathan is outside Haley's house throwing rocks at a window, Haley walks up behind him]
Haley: Trying to wake up my parents? That's their room...
Nathan: [runs over to Haley] Wait, Haley, look I need to apologize, okay?
Haley: You should buy 'em in bulk if your gonna hand apologies out that often.
Nathan: Look will you just... I don't know how to do this all right...? I'm... I'm not like you
Haley: What does that mean?
Nathan: All right, I screw up a lot, all right... and being around you I just I don't wanna be that guy any more.
Haley: Well, who do you wanna be, Nathan?
Nathan: I wanna be somebody who's good enough to be seen with you.
Haley: You should've thought of that last night... You know I keep... I keep putting myself out there and you keep blowing it and it's probably a good thing because at this point there is nothing that you can say or do that's gonna surprise me!
[Nathan cuts her off with a kiss]
Haley: Except that... You shouldn't have done that Nathan...
Nathan: But I wanted to...
Haley: Yeah...
[jumps onto Nathan and starts kissing him]

Lucas: That doesn't change the fact that we haven't seen a single car pass by since we've stopped.
Brooke: Uh...
Lucas: Until now.
[sees the bus coming]
Nathan: That's a bus.
Brooke: No, that's a tour bus.
Peyton: Oh, please be The Foo Fighters!
Skills: Please be Kanye!
Chris: [gets off the bus] Well, well.
Haley: Stupid Elvis Sandwhich!

[Nathan and Haley's Bedroom]
Nathan: [walks inside] Did the closet explode?
Haley: [tries to zipper up the dress] Oh... How do I look in this?
Nathan: Is there a... right answer to that question?
Haley: [gets frustrated, flings a dress to the ground] WELL NONE OF MY DRESSES FIT ME ANYMORE!
Nathan: Haley, you're... you're pregnant! They're not supposed to fit you!

Nathan: [Nathan and Julian have just arrived at the hospital with Dan... Haley has just shown up] Hi, Hales.
Haley: Say that again.
Nathan: Hi, Hales.
[she rushes into his arms]

Nathan: You realize I wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for you. If you'd stayed in your place at the river court I never would have met Haley. You ruined my life, man. You'd better watch your back.

Haley: [Haley is tutoring Nathan] Do you see this book? Because this book is me. I am math.
Nathan: What's that supposed to mean?
Haley: It's supposed to mean that you can work your whole "I'm Nathan Scott, Mr. Big Shot, scoring my touchdowns" on somebody else, because ...
Nathan: I don't even play football.
Haley: Whatever. The point is, at the end of the day all your bluster and BS don't mean anything to math, because math don't care, and neither do I.
Nathan: Well, does English care? 'Cause I really suck at that, too.
Haley: Please don't waste my time. I'm already taking a huge chance on you because my instincts are screaming that you're full of sh... Let's just get started, okay?

Haley: Nathan, about last night?
Nathan: Hey, look it's not about sex with me all right. When you're ready, I will be too.
Haley: Come here.
[they kiss]

Nathan: Tim, I'm married.
Tim: Right. You keep telling yourself that. But that ring doesn't erase your past, Nate. Some of us still remember who you used to be.

Lucas: Man, its been like, twenty minutes, do you think they're coming back?
[Nathan shrugs, then starts laughing]
Lucas: What?
Nathan: Thing, Thing 1, and Thing 3.
[they both laugh]
Lucas: Well, yeah, man, he was the third.
Nathan: Yeah.

Dan: [Unexpectedly shows up at Deb's house] What the hell!
[Knocks the door]
Deb: What do you want?
Dan: What did you do? Change the locks?
Deb: My attorney's advice.
Dan: Oh that's great. Will you open the door please? We need to talk.
Deb: Not gonna happen, Dan. If you have something to say, you say it to my lawyer.
Dan: Damn it, Deb! Open...
Nathan: [Arrives home] What's going on?
Dan: Your mother's on crack! She changed the locks to my house! Will you open the damn door?
Deb: No, you have to leave!
Dan: Fine. Come on Nathan.
Deb: [Opens the door] Nathan...
Dan: Do you mind? I need to talk to my son!
Deb: Yes I do mind!
Nathan: Stop! You guys don't get to decide who I live with, alright? I do!
Dan: What are you talking about?
Nathan: Look it up! It's not your decision! All I have to do is take my case to the judge. And right now, I don't know if I want to live with either of you 2.

Nathan: I was going to surprise you when we got back. It's the London Bridge.
Haley: Thank you.
Nathan: It's probably a good thing we didn't go... I mean the wedding wasn't cheap, now we have new furniture to pay for and... can't wait to get those hospital bills especially considering we don't have insurance.
Haley: It's okay. You're safe... you're home now.

Cop: What the hell are you doing?
Nathan: My son is missing.
Cop: Right calm down you could've got yourself killed!
Nathan: We just left the wedding okay, all the guests are gone and my son missing. He's 4 and a half years old.
Cop: Have you been drinking sir? Maybe been to the reception?
Nathan: What kind of question is that 'Have I been drinking?'
Cop: You need to listen to me...
Nathan: No you listen to me! My name is Nathan Scott okay, my father is Dan Scott, he was arrested for murder okay he's a bad guy and he was here today. Now either one of you two idiots gets on your radio right now and finds my son or I'll knock you both out and I'll do it myself!
Cop: Hey, you needa relax. Alright.

