50 Best Dan Scott Quotes

Dan: What happened to your face? Wife beat you up? That Brooke's a feisty one, huh?

Dan: How great is this? Dinner together... steaks on the grill... you not punching me...

Dan: Nathan, how have you been?
Nathan: Drunk. Bitter. Kinda like Mom.

Dan: I saw the light.
Karen: I doubt it.

Dan: Somewhere along the line, I started hurting the people I care most about, and I can't figure out how to stop.
Nathan: Well, stop being a dick, Dad. It would help.

Dan: There's something you should know about me, I don't do well with threats. You see, I'm going to find my son whether you talk or not. The only thing is... will you still be breathing when I do? Now I'm going to ask you a few questions and you feel free to scream out the answers. See, that's the good news about having your own soundstage: No one can hear you scream.

Dan: It's not worth it, son. Pissing your life away over some girl.
Nathan: Some girl? She's my wife, Dad!

Dan: Anything else bugging you?
Nathan: Just you.

Keith: How could you do this to me?
Dan: Everytime I thought about you screwing my wife and the heart attack you gave me it got easier.
Keith: I can't believe you.
Dan: Well maybe you could find out in the phone book. Look under 'w' for whore. But wait she's not that smart so look under 'h'.

Dan: [after Dan finds out that Deb has been abusing perscription medication] How long, with the pills?
Deb: Since I quit my job.
Dan: Why?
Deb: Because I'm married to you.

Dan: Don't you see, Nathan? The strength you need to let go of it, to leave your old man behind - that's what I taught you.
Nathan: Well, lesson learnt.

Nathan: [Nathan and Julian are rushing Dan to the hospital in a stolen police car, Chris is driving] Put the siren on!
Julian: I've never been in a cop car before! I don't know where the siren is!
Dan: [weakly] It's the switch in the middle.
Nathan: [laughing at Dan's dry humor] You're gonna be OK! You're gonna be OK, Dad!

Nathan: [to Dan at the hospital] Some people want to see you.
Dan: [smiling wryly] Is it the cops?
Nathan: [returns smile] Friends and family.
Dan: I didn't know I had either.

Dan: I'm Dan Scott. Local businessman, schoolboard member, and murderer. Family first, that's my motto.

Deb: You son of a bitch.
Dan: No, that would be Nathan. See he's the son and you're the bitch.

Dan: You sure you thought this thing through, Keller?
Chris: What's that supposed to mean?
Dan: You say you want to help Haley. You have a thing for her. You have since high school.
Chris: So?
Dan: So from where I stand, this is a lose-lose for you. If you don't bring Nathan back, you've failed her. If you do, you lose her anyway. Once Nathan comes home, you're out of the picture.
Chris: So are you... Yeah, Haley told me all about it. Once Nathan comes back, you lose your family. So from where I'm standing, it's worse for you. Because I lose what I never had... But you had it. Your son, your grandkids. All of it... But here we are.

Dan: [in his hospital bed] How about one more? For old times sake? Of course, you'll have to do all the work.
Deb: [laughs while crying] Oh, as usual.

Dan: You're right. I lit the dealership on fire, almost burning myself to death in the process, just so I'd have an excuse to murder my own brother. Then serve a full term in jail, get released, get a third world heart transplant, then write a book, start my own motivational talk show, give up my new found fortune, and move to a remote diner just so I could burn it down and collect the $65,000 insurance policy. Then get rid of my son and move in with his family who hates me. Nice work detective. You caught me.

Dan: Happiness doesn't come cheap. Hell if it did we would all be smiling.

Dan: Karen, would it be the strangest thing if we grab a cup of coffee sometimes.
Karen: I have given up coffee through my pregnancy.
Dan: Movie then?
Karen: No!
Dan: You have given up movies too?
Karen: No. I just don't want to go with you.

Dan: I'm only thinking of the kid.
Karen: You have no right to think of him - not today or any other day of his life. How dare you.
Dan: Are you finished?
Karen: I haven't even started!

Dan: You plan sucks.

Tim: Awe. He's 86'd yo.
Dan: Just say he's dead Tim.

[first lines]
Doctor: Don't worry señor, you won't feel a thing.
Dan: So tell me Doc, how many heart transplants have you done?
Doctor: [unsubtitled Spanish] Dos o tres, más o menos.
[Takes electric saw from nurse and turns it on]
Doctor: .
Dan: Oh, oh, Doc I-I-I'm I'm not under yet, I'm still here. Hey Doc, Doc Doc Doc, I'm still here! N-no no no I'm still here Doc!
Nurse: [unsubtitled Spanish] Calma te.
Dan: I'm still here!
Nurse: [unsubtitled Spanish]
Nurse: Calma te!
Dan: I'm still here!
[wakes up from nightmare]
Dan: I'm still here!

