The Best Victoria Davis Quotes

Victoria: As a matter of fact, it's quite clear you never had a mother.
Peyton: Yeah? Neither did Brooke.

Owen: [to Brooke, after seeing her mother] I feel like I'm looking into the future here.
Owen: It's a rough ride ahead, by the way.
Brooke: OK! We're not talking anymore.
Victoria: [pointing her glass] Owen!
Owen: [to Brooke] Well, looks like you future self's calling. What you'd like to drink in 20 years?
Brooke: Poison.

Victoria: [to Haley] Your mother was proud of you. It would break her heart to know that her beautiful, kind, inspiring daughter was suffering like this. I know that because I'm a mother and so are you. Our lives are difficult and our loss unbearable sometimes. So grieve and struggle, and find your way back on your own terms and in your own way, but remember this... Your mother would want you to be vibrant and inspiring in the face of losing her. She'd want you to fight your pain with all you've got because that's the daughter that she raised. That's the daughter that she loved.

Brooke: Mother!
Victoria: Brooke.
Brooke: He's half your age.
Victoria: Lucky me.
Brooke: I'm serious. What are you thinking?
Victoria: I'm sorry your offended that Alexander and I are lovers now. No, I'm just offended that's you decided to display that 'love' in front of all my friends.
Brooke: Oh, please. Cougars are in now.
Alexander: [Alexander walks in carrying doughnuts] Morning Brooke. Doughnut?
Brooke: Have fun with your "cub"

Victoria: Penelope Davis!
Millicent: I'll be in the back.
Victoria: Did you schedule a conference call with Macy's?
Brooke: Yeah. 'Cause I was thinking...
Victoria: Well, don't! In case you have to hear it, you have zero business sense!
Brooke: Mom...
Victoria: Let me finish. For the last three years I've been calling the shots and look how this company has grown. You're a talented designer, Brooke but you don't spin the straw to gold. I do. Truth be told, you're not smart enough to do it.
Peyton: [running outside after Victoria] Hey, Ice Queen! Stop being such a bitch to your daughter.
Victoria: And did my daughter pay you to say that?
Peyton: No, I came up with that one for free.
Victoria: Well, I advise you keep your little underachieving mouth shut. Because my relationship with my daughter is none of your business.
Peyton: No, it is, when you tear her down and call her stupid. See, the truth is, you're actually worried she's smart. And that's a threat you to because when she figures out how to do the business side of this company - Goodbye, Victoria.

Victoria: You don't like me, do you?
Millicent: No
Victoria: Because you feel I've mistreated you?
Millicent: No, because you're an evil bitch

Victoria: Hello Brooke. It's a lovely day, isn't it? Oh, you look beautiful!
Brooke: Mother. You're glowing.
Victoria: Am I?
Brooke: Yes, in fact you've been glowing for days. It's getting weird.
Victoria: Well... I suppose... it's because I've taken a lover.
Brooke: Here we go.
Victoria: Oh, he's a gentle, passionate lover.
Brooke: Ok, I don't need details. Please. It's Paul, right? I've seen you two, flirting with each other on set, and I just... ugh!
Victoria: A lady doesn't kiss and tell, honey.
Brooke: Well, it seems to me like you're kissing and telling right now.
Victoria: Well, no. You asked why I was glowing, so I told you.
Brooke: You're right. My mistake. I'm gonna get back to work now and try to extract a certain horrifying image from my mind.
Victoria: Good luck with that. Me? I'm going to go and try to keep a certain image very much in my mind.
Brooke: Gross! Say hi to gentle Paul for me!

Victoria: The song's called 'No Good'?
Victoria: Appropriate. OK, so this is a huge waste of money. I would say it was a waste of time but you all failed so quickly it really wasn't. So when you locate Peyton in that gutter, you let her know I like to speak with her before this catastrophe goes any further.