Haley: Nathan, this is really weird. I can just call Peyton or Lucas or something.
Nathan: Look Haley, it's late. Besides, what's the difference? You turn the lights out it's all the same darkness right?
Haley: Nathan... You know when you took those drugs before the game, when you collapsed? You made a mistake, but I know you promised yourself that if you could have a second chance you would do things differently... I know that I hurt you. But I promised myself that if I could get you to listen then, um, I would tell you that there was never a day on that tour when I didn't think you were the best part of my life.
Nathan: You can't just say that Haley. Not after months of silence.
Haley: Why? It's the truth.
Nathan: Really? What about the day you signed the anulment papers?
Haley: The papers that you initiated?
Nathan: Yeah, after I drove a thousand miles to see you and you didn't even call me after I left. Must have been a hell of an encore.
Haley: Nathan, you just walked away!
Nathan: Well it beats running away.
Haley: I did call.
Nathan: You called our answering machine Haley!
Nathan: Because I knew that you were going to hang up on me anyway so I had to leave a message.
Nathan: Well I didn't even play it. I deleted you.
Haley: Well... Then you deleted this: Um... I was being childish when I walked away from you for the tour. You gave me an ultimatum the night that I left and, uh, I fought back for all the wrong reasons. I was being stubborn... and I can't take that back, I wish that I could. Did I want to go? Yeah. I loved it, I loved every night of it. But I want you to know something Nathan. There was never a night where I loved it more than I loved you.

Haley: Remembering what?
Nathan: Your hair. You wore it that way the first day you tutored me.
Haley: You remember how I wore my hair the first day I tutored you?
Nathan: Of course.
Haley: What else do you remember?
Nathan: I remember the ugly-ass poncho that you wore.

Nathan: So you want me to tell you something about myself? I don't have anything to say. Even if I did you'd be wrong to believe me. Trust is a lie. Nobody ever knows any more.

Dan: Anything else bugging you?
Nathan: Just you.

Brooke: George Bernard Shaw once wrote: "There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it." Clearly, Shaw had his heart broken once or twice.
Nathan: As far as I'm concerned, Shaw was a punk. Cause you know what? Tragedies happen. What are you gonna do, give up? Quit? No. I realize now that when your heart breaks, you got to fight like hell to make sure your still alive. Because you are. And that pain you feel? That's life. The confusion and fear? That's there to remind you, that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for.
Haley: This year, I got everything I wanted and everything I wished for. But in a way, I lost even more.
Lucas: Shaw was right. As we strain to grasp the things we desire, the things we think will make our lives better: money, popularity, fame... we ignore what truly matters, the simple things, like friendship, family, love. The things we probably already had.
Mouth: So Mr. Shaw thinks that getting your heart's desire is a tragedy? I say he's wrong. I mean, clearly Shaw never kissed Erica Marsh.
Peyton: Yes, losing your heart's desire is tragic. But gaining your heart's desire? That's all you can hope for. This year I wished for love... to immerse myself in someone else and to wake a heart long afraid to feel. My wish was granted. And if having that is tragic, then give me tragedy. Because I wouldn't give it back for the world.

Haley: Nathan, it's been said that there's one word that will free us from the weight and the pain of life, and that word is love, and i believe that. That doesn't mean that it hasn't been hard, or that it won't be. It just means that, I found a stillness and bravery in myself with you. you make me brave, and i will love you until the end of time. This i vow today.
Preist: [Looks at Nathan and nods] Nathan.
Nathan: Last year we were sitting on the beach and I told you how much I love you, and how I would always, always protect you. And that day you made me believe that this would work. But I don't think anybody understood the love that I have for you, because if they did then they would have never doubted us. So I wanted to marry you all over again in front of most of our world, because today when I look into your eyes, my love for you only grows. It's even stronger now. And our love will never waver. This i vow to you, today and always, and forever.

Nathan: Listen, about the time capsule...
Haley: Ah, you looked beautiful. Sorry, umm... I guess you should have been there. Okay, listen I just wanted to apologize for avoiding you, avoiding this, I really just don't wanna ruin how we've been lately with these wonderful nights.
Nathan: I know and look I'm sorry about what I said on the stupid time capsule. You weren't supposed to hear that. I mean, "this" you weren't supposed to hear that now when things are going so good with us, you know?

Nathan: I might have called a couple of times.
Deb: Six times.
Haley: [teasing] You crazy, obsessive perent...
Deb: You called eight.

Nathan: Need some help?
Haley: Nope. Just straightening up for your party.
Nathan: Haley, you don't need to. It's just the guys. They've seen it like this. In fact, they made it like this.
Haley: Oh, I don't mind. Besides, if we're gonna have a skanky hoe in the place at least it should look nice. I'm kidding. Sort of. Maybe.
Nathan: Haley, this bachelor party is more for Tim than it is for me, okay? He's threatened by the fact that Lucas threw us the reception so this is just his way of proving that he's still my best friend.
Haley: Yeah, what's next, uh, lap dances for world peace?

Haley: How am I going to get through this?
Nathan: Graciously and courageously, the way you always do. With me at your side, every step of the way.

Nathan: [to Jamie] If you miss someone it means you're lucky... that you had someone special in your life. Someone worth missing.

Nathan: I gotta tell you, man. I never thought when we played that one-on-one game i'd be back here feeling like this.
Lucas: like what?
Nathan: Like I'm gonna miss you. You gotta do what you feel but I actually wish you weren't gonna leave. Because you're one hell of a basketball player. And because you're my brother. Take care of yourself man.
Lucas: You take care of haley.
[they hug]
Lucas: I'll miss you too little brother.

Nathan: That's an odd sight.
Whitey: What? You thought I'd be blind?
Nathan: No, I just didn't know you could read.

Nathan: [hands picture to Peyton] This is us at the beginning of the year. You were never happier.
Peyton: [smiles] You were never hornier.

Nathan: He wasn't swinging at me dad, he was swinging at you.

Nathan: So a month ago, did you think we be alone in your bedroom?
Haley: Oh but we're not alone in my bedroom, we have the fore-fathers with us.
Nathan: They can watch.
Haley: Nathan, can you just get serious for a minute?
Nathan: Oh I'm serious, come here.
[he pulls her next to him and they start to kiss]

Haley: I sleep better knowing that your side of the bed is closer to the door, because if somebody breaks in than they are probably going to brake in and get you first and I can run, ok?
Nathan: You say the sweetest things to me Haley James.

