The Best Millicent 'Millie' Huxtable Quotes

Victoria: You don't like me, do you?
Millicent: No
Victoria: Because you feel I've mistreated you?
Millicent: No, because you're an evil bitch

Millicent: There was a girl in my bed.
Brooke: Are you coming out?
Millicent: No. It was Gigi. She was in my bed.
Brooke: Wait, you and Mouth had a three-way with hot high-school ex? Really?
Millicent: Actually Marvin and Gigi had a slumber party last night. I walked in and found that tramp-face, whore, slut, bitch in my bed.
Brooke: With Mouth?
Millicent: No. He was on the couch.
Brooke: So then what's the problem?

Millicent: Alexander did what to Victoria?
Alex: Actually, it was Victoria doing things to Alexander.
Millicent: Ew.
Alex: Totally ew, but totally awesome.
Millicent: And you and Josh made a sex tape? I don't know which is worse.
Alex: I do. But... just for the record, Josh made the tape. I just suffered through it.

Marvin: So before you walk out of my life I need to know if you can forgive me.
Millicent: That's really noble Marvin but, you're a guy, you have needs. Gigi made you feel special in a way that I obviously couldn't.
Marvin: That is not true. You made me feel special every single day.
Millicent: But never at night. All those nights we slept beside each other, there were so many times I'd lie awake watching you sleep and I'd just want to rip your clothes off and attack you.
Marvin: Why didn't you?
Millicent: I was scared that what we had was so special that sex would mess it up.That the promise of it could never live up to the real thing. But now I realize that our relationship wasn't that special.

Marvin: [voiceover] Make a wish and place it in your heart. Anything you want. Everything you want.
Millicent: [voiceover] Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true.
Quinn: [voiceover] You never know where the next miracles gonna come from.
Clay: [voiceover] The next memory. The next smile. The next wish come true.
Chase: [voiceover] But if you believe that it's right around the corner...
Chris: [voiceover] and you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it...
Antwon: [voiceover] You just might get the thing you're wishing for.