Top 100 Quotes From Haley James Scott

Nathan: [after Nate and Haley have reunited in the hospital and Nate is being evaluated by the doctors] You know you don't have to stay here with me the whole time.
Haley: [hugging Nate] Are you kidding me? I'm never gonna let you go. If I could sew my skin to yours, I would.
Nathan: That's really gross.

Haley: What'd you say to Hooter girl when she made her topless debut?
Lucas: I told her she looked beautiful.

Haley: Nathan, from the second I heard those words 'we found a body' my heart sank. I couldn't move, I couldn't think, and now that I've managed to at least move, all I can think about is one moment you and I shared years ago. Over and over that same insignificant moment repeats in my head... I, I can't tell you why. It was your birthday, your first year playing for Maryland. Jamie must have been two. You said you didn't want to do anything, but I insisted on at least having your favorite ice cream. Do you remember this? When I... when I brought back mint chocolate chip and you asked why I thought that was your favorite. I was so confused. Any time we had gotten ice cream together, that's what you always chose, but you told me rocky road was your favorite. And you looked at me so tenderly, Nathan, and you said you always chose mint chocolate chip because you knew it was my favorite flavor. And that's when I realized for the first time that you hadn't been making any of your decisions for yourself. You were doing everything for me all along, for your family, and it occurred to me that we still had so much to learn about each other. And since then, Nathan, I've learned about the wonderfully, selfless, humble, strong man you are. Nathan, I can't hear that you'll never come home again, that I'll never learn something new about you again, never experience your selflessness, your love, your warm touch again. Nathan, please. Have we really had our last conversation? Our last kiss? I don't know what I'd do. Please.

Nathan: [enters their bedroom and leans in the doorway while Haley makes the bed] Quiet around here without Jamie.
Haley: Yeah, he's with Brooke. Baby steps.
Nathan: Yeah. How you sleeping these days?
Haley: So-so. Jamie tosses around like a Tasmanian devil.
Nathan: He should probably get back to his own bed soon. The whole separation thing... Or he can sleep in the spare bedroom with me.
Nathan: You know, sometimes I find your goodness staggering. I didn't get a chance to tell you in the session but your kindness is overwhelming, Haley. I mean, you saved my life.
Nathan: If I haven't said it lately, you're also sexy as hell.
Haley: [Nathan starts to leave their bedroom] Hey... I was thinking, um... not sleeping in this bed might not be so bad if you wanted to try it with me.
[Nathan kisses Haley and tosses her down on the bed, they continue kissing]
Haley: You got any more of that sexy talk?
Nathan: What, the kindness stuff or the sexy stuff?
Haley: The sexy.
Nathan: You have a serious ass, Haley James.

[Nathan and Haley's Bedroom]
Nathan: [walks inside] Did the closet explode?
Haley: [tries to zipper up the dress] Oh... How do I look in this?
Nathan: Is there a... right answer to that question?
Haley: [gets frustrated, flings a dress to the ground] WELL NONE OF MY DRESSES FIT ME ANYMORE!
Nathan: Haley, you're... you're pregnant! They're not supposed to fit you!

Tim: Dude, smell me.
Nathan: Dude, kiss my ass.
Tim: No, seriously. I wanna smell nice for the... talent that's coming over.
Nathan: Tim, just say the stripper.
Tim: Fine, the stripper. Alright... Which one makes me smell available? I've got "Flesh" on this side and this "Frink" stuff on this side.
Nathan: That's not mine.
Tim: Well, it was in your bathroom.
Haley: [walks in] Oh, Tim, what are you doing with my perfume?
[takes it]

Haley: Okay, how about this one? "Lucas, you know you want me! Taylor James."
Lucas: I wonder what she wrote in Nathan's yearbook.

Taylor: Were you in love the first time you had sex?
Haley: Tay!
Taylor: What? We're family now. We shouldn't have secrets.
Nathan: It's not really any of your business. The truth is... whoever my first was... wasn't nearly as important as my last.
Haley: Thank you.

Haley: When archaeologists uncover lost civilizations and they unearth these worlds that have long since been destroyed, you know what they find most often? They find stories: ancient languages, words, inscriptions from people who have been gone for thousands of years. Because chances are they, like you, they wanted to know, what's the point? And they wanted us to know that they were here, you know? They told their stories and they tried to make sense out of their lives and their worlds and their tragedies. So that's what we're gonna do. I want you to write something - anything at all - about Quentin Fields. If you knew him, write a favorite memory. If you didn't know him, write what you think the point is of all this for yourself and your life and your time here. This is a literature class, and that's what writers do. We put pen to paper in times of devastating tragedy, we just try to make sense of it. Maybe we'll find clarity in some of those words. Maybe we'll find peace.

Nathan: Listen, about the time capsule...
Haley: Ah, you looked beautiful. Sorry, umm... I guess you should have been there. Okay, listen I just wanted to apologize for avoiding you, avoiding this, I really just don't wanna ruin how we've been lately with these wonderful nights.
Nathan: I know and look I'm sorry about what I said on the stupid time capsule. You weren't supposed to hear that. I mean, "this" you weren't supposed to hear that now when things are going so good with us, you know?

Nathan: I'm sorry. Okay, I never wanted to hurt you and I'm sorry for all the ways that I did.
Haley: I know you're sorry, I know that you don't want to hurt me. But I need to know that you're going to be honest with me.
Nathan: I promise, I -
Haley: I need to know that you're going to let me in, Nathan. I mean, all the way.
Nathan: I will, okay. I'll - I'll let you in if that's what it takes, I'll let you in. It's just... sometimes I'm afraid that if I do, you'll see the real me. The guy I was before you. And I'm not proud of that person, okay; the one that I used to be. But if I have to be that guy to keep you safe, then that's who I'm going to be. Look, if you want me to apologize for defending you, or for fighting back when somebody hurts you, then I can't do that - I won't do that, okay because the truth is: that's a guy I'll never be; a guy that just stands by and watches while the world hurts you. Can you understand that?
Haley: I can't...
Nathan: Haley, you have to -
Haley: No, I can't keep standing on one foot. So, if there's more, I should sit down. But if you're done, then, um... just take me home 'cause I'm tired and I miss you and I love you, every version of you.
Nathan: Come here...
[They hug and he kisses her forehead]

Haley: I just talked with Lucas. He's not coming.
Dan: [sighs] Well, I wasn't there for his life. I can't expect him to be here while I'm dying. Besides, I robbed him of the only father he ever knew. Haley, I never a apologized to you. Keith was a big part of your life. And I took him from you too. Haley, I'm so sorry.

Peyton: [after Mia's ex has just entered the nightclub] Well, how's she doing? Can she sing?
Haley: Yeah - just as long as the only words to her song are "Why is Jason here?"
Mia: [rocking back and forth] Why is Jason here?

Haley: I don't wanna lie to my husband.
Brooke: I guess thats in the vows, huh? I wonder if you knew that when you signed up at the ripe old age of, like, 12.

Haley: Human beings are ambitious. We spend so much time wanting, pursuing, wishing. For the most part, that's okay. Ambition is good. Chasing things with integrity is good. Dreaming. As long as the chase doesn't diminish what we already have... The goodness we take for granted, the people we take for granted. The lives we take for granted. My life is good.

Haley: [surprisingly, to Nathan] Water?
Nathan: I wasn't even planning on drinking until Brooke forced her... 'self' on us.

Jamie: Do you think there's basketball in heaven?
Haley: I know there is.

Haley: Nathan, this is really weird. I can just call Peyton or