Lucas: Dan wanted revenge on Keith. That's why I'm staying with him.
Nathan: Revenge for what?
Lucas: Keith slept with your mom.
[Nathan laughs]
Lucas: It's true.
Nathan: Course it is! Nobody's faithful anymore, nobody can be trusted.
Lucas: Yeah, well, Dan also hired Jules to make Keith fall in love with her.
Nathan: It's outstanding! What else you got?
Lucas: That's it. Stay with Dan... Keith and Jules get to be happy.
Nathan: Yeah, 'till she sings a duet... and goes on tour.
Lucas: She's got a dream, Nate.
Nathan: No... no, she left to be with Chris. She kissed him, before she left.
Lucas: I'm sorry.
Nathan: Well, that's what she said when I called her.
Lucas: I thought you said...
Nathan: I lied!... She said she was sorry. Said she loved me and it wasn't about Chris. She just... needs some time to figure everything out. You believe that? Because, if I love her... and if she loves me, what's there to figure out?

Nathan: [at the hospital... Nathan is looking at a picture on Clay's phone] You have a son?
Clay: Logan.
Nathan: How long have I been gone?
Clay: Six years, apparently.
Nathan: How is it that out of the two of us, I don't have the most shocking news?
Clay: That shouldn't have happened to you. It's my fault. I should have been the one to go to Europe.
Nathan: No... no you shouldn't have. Dan wouldn't have come to save you. He can't stand you.
[both laugh]

Nathan: [Nathan walks in the apartment and sees haley crying] Haley, whats wrong?
Haley: Um... I was just alphabetising our CD's
[Takes CD's off the table]
Haley: and um... we don't have any doubles. Not one.
Nathan: [He sees that she had taken off her wedding ring and put it onto a CD case] So what?
Haley: So, 'Natalie Merchant' after 'NOZ' and 'Wilco' before the 'Wu-Tang Clan'?
Nathan: So you listen to crummy music. I can live with that.
Haley: [sadly] We made a mistake Nathan.
Nathan: Haley...
Haley: No. I'm-I'm not ready for this. I just, I just really wanna go home to my room
[Starts dumping CD's in boxes]
Haley: You know, I'm not a wife; I'm not even a senior!
Nathan: Haley. Haley, listen this is not a mistake.
Haley: [crying] How can you be sure because there is nobody that thinks this thing can work.
Nathan: I do.
[He picks up her wedding ring]
Nathan: I promise you Haley. I will always be there for you, I will always protect you. OK?
[Haley nods slightly]
Nathan: I will always protect you. Always.
[He puts the ring back onto her finger]

Nathan: [Nathan and Julian are rushing Dan to the hospital in a stolen police car, Chris is driving] Put the siren on!
Julian: I've never been in a cop car before! I don't know where the siren is!
Dan: [weakly] It's the switch in the middle.
Nathan: [laughing at Dan's dry humor] You're gonna be OK! You're gonna be OK, Dad!

[Haley and Nathan are on a date, Tim and some buddies walk up]
Tim: Hey Nathan, what's up man?
[looks at Haley]
Nathan: Hey guys, you know Haley, she's my tutor...
Tim: This looks a lot like a date to me
Nathan: No man, definitely not
Tim: All right, see you later
Nathan: I'm sorry about that...
Haley: [cutting Nathan off] Are you embarrassed to be seen with me? And why are you only nice to me when we're alone?
Nathan: It's just...
Haley: ...You know, for an hour you almost got me to believe that you're not a son of a bitch but, God, you fooled me again.

Nathan: [deadpan] I'm happy mom, dad loves me.

Nathan: I need to be tutored. I think I'm failing marriage.
Haley: Did you try sleeping with the teacher?

Dan: Somewhere along the line, I started hurting the people I care most about, and I can't figure out how to stop.
Nathan: Well, stop being a dick, Dad. It would help.

Rachel: I was told to say away from you
Nathan: Since when do you do what your told?
Rachel: Since never. Let me guess... you liked my last kiss so much you want another.
Nathan: Guess again.
[Nathan shows her his ring]

Nathan: [from the time capsule] People think that if you love somebody hard enough then everything is just gonna work out. People are wrong. 50 years from now, I hope you got what you wanted Haley, but getting married to you was the worst mistake of my life. Here's a little advice, never get married. In the end, you're only be miserable.

Tim: Dude, smell me.
Nathan: Dude, kiss my ass.
Tim: No, seriously. I wanna smell nice for the... talent that's coming over.
Nathan: Tim, just say the stripper.
Tim: Fine, the stripper. Alright... Which one makes me smell available? I've got "Flesh" on this side and this "Frink" stuff on this side.
Nathan: That's not mine.
Tim: Well, it was in your bathroom.
Haley: [walks in] Oh, Tim, what are you doing with my perfume?
[takes it]

James: [staring at Nathan whose hungover on the couch] I think you drink too much.
Nathan: I think you're right.

Jamie: [Nate is teaching Jamie to shave] Is this how you got mom?
Nathan: It took a lot more than a close shave to get your mom to fall for me.
Jamie: Really, why?
Nathan: When I met your mom I wasn't exactly the nicest guy in the world. It's true. I was a bit selfish and I fought a lot.
Jamie: But you're not like that now.
Nathan: Being with your mom made me a better person. And you know what, now that I think of it. Your mom and your Uncle Lucas did.
Jamie: It must've been fun having a brother growing up... it's like having your best friend over all the time.
Nathan: Yeah. But remember Uncle Lucas and I weren't really close when we were your age. The important part is we became more like real brothers once we got a little bit older, but you're right, having a brother is like having a best friend. It helped make me the man I am today.

Lucas: [throws a can of spray paint at Nathan] You left that at the court.
Nathan: I don't know what you're talking about.
Lucas: Then call it a gift. Besides, you're gonna need it to paint over your scoring title in the gym, cause I'm taking it.

