The Best Julian Baker Quotes

Julian: [walking up to Brooke, standing at her locker in the high school hallway] You somewhere down memory lane?
Brooke: Ah, yeah.
Julian: Good. Stay there and tell me what I should remember about this place. What made it so special?
Brooke: Oh I don't know, what makes any high school special? This is where it all happened for the first time. The heartache and the happiness... all of it. Being in this hallway... feels like it was yesterday. I wake up sometimes and I miss it. But this is good. It's all still right here.
[pats her heart]

Julian: I'm telling you right now, prison will be the least of your worries if you come near my family again.

Brooke: You just did the thing.
Julian: What thing?
Brooke: Whenever you're passionate about something your eyebrows tighten up I saw it a lot on set. And even though I think it's kind of sexy, I'm worried about you.
Julian: Why? Because I'll never win the world poker championship?
Brooke: No. Because when you're passionate about something, you put everything you have into it. Have you stopped for one second to relax?
Julian: Yes. For about five hours every night.
Brooke: Sleeping doesn't count. I'm serious, Julian. I need you to take care of yourself because I want you to live for a long, long time.
Julian: Well I will as long as I have you.

Nathan: [Nathan and Chris are rushing Dan to the hospital in a stolen police car, Chris is driving] Put the siren on!
Julian: I've never been in a cop car before! I don't know where the siren is!
Dan: [weakly] It's the switch in the middle.
Nathan: [laughing at the irony] You're gonna be OK! You're gonna be OK, Dad!

Julian: Need anything?
Dan: Yeah, the complete privacy I paid for. And another notepad.
Julian: What is that?
Dan: A list of my enemies. Better make that two notepads.

Chris: Chris Keller's too pretty to go to prison.
Julian: Yeah, that's what I said.
Chris: You said Chris Keller was pretty?

Julian: It's funny how our past frames us. How the person we used to be never lets loose of the person we are. Past failures and disappointments, even victories, take hold of us. They haunt us like ghosts, or visit us like old friends.

Julian: [voiceover] The world is full of magic, you just have to believe in it.
Brooke: [voiceover] So make your wish. Do you have it?
Nathan: [voiceover] Good. Now believe in it...
Haley: [voiceover] With all your heart.

Julian: You remember what you said to me our first night here?
Brooke: What if we ruin it?
Julian: Every night I spent away from you, I dreamed about being back here... in this room, in this bed, with you. I dreamt about us, Brooke. And now we're here. We're back. And you look even more beautiful than in my dreams. I love you. I never stopped loving you... not for one night, not for one moment. And I never will. Nothing can ruin us, Brooke Davis.

Ted: [opens hotel room door] Julian, would you like some coffee?
Julian: No, I wouldn't. I came here to tell you that how you've treated Brooke is unacceptable.
Ted: I see.
Julian: As her husband and the father of her kids, I'm not gonna let anyone- - not even her father- -put her in a corner. And just because I referenced "Dirty Dancing" doesn't mean I'm not serious right now.
Ted: Are you sure you don't want some coffee?
Julian: No coffee. I don't want coffee. What I want is for you to wake up and fix things with your daughter. She gave you your 3,000 chance to be a decent dad, and you blew it... again.
Ted: Anything else?
Julian: Yeah, one thing. What kind of guy tells his 15 year old daughter, who's about to go to a dance, that her dress makes her look thick?... .. If you want to know the answer, it rhymes with 'thick'.
[starts to walk out of the hotel room, stops at the door]
Julian: It's dick, Ted... you're a dick. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Nathan: [Nathan and Julian are rushing Dan to the hospital in a stolen police car, Chris is driving] Put the siren on!
Julian: I've never been in a cop car before! I don't know where the siren is!
Dan: [weakly] It's the switch in the middle.
Nathan: [laughing at Dan's dry humor] You're gonna be OK! You're gonna be OK, Dad!

Haley: [to Julian] You have now saved the two most important men in my life, and I don't know how to thank you.
Julian: [they embrace] I'm just glad I could help. And now I can cross 'steal cop car' off my bucket list.