Dan: Looks like you finally grew a pair!
Keith: I always had a pair Danny. Just ask your wife.

Dan: I thought maybe you'd be at Tric.
Karen: Oh, yeah, Deb fired me.
Dan: Fire is her specialty.

Dan: [at Jail, after Deb has been abusing her medication] So which one of you whores is my ex-wife? Oh, the old one, at the end.

Dan: Nathan. Remember, 20 shots - no less.
Nathan: Got it, Dad.
Coach: Quit yakking and warm up.

Nathan: [Nathan and Chris are rushing Dan to the hospital in a stolen police car, Chris is driving] Put the siren on!
Julian: I've never been in a cop car before! I don't know where the siren is!
Dan: [weakly] It's the switch in the middle.
Nathan: [laughing at the irony] You're gonna be OK! You're gonna be OK, Dad!

Nathan: [Dan has just flatlined] Dad, Dad?
[shakes him]
Nathan: Hey, hey! Dad, come on!
Dan: [Nathan rushes to get help, Keith watches him leave... Dan's eyes open] Keith.
Keith: [smiles] Hi, Danny.
Dan: [Dan gets up out of bed and follows Keith out of the hospital room which transitions into the hallway where Keith was murdered] What are we doing back here, Keith?
Keith: I don't think either one of us ever really left, Danny.
Dan: Keith, if I could take it back...
Keith: Well, you can't. I think we both know that.
Dan: I'm so sorry. For that day and every day before it.
Keith: [nods] I know you are, Danny. And I forgive you.
Dan: I took you away from everyone and everything you ever cared about. How can you just forgive me?
Keith: Well, you're dead, Danny. If I can't forgive you now, when can I?
[chuckles softly]
Keith: Look Danny, you've done some horrific things. You can't change that, and you can't take it back. Since then, you've done everything you could to make up for it. You've become a better man.
Dan: [scoffs] I lied about my heart transplant. My book and show were a fraud. I set my own diner on fire.
Keith: [smiles] Well, I didn't say you were perfect. But nobody is. But you learned what's important. You learned to put friends and family first. And you've become the selfless, kind person that I always wanted for a brother.
Dan: Like the kind of brother you were. For so many years, I was so jealous of you. I should've been trying to be more like you. I should have been proud of you. I am proud of you. I love you, Keith.
Keith: [puts his hand on Dan's shoulder] I love you too, Danny.
[beckons towards Dan's room]
Keith: Come on.
Keith: [they gaze at their grieving family standing over Dan's body] I told you the voice was wrong... it gets better.
Keith: Come on, little brother... take a walk with me.
Dan: [they walk towards a mysterious light at the end of the hall] I know where you're going... but what about me?
Keith: Don't worry little brother, you're my 'plus one'.
[Keith puts his hand on Dan's shoulder as they vanish into the light]

Dan: You're full of crap.
Coach: It comes with old age, Danny, constipation.

Dan: You think you got it bad? You left one of your kids in the car. I left mine for good. You're a good father Julian. You're going to be a good father. Go on. Go inside and kiss your wife. Do something I can't, hug your sons. Cause trust me, I would do anything to be able to do that again. Go on

Dan: I tried to call you! You weren't answering your phone!
Deb: That's because I ran out at the cafe with nothing but my keys and the fear that my son was dying!
Dan: Oh, and that's my fault?
Deb: After Haley walked in. How long was that, Dan? 20 minutes after he collapsed, a half hour maybe?
Dan: My first concern was for Nathan! You're overreacting!
Deb: Overreacting? That my son nearly died and my husband didn't deceive fit to call? Where was he, Dan? He could be anywhere! He could be unconscious!
Dan: Get a hold of yourself! The doctor's says he's out in harm's way!
Deb: The doctor was wrong. Because as long as you controlled him the way you do, he'll be in harm's way.
Dan: Oh ok I get it! I'm us to blame but it's gotta be my fault?
Deb: Yeah!
Dan: Do you consider this, lady? If you're helping your little friend Karen at the cafe you may have been there long than I was!
Deb: You smug, son of a bitch. I want you out of this house. I said get out!
Dan: It's been an emotional night...
Deb: No Dan, it's been a night of clarity, and it's time for you to go.
Dan: It's my house.
Deb: Fine, then I'll go. But either way, Nathan stays with me.
Dan: Don't do this.
Deb: I'll say it one more time, Dan. Pack a bag and get out. Or so help me God, I will stab you in your sleep. And you better pray that my son is okay!
Dan: Do you really think Nathan would choose you over me?