Haley: Oh God, this bed is so comfortable.
[Nathan burps]
Haley: Ooh that was attractive. Room service?
Nathan: Actually let's have a proper sit-down breakfast somewhere, family style.
Haley: Family style sounds perfect.

Nathan: As many of you know, I called this press conference today to announce where I'm planning to play basketball in college. I got a lot of great offers but it's always been my dream to play in Duke University, so ah... that's where I plan to go but... you know my father said that today will be the greatest day of my life, and you're right dad, it is but its not because of basketball, you'll see today... I learn? That my wife Haley is pregnant and it's an absolute honor to be recruited by Duke University I guest what I have to say to you today it's this. Where I play basketball IF I play basketball is no longer a decision for me to make alone, it's a decision that I make with my wife and my family's best interest to her and what I do I let you all know. And my wife couldn't be here today so... I just want it to say one thing to her: Haley, no matters what happens we faced together, I promise you, I'll never been happier, everything its gonna be okay... I love you. Thank you.

Nathan: [about Jamie] Well, alright, you said that he asked you stuff. What else did you tell him?
Antwon: Not much. Just the truth.
Nathan: Like?
Antwon: Like the man killed Tupac and Beenie, never date girls named Beaven and Santa Claus is black.
Nathan: Wow. D'you say anything about the Easter Bunny?
Antwon: A bunny that lay eggs, man, not many questions he would ask me about that.

Nathan: You think I'm afraid of you? I'm not afraid of you. You can take my world, you can take my life, but you won't get my fear. I'm not afraid of you and I'm not going to be.

Nathan: Over the past year I've learned so much about life and love. And even if I could, I wouldn't take back all the bad stuff that's happened between us, 'cause it brought us here, this moment, this river. Marry me, Haley. Marry me again in front of all our friends and our family.
Haley: Always. Always and forever.

Lydia: I remember the day you came to ask our permission to marry her. You were so nervous, but I looked into your eyes and I just knew.
Nathan: What did you know?
Lydia: That you were gonna change my daughter's life, and I was right.
Nathan: You were responsible for raising the woman that changed my entire world. I'll never forget that Lydia, ever. Thank you for saying yes.

Nathan: Sure your up for this old man?
Lucas: I can do this forever little brother

Nathan: You know this whole thing, is just another chance for you to pick me apart and show me how much better you are. Well there you go dad, you just kick my ass. Congratulations, it was great really.
[starts clapping]
Dan: Don't make a scene.
Nathan: You know what, I almost killed myself for you. You know that?
Dan: What are you talking about?
Nathan: Drugs dad, I took drugs for you.
Dan: No, my son would never take drugs.
Nathan: Your son, its all about you isn't it dad? You know why mom kicked you out? Because you're a bully and you don't give a damn about anything other then your own ego.
Dan: Will you keep your voice down?
Nathan: No. You know what you should do? You should give mom her divorce, you should do her a favor and give mom a divorce. She'll never be happy with you dad, no one will.

Dan: [after Nathan comes back home] Hey, how you feeling, son?
Nathan: Ok. What's my bag doing there?
Dan: Well I packed some things for you.
Nathan: Dad, I'm not going to move to the beach house, okay?
Dan: You don't have to. We'll work this out.
Nathan: Well then what's this?
Dan: You and I are going away for the weekend.
Nathan: Are you kidding?
Dan: I already put up with your mom, got your golf clubs in the back cover and I got a 9 AM t-time.
Nathan: Dad, you can't just sprain things on me like this, alright? I have plans this weekend!
Dan: I know you do, with me.

Nathan: Can I ask you a favor? Even though she doesn't show it all the time, deep down inside your mom is still very sad that your grandma died.
Jamie: Yeah.
Nathan: So when I'm away, I need you to just watch her and make sure she's not too sad. I need you to be the man of the house when I'm gone. Can you do that for me?
Jamie: Yeah.

Nathan: When I fell to the floor tonight, I was so scared, I was so terrified. Then I saw you, and I promised myself that if I could just get up, I'd walk over to you... I'd tell you how much I need you and how much I want you... and how nothing else matters.

Nathan: [to Luke] Hey, quit looking at Keller we already know he can score.

Nathan: I think there's something in your heart you're running from.
Lucas: What are you, psychic?
Nathan: You can make jokes about it all you want, but you know there's a girl you have feelings for.
Lucas: Nathan...
Nathan: Look me in the eye. Tell me I'm wrong. See? Now, you can be mad at me all you want. You can say your heart's fine. But until you tell this girl how you feel, your heart's gonna be flawed. You need to talk to her, Luke.

Lucas: And Hansel said to Gretal: Let us drop these bread crumbs, so that together we find our way home, because losing our way would be the most cruel of things." This year I lost my way.
Nathan: And losing your way on a journey is unfortunate. But losing your reason for the journey... is a fate more cruel.
Peyton: The journey lasted eight months. Sometimes I traveled alone. Sometimes there were others who took the wheel, and took my heart. But when the destination was reached, it wasn't me who'd arrived. It wasn't me at all.
Brooke: And once you lose yourself, you have two choices. Find the person you used to be, or lose that person completely.
Mouth: Because sometimes, you have to step outside of the person you've been, and remember the person you were meant to be. The person you wanted to be. The person you are.

Nathan: Haley, stop!
Haley: Sorry, just trying to wake Taylor and David.
Nathan: I'm sure you did, along with the rest of the neighborhood. How long have you been up?
Haley: Since I dreamt that my sister was screwing my other sister's husband.
Nathan: Ex-husband.
Haley: Did you dream that too? That's so weird. Did I kill them in yours?
Nathan: No actually, you played it cool.
Haley: Well, then you really were dreaming because there's no way to play this cool. This is the most uncool thing Taylor's ever done.

Dan: Your arms are going to be dead for the game tonight.
Nathan: Yeah, you wish.
Dan: No I don't. I'd love for you to break my record, Nate. I just don't think you will.
Nathan: We'll see about that.
Deb: Good news and bad news, Nate. Bad news is I have to be at the cafe so I'm gonna miss your game. Good news is, Haley can be there.
Nathan: Whatever.
Dan: At least one of us will be there.