Alex: Who's your favorite director?
Julian: John Hughes. His movies were about the struggle that every teenager goes through. Talk about clear vision.

Brooke: Oh my god! I'm gonna stab out my eyes! How do you unsee something?
Julian: What happened?
Brooke: I just walked in on my parents... having sex.
Julian: What? I thought your parents hated each other?
Brooke: They do!... Oh my god. It was foreplay for hate sex. Oh, gross! This is a nightmare! You can't poke your minds eye out.
Julian: Do they even realize they've ruined another company of yours?
Brooke: Of course not. Let's recap. My dad screws me over, my mom screws me up, at which point they start screwing each other, and now I give up!

Brooke: [blindfolded and being led by Julian] Where are you taking me?
Julian: You'll see, hold on. Almost there.
[pulls off the blindfold]
Julian: Okay, open!
Brooke: [sees they're standing in front of her childhood home] My old house?
Julian: No, our new home.
Brooke: What?
Julian: Come on.
[takes her in the front door]
Brooke: What?
Julian: You said this house deserved better. That it deserved a family. Well, now it's got one- -the best one.
Brooke: I wished for this. Right here, without even knowing it. I wished for you... and our family, and this. Come here. Ever since New York, I wanted to come home. I just knew in my heart that there was treasure here. And I found it, in our sons... in my parents... in you. This house always wanted to be a home, and now it will be. Our home. Everyone should have that... a place that makes them happy.
Julian: You should have that. Welcome home, Brooke Davis.

Julian: [Brooke has bought Nick Lachey as her date to the wedding] She's so not making me jealous with the guy from "Dancing With the Stars."
Missy: No, that was Drew. He was so awesome on that.
Julian: Whatever. "Laguna Beach," then.
Chase: No, no. That was some other tool.
[He was on Laguna Beach. Inside joke]

Julian: And you want to know what I think? I think you do love me or you could love me, but you're just too stubborn and scared to admit it because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. And I get that... I've been there. But somewhere along the line you gave up on the idea that you deserve to feel this way again. But you don't see what I see Brooke. You deserve this. So I'm gonna try one more time. I love you. I'm in love with you. I'm so lost and completely in love with you. I have been ever since I saw you doing that ridiculous molly ringwald dance.
Brooke: Julian I, I care about you so much.
Julian: Never let it be said that Brooke Davis is easy.
Brooke: Julian.
Julian: I'm sorry. That wasn't fair. You know what? It's okay, someday you'll let someone in, today's just not that day.
Brooke: I don't want this to change anything.
Julian: No it won't. It won't. You know you were right, it's my fault. We were just having fun and I just you overwhelmed me a little bit. It's too soon.
Brooke: It is a little too soon.

Julian: I need to believe that there's still justice, that even now in a world full of grey and spin and compromise, that if you chose to do wrong, and you prey on good people when you do, someone will stand up to you. Someone will take a stand and fight back.

Josh: [Josh knocks on Alex's door, she opens it and immediately try's to shut it in his face but Josh pushes it open] Please
Alex: You've got 30 seconds. You're used to working in that timeframe, right?
Josh: Last night isn't what you think.
Alex: What I think is you're a jerk. What I saw, was you making out with another guy.
Josh: Haven't you ever done something that you didn't mean to do?
Alex: Yes. I had sex with you.
Josh: I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone what's you saw.
Alex: Yeah? Well I'd appreciate it if you didn't tape me having sex with you. Oh, wait. You already did.
Josh: I shouldn't have done that, and I'm sorry. But I'm asking you, please... don't tell anyone.
Alex: [cut scene to Alex talking to Julian in his office] Josh is gay.
Julian: Alex, I understand your upset.
Alex: True, but I also caught him sticking his you tongue down some guys throat.
Julian: Are you sure it wasn't a boyish-looking girl?
Alex: It was a guy. Maybe you'll meet him at the wrap party.