Dan: You should take a job application... now that you're unemployed.

Jules: You didn't turn your cell phone off in a church?
Dan: It might be God.

Dan: Yeah. And this bet tonight is that a joke, too? Or would you really quit the team? 'Cause let's be honest you have everything to lose here and nothing to gain.
Nathan: Sometimes what you call "everything," I call "nothing."

Dan: [after Dan finds out that Deb has been abusing perscriptioned medication] How long, with the pills?
Deb: Since I quit my job.
Dan: Why?
Deb: Because I'm married to you.

Dan: OK, just wait. Let's just talk.
Nathan: Bout what?
Dan: I dunno. How's your wife?
Nathan: [Nathan looks as him mom steps out of the house and looks at them] Lot happier than yours.

Dan: [Barges in the cafe] I know you like my women, Keith, but come on, Deb's still my wife.
Keith: It won't be for long to keep this up.
Dan: [Sits] I'm taking Nathan to dinner tonight. Do you have a problem with that?
Deb: Yeah. He needs a break from you.
Dan: You can't stop me from seeing my own son.
Deb: Actually I can, by telling you nicely or call a lawyer. Your choice.
Dan: Tell him I'll pick him up at 7:00.
Keith: Let Nathan come see me. I'll do what I can.

Dan: Your arms are going to be dead for the game tonight.
Nathan: Yeah, you wish.
Dan: No I don't. I'd love for you to break my record, Nate. I just don't think you will.
Nathan: We'll see about that.
Deb: Good news and bad news, Nate. Bad news is I have to be at the cafe so I'm gonna miss your game. Good news is, Haley can be there.
Nathan: Whatever.
Dan: At least one of us will be there.

Dan: I should apologize... but I won't.

Deb: What was that all about?
Dan: He was wondering where his mother was.
Deb: Don't start, Dan. I'm tired and I'm hungry.
Dan: Oh well, then how about you eat first then we argue?
Deb: How about we just not argue?
Dan: How about we just don't eat?

Dan: [Dan awakens in hospital... he sees a sad-faced Nathan sitting next to his bed] Wow... who died?

Haley: I just talked with Lucas. He's not coming.
Dan: [sighs] Well, I wasn't there for his life. I can't expect him to be here while I'm dying. Besides, I robbed him of the only father he ever knew. Haley, I never a apologized to you. Keith was a big part of your life. And I took him from you too. Haley, I'm so sorry.

Dan: Sometimes lies have a way of catching up with us.

Dan: Guns and Roses, Whitesnake, Metallica, Aerosmith...
Lucas: [laughing] Please tell me you're kidding. You didn't actually listen to metal?
Dan: Even had my own spandex.
Lucas: Oh, man! That's not not a vision I wanted to have in my head!

Dan: [after shooting Nanny Carrie] God, I hate the woods.

Dan: [after Nathan comes back home] Hey, how you feeling, son?
Nathan: Ok. What's my bag doing there?
Dan: Well I packed some things for you.
Nathan: Dad, I'm not going to move to the beach house, okay?
Dan: You don't have to. We'll work this out.
Nathan: Well then what's this?
Dan: You and I are going away for the weekend.
Nathan: Are you kidding?
Dan: I already put up with your mom, got your golf clubs in the back cover and I got a 9 AM t-time.
Nathan: Dad, you can't just sprain things on me like this, alright? I have plans this weekend!
Dan: I know you do, with me.

Keith: [Sees Dan confronting him at the garage] That's just freaky.
Dan: Hey! When did you get off and tell Nathan to quit the team?
Keith: I didn't tell him he could quit! He wanted to talk, we talked! Maybe you ought to try that sometime!
Dan: So he neglected the most of his life? I'm out of the house a week, and there you are.
Keith: He surprised me, Dan. You know, Nathan is a good kid! You got him so screwed up! He doesn't know what he wants!
Dan: The better half of your back, Keith?
Keith: Deb is the best thing Nathan's got going on right now. She's trying to save him.
Dan: What the hell do you think I'm trying to do?
Keith: I've been trying to figure that out all these years, Danny.
Dan: I don't mind you to play daddy on the offspring. But leave the good one alone, will ya?

Dan: [to Nathan] Your mother is on crack. She locked me out of my house.