Haley: The good news is you did better and the bad news is better is a "D".
Nathan: Yeah I guess I didn't really give this one my best shot.
Haley: What's going on with you?
Nathan: Well you know me and Peyton broke up.
Haley: Peyton and I.
Nathan: Well she broke up with you too? I didn't know she was going to take it this hard. She went off on Brooke at practice. I'm kinda worried about her.
Haley: Well maybe you should have worried about her more when you were together. I'm sorry, but come on it's true.
Nathan: No you don't know the first thing about Peyton and I.
Haley: Ahem... me and Peyton.
Nathan: Whatever.

Nathan: [pulls up to the river court where Jamie is playing basketball alone] Hey, little boy, can I kidnap you? Oh wait, you've already been kidnapped.
Jamie: So have you.
Nathan: Exactly. We go to say good night, and you're missing. Your mom starts freaking out. You realize we're the Scott family, right?
Jamie: I sent you a text. Just need to practice.
Nathan: Okay, weird son of mine. So, what are you doing practicing your jump shot on the river court in the middle of the night?
Jamie: I saw your jersey... on the wall at the high school.
Nathan: So?
Jamie: So, people expect me to be good.
Nathan: Come here, buddy. When you were younger, it was easy for me to tell you that you can be whatever you want to be. And, of course, that's true. But I think your old enough to understand that people are gonna expect you to be really great at sports.
Jamie: Because you and Grandpa Dan were?
Nathan: That's right. Now, look, the important thing to remember is that you don't have any responsibility to any of those people... not to them, not to me. You have to find what makes you happy. You have to be a good man while you chase whatever that is, but whatever it is, is up to you.
Jamie: I like playing sports.
Nathan: Thank god. That's my boy. No, but seriously... play sports for you... not for anybody else, okay?
Jamie: Right.
Nathan: Alright. Let's get home. I'll have to figure out how to talk your mom into not grounding you on the way.
Jamie: Oh! Maybe we can say I was kidnapped again!
Nathan: Ah, it's a little played out.

Nathan: Yeah, I was pretty wasted. And she was... she was kind of the first girl I ever had sex with.
[Lucas laughs]
Nathan: Great, great, laugh it up. You know what, the only good thing about this is that I don't think she really even remembers me.
Lucas: Oh, wow, you really rocked her world, huh?

Nathan: Do you ever think we can have a function in this town that doesn't end up in a brawl?
Lucas: Why? Getting a little too "Outsiders" for you?
Nathan: I never saw it.
Lucas: Well, you would have been one of the bad guys.
Nathan: Oh sh*t!
Lucas: You know... about what I said in the time capsule... with Dan.
Nathan: Whatever man... We're cool!

Chris: What, you here to kick my ass because I slept with Brooke?
Nathan: You slept with Brooke?
Chris: Why else would you be here?
Nathan: I came to pay for Haley's studio time. You slept with Brooke?

Nathan: Haley?
Haley: [sitting under the table] Oh hey, under here.
Nathan: What the hell are you doing?
Haley: You know, just hanging out under the vanity. Singing the Finale to Les Miserable. Right before the first time I had to play the tour, I got really nervous, so I ending up hiding under a desk and I just sang that song over and over again . It was kinda the only thing that would calm me down. So, What you dont have any pregame rituals?
Nathan: No. What are you worried about? I mean, you got the home court advantage. You played infront of this many people before.
Haley: I know. I'm not worried about playing in front of hundreds of people, that I can do in my sleep. Im scared of playing in front of one in particular. This is my first time playing out since the tour and its my first time playing since you and I have been us again. And I saw yout time capsule and I just got scared.
Nathan: Of what?
Haley: Loving it again, of you seeing me love it again. I just, I'm afraid your going to think that it somehow means that I love you less.

Nathan: [Nathan and haley are cleaning his apt after the wild party. Haley looks sad/upset] Don't worry about it.
Haley: I never thought this many people would actually show up.
Nathan: Why?
Haley: Because why would they? I mean, it's just me.
Nathan: It kind of comes with the territory, you know?
Haley: What territory?
Nathan: Popularity. This was just your coming out party.

Nathan: Lets just get this over with.
Peyton: Funny, that's what he used to say before we had sex.

Lucas: How long has that light been on?
Brooke: Just a little while but its kind of a pretty color and i liked it.
Brooke: Bad Call?
Nathan: Ha
[car makes funny sound]
Brooke: bad call

Nathan: Evening officer, buy us some beer?

Nathan: You know this whole thing, is just another chance for you to pick me apart and show me how much better you are. Well there you go dad, you just kick my ass. Congratulations, it was great really.
[starts clapping]
Dan: Don't make a scene.
Nathan: You know what, I almost killed myself for you. You know that?
Dan: What are you talking about?
Nathan: Drugs dad, I took drugs for you.
Dan: No, my son would never take drugs.
Nathan: Your son, its all about you isn't it dad? You know why mom kicked you out? Because you're a bully and you don't give a damn about anything other then your own ego.
Dan: Will you keep your voice down?
Nathan: No. You know what you should do? You should give mom her divorce, you should do her a favor and give mom a divorce. She'll never be happy with you dad, no one will.

Lucas: My jokes aren't stupid.
Nathan: My jokes aren't stupid. That's what you think.

Haley: We're going to London for a few days.
Lucas: Doesn't it always rain there?
Nathan: Oh yeah... smiles.

Lucas: Porn freak!
Nathan: [laughs] Shut up.

Nathan: Don't be afraid to love it, Haley. Alright?
[slaps her a$$]
Haley: Hey!
Nathan: Sorry! Pre-game ritual.
Haley: Yeah, I'll bet

Nathan: What do I want? What do you want, man? I mean, other than my girlfriend and my spot in the lineup, huh? None of us want you on the team, man. I don't want you. The guys don't want you. My girlfriend sure as hell doesn't want you. - but here's the deal. You and me, one on one. You can name the time and place. If you win, I'll quit the team. If I win, you crawl back in your little hole and you remember your place in all this. Time and place, baby. Time and place.

Nathan: Jamie is gonna be the man. I'm gonna be second best. You'll be lucky to make the top 10, Luke.
Lucas: Thanks.

Nathan: [He rips open a little Crackerjack package only to find a bracelet. He gives it to Haley] Don't say I never gave you anything.

Nathan: Stepping up. It's a simple concept. It basically means to rise above yourself; to do a little more, to show you something special. Something like this. Lucas is gone, but that doesn't mean the season is over. As a matter of fact, I say it's just beginning. You might want to stay out of my way for a while. Life's funny sometimes; can push pretty hard like when you fall in love with someone but they forget to love you back, like when your best friend and your boyfriend leave you alone, like when you pull the trigger or light the flame and you can't take it back. Like I said, in sports they call this 'stepping up'. In life, I call it 'pushing back".

Lucas: So, Haley told me you didn't get into High Flyers after all. Tough break.
Nathan: Yeah, it's too bad.
Lucas: You did get in. Nathan. Man, you've been working for your whole life for this. You can't say no.
Nathan: You know what it's like to hit a game-winning shot. The whole crowd loves you. Everybody treats you like you're a star. I get to feel that every time I play. I mean, you know. You've felt it. Now, it's Haley's turn. I mean, she's an incredible musician, Luke. And she's ready to give it a shot. So, if I go to camp now for three months... who knows where her head's gonna be? I just really want her to feel, like, the thrill of the crowd. She deserves it.
Lucas: What about your future?
Nathan: I already know my future. It's with Haley.

Nathan: [walks outside and sees his mom topless in the pool] oh, for God's sakes, mom.
Deb: What?
Nathan: What is going on with you? Is this some kind of grandmother midlife crisis?
Deb: Would you keep it down, please? The neighbors will hear you.
Nathan: [yells towards neighbors house] She's a grandmother. My mom is a grandmother.
Deb: Nathan, stop it. Just... just... go away.
Nathan: I wanna know who he is mom, Mr. Porno. Give me a name.
Deb: No. Why?
Nathan: Because I wanna know who's responsible for you losing your mind like this. I'm gonna find out. And put some clothes on. Jamie's home, if he sees you topless he's gonna be scarred for life. I know I am.

Nathan: Haley!
Haley: [comes out of bathroom] What?
Nathan: [excitedly] I'm going to Duke!
Haley: I'm pregnant
Nathan: [bewildered] You...
Haley: It's not Brooke... it's me
Nathan: Wha... How long have you known?
Haley: A few weeks...
Nathan: A few weeks?
Haley: I'm sorry I didn't know how to tell you
Nathan: [sits down] Huh...

Chris: Well, this is gonna cost you. I mean we've got studio space, first class accommodations, my time - which is worth a lot - and I'm kinda diggin' that watch.
Nathan: Don't screw with me, Keller.
Chris: All right, tell you what. Give me the rest of this sandwich and I'm in.

Nathan: [reading the text with Haley] Need ass?
Lucas: Well, we're thinking it's assistance.

Nathan: [on video for the time capsule] Voice mail. I hope you don't still got that crap.

Haley: We are doing equations on the train.
Nathan: Well it's not exactly Risky Business but there's always the ride back.

[the girls on the prom are trying to get to know the crashing people from Tree Hill]
Lucas: So nobody has a fatal heart condition and a father who was purposely set on fire?
[the girls are shaking their heads]
Nathan: You probably have classmates who are married, right? Wife's pregnant? Got married as juniors?
[the girls are shaking their heads again]
Brooke: I started the clothing line after Peyton and I shoplifted my designs back and got arrested.
Prom: Arrested? What did your parents say?
Brooke: Oh, I haven't seen my parents in, like, a year. I live with my friend Rachel. She's so funny. She's had all this plastic surgery, and she just got suspended, and... Now she's kind of missing.
[the girls looks at her in sympathy]
Marvin: You ever had your heart broken?
Prom: Yeah, I think that happens everywhere.

Lucas: [talking about Skills' relationship with Deb] It's funny, you know all these years we called him Skills, I always thought it had something to do with basketball.
Nathan: That's no funny.
Lucas: Kinda funny.

Brooke: Tutor girl.
Haley: Yeah, it's Haley
Brooke: Oh right. Nathan's own little care package. What was it..."Believing you will do well is half the battle". Oh c'mon Nathan, you know, tutor girls little love letter that you passed around earlier, the one that said "Call, if you need anything... at all."
Nathan: Haley, look...
Haley: Stay away from me.
Nathan: Why don't you put some ice on it Brooke.

[Haley and Nathan are having dinner]
Nathan: So you couldn't have ordered a lobster?
Haley: Dude, macaroni and cheese is food of the Gods.
Nathan: Yeah if the Gods are five-year-olds.

Haley: Hi.
Nathan: Hey. Thanks for coming.
Haley: Yeah, thanks for calling me. What's wrong?
Nathan: Your song is great, Haley. Chris played it for me... uh, it's a long story, but it's really great. I just wanted you to know that.
Haley: Oh... okay.
Nathan: My mom left... for good. I think. Oh and apparently my dad's the mayor now, so, yeah, today's really sucked ass.
Haley: Oh, Nathan. I'm so sorry.
Nathan: You know for most of my life I would have gone through this alone, but then I met you. And I finally found someone I could depend on like I've got this. So I guess I called you 'cause I wanted to know if that was still there.
Haley: Nathan, you can always call me. Always and forever. I want to ask you something, umm, the night of the masquerade party, did we... did you kiss me?
Nathan: Of course I did.
Haley: Oh, no you didn't. That kiss wasn't half as good as this one. I love you for lying to me. Thanks for calling.
Nathan: Haley... stay with me tonight.
Haley: Oh, I was hoping you would say that.

Haley: [approaching Nathan] Hey! I'm sorry I haven't been around. Mia's performing tonight and she's really nervous. How have you been?
Nathan: I realized how boring bars can be without alcohol.
Haley: Yeah, tell me about it!
Brooke: [approaching Nathan and Haley] Tric needs to establish a 'No Mom' rule.
Haley: I'm a mom!
Brooke: You don't count. You got married and pregnant before you graduated high-school. You'll be safely locked in a home by the time you got 35.
Haley: Good talking to you Brooke!
[to Nathan]
Haley: I gotta get backstage, I'll see you in a bit. Bye.
Nathan: Bye.
[Brooke walking away]
Nathan: Well, it's good talking to both of you...

[Lucas puts his arm around Haley as Nathan comes in the picture]
Nathan: [jokingly] Hey! Get your own wife.
Lucas: [laughs] Okay, that just sounds weird.

Nathan: Skills. Hey, come on, man. It's your turn to drive.
[Skills wakes up, takes the wheel and drive about fifty feet before he's pulling over]
Skills: Hey, Brooke. Yo, B. Davis! It's your turn to drive, baby.
Brooke: [sleepy] Already?
Skills: Four hours.

Haley: Yeah this is my house. Um... we're staying here while we renovate the mansion.
Nathan: [laughs] It's not like I was trying to show off.
Haley: Wasn't that your default setting? Sorry.

Lucas: [to Nathan] Why are women so screwed up?
Nathan: Let me guess. Peyton?
Lucas: How did you know?
Nathan: When she sent you a drink with a cheque in it?

Nathan: Was that your jump shot? Cause if that was your jump shot, I can't date you anymore.

Jake: Sorry I'm late, Coach.
Coach: Why should today be any different, Jageilski? Move your ass. The rest of you ladies start defense drills, pronto.
[walk out]
Nathan: Why is coach so easy on you, Jageilski?
Tim: If I'm late I get wind sprints.
Jake: We party together.
Tim: Maybe they're lovers.
Nathan: [to Tim and Jake] Why, did you two break up?
[Nathan and Tim leave]
Lucas: So, anyway, man, what's the deal? What's going on? You know, you're out sick all the time, and you come in late and cut out early. I don't understand. Coach just lets you.
Jake: [getting changed] Just helping me out.
Lucas: Meaning?
Jake: Meaning he's just helping me out.
Lucas: All right.
[Lucas leaves and Jake leans against his locker and sighs]

Haley: [to Nathan] You are quite charming, you know that?
Nathan: You haven't even seen my A-game.
Haley: Oh, Lord, help me if that's true.
[Nathan kisses Haley on her forehead]
Haley: It's Scott, by the way. You called me Haley James. Haley James Scott. And it always will be.

[Haley and Nathan are having dinner]
Nathan: So you couldn't have ordered a lobster?
Haley: Dude, macaroni and cheese is food of the Gods.
Nathan: Yeah if the Gods are five-year-olds.

[Mouth and Felix walk up to Hayley and Peyton]
Mouth: Peyton... Hayley... This is Felix.
Peyton: Hi
Felix: How you doing?
Haley: Hi. Nice to meet you.
Felix: [shakes hand] Girl you are totally fine
Haley: [laughs] Dude I'm totally married
[holds up hand]
Felix: Really?
Haley: Yeh
Felix: Who's the father?
[Nathan walks up behind Hayley]
Nathan: [to Felix] Little close aren't you?
Felix: [laughs] Oh, guess its you.

Marvin: [to Nathan] Dude, what's happening?
Nathan: Mouth, what are you doing here?
Marvin: I was in the A/V... I was in the A/V room and I come out and it's like "Dawn of the Dead".
Nathan: Mouth, don't say "dead." Someone's got a gun in the school.
Marvin: What?
Nathan: Yeah.
Marvin: We gotta get out of here.
Nathan: Yeah, you gotta get out of here. I gotta go get Haley.
Marvin: I'll stay with you.
Nathan: Let's go.

Nathan: What's all this stuff for anyway?
Haley: Babysitting! I thought the extra experience and money couldn't hurt, besides I just really don't wanna be one of those mom's who's completely overwhelmed and unprepared and always screaming at her kids the way my Mom used to be. Ah, it's crazy... anyway, um the kids are coming by after school, and uh - you know, you should stop by and say "Hi."
Nathan: Eh, I'll pass... I don't really like kids. - Oh, I'll like our kid. chuckles
Haley: Yeah, get outta here ya bum.

Nathan: Douglas Adams once wrote: "He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it."

Nathan: I scored 35 points that night and each basket was like my own personal version of a Haley James pick-up line.
Haley: It worked.
Nathan: I played that game for you, Haley and you know what? I'd give it up for you too. Because as much as I love playing the game and the person that I am when I play it, I love being a husband and a father more.

Haley: [to Lucas] You know that romantic notion that all the garbage and the pain is really healing and beautiful and sort of poetic? It's not. It's just garbage and it's pain. You know what's better? Love. The day that you start thinking that love is overrated is the day that you're wrong. The only thing wrong with love and faith and belief is not having it.
Nathan: The darkness doesn't have any answers, Luke.

Nathan: My mom's coming home. She called.
Haley: Well, at least now you won't have to live alone in this big giant house.
Nathan: No, but she will. I want us to live together. I wanna be your husband again, Haley.
Haley: That sounds so good to me, but I have a roommate named Brooke.
Nathan: That doesn't matter.
Haley: And our dream schools are 3,000 miles away.
Nathan: Doesn't matter.
Haley: And neither of us have jobs.
Nathan: It doesn't matter. You know how long it took me to realize that? The amount of time it takes to pull a trigger. I love you, Haley James, and that's all I need to know. And it doesn't mean it's not gonna be hard. It doesn't mean it's not gonna be confusing, but, whatever it is, we'll face it together.

Whitey: I'm tinkering with the offense. You'll be playing more small forward.
Nathan: Forget it. I'm the shooting guard.
Whitey: That's funny. I thought I was the coach. As a matter of fact, you can call me that, and I'll call you "small forward." "Nathan Scott, small forward." Has a nice ring to it.

Taylor: Were you in love the first time you had sex?
Haley: Tay!
Taylor: What? We're family now. We shouldn't have secrets.
Nathan: It's not really any of your business. The truth is... whoever my first was... wasn't nearly as important as my last.
Haley: Thank you.

Nathan: If you're lucky... if you're the luckiest person on this entire planet, the person you love decides to love you back.

Nathan: I was hurt, Haley. But I was still proud of you. Everyday.

Chris: [Nathan punches Chris - again] Ah! Stop hitting me!
Nathan: Stop kissing my wife!
Chris: I'll stop when you start!

Jamie: When is she coming back?
Nathan: I don't know buddy.
Jamie: Is it because she was kissing Uncle Skills?
Nathan: You knew about that?
Jamie: Yeah. They tried to pretend he was getting something out of her eye, but they were just being all mushy
Nathan: Yeah, and how does it feel to be scarred for life?
Jamie: Fine. I like nanny Deb. I like uncle Skills. So what if they like each other?
Nathan: It's a little more complicated than that. Your nanny Deb is also my mom.
Jamie: Yeah but I let you kiss my mom.

Haley: We have cupcakes for dessert in case anybody wants 'em. I bought them for Jamie, but Taylor doesn't seem to have a problem taking other people's stuff.
Taylor: I wish I could be like you, Haley, just eat whatever I want and get fat.
Haley: Your lip is about to get fat!
Nathan: Alright, that's enough. I can't take this anymore. If anybody needs me, I'll be upstairs with the kids... having a more mature conversation.

Nathan: It's the oldest story in the world. One day you're 17 and planning for someday. And then quietly, and without you ever really noticing, someday is today. And then someday is yesterday. And this is your life.

Nathan: Marry me.
Haley: Stop it!
Nathan: What? Would you?
Haley: Oh, you're embarrassing me.
Nathan: Why not?
Haley: Because... we're in high school.
Nathan: So what? I'm emancipated.
Haley: Is this about sex? Because I wanna wait?
Nathan: No, I can see you caving on that one already.
Haley: Well, maybe so. Nathan, couples don't get married in high school. It's just... not normal.
Nathan: So? I'm not normal. What I'm feeling is definitely not normal. And, to be honest with you Haley, I don't ever want to be normal. Not with you. I'm serious.
Haley: I know you are.
Nathan: Okay, so I'll say it again. I could love you forever.
Haley: Nathan, so could I...
Nathan: So then, why can't forever start today?

Nathan: Stepping up. It's a simple concept. It basically means to rise above yourself; to do a little more, to show you something special. Something like this. Lucas is gone, but that doesn't mean the season is over. As a matter of fact, I say it's just beginning. You might want to stay out of my way for a while. Life's funny sometimes; can push pretty hard like when you fall in love with someone but they forget to love you back, like when your best friend and your boyfriend leave you alone, like when you pull the trigger or light the flame and you can't take it back. Like I said, in sports they call this 'stepping up'. In life, I call it 'pushing back'.
Nathan: You know it's been said that we just don't recognize the significant moments of our lives while they're happening. We grow complacent with ideas, or things or people and we take them for granted and it's usually not until that thing is about to be taken away from you that you've realized how wrong you've been that you realized how much you need it, how much you love it. God, I love this game.
Nathan: You ever heard the expression 'The best things in live are free.' Well that expression is true.' Every once in a while, people step up they rise above themselves sometimes they surprise you and sometimes they fall short. Life is funny sometimes. It can push pretty hard but if you look close enough, you can find hope in the words of children, in the bars of the song and in the eyes of someone you love. And if you're lucky, if you're the luckiest person on this entire planet, the person you love decides to love you back.

[Nathan is outside Haley's house throwing rocks at a window, Haley walks up behind him]
Haley: Trying to wake up my parents? That's their room...
Nathan: [runs over to Haley] Wait, Haley, look I need to apologize, okay?
Haley: You should buy 'em in bulk if your gonna hand apologies out that often.
Nathan: Look will you just... I don't know how to do this all right...? I'm... I'm not like you
Haley: What does that mean?
Nathan: All right, I screw up a lot, all right... and being around you I just I don't wanna be that guy any more.
Haley: Well, who do you wanna be, Nathan?
Nathan: I wanna be somebody who's good enough to be seen with you.
Haley: You should've thought of that last night... You know I keep... I keep putting myself out there and you keep blowing it and it's probably a good thing because at this point there is nothing that you can say or do that's gonna surprise me!
[Nathan cuts her off with a kiss]
Haley: Except that... You shouldn't have done that Nathan...
Nathan: But I wanted to...
Haley: Yeah...
[jumps onto Nathan and starts kissing him]

Haley: [answers phone at the café] Karen's Café.
Nathan: I'm calling for Haley James.
Haley: Yeah, this is her.
Nathan: Hey, it's Nathan Scott. Um, I really need your help.
Haley: Sorry, this isn't her.
[hangs up phone]
Karen: What was that?
Haley: Wrong number.

Nathan: You know, not many coaches win 500 games.
Whitey: Well, not many high school coaches win 500 games. Do you know why? Because they move up to the next level; to carpeted locker rooms and air-conditioned buses and... games that matter.
Nathan: That's a bunch of crap, Coach, and you know it. These are the games that matter. They matter to kids who are just trying to figure themselves out. Figure out who they're gonna be. Look, the other day, you asked me if you made a difference. Well, you have. At least with me.
Whitey: Son, at some point, you've got to do it on your own.
Nathan: Yeah, at some point. We both know I've got a long way to go, Coach. Just don't give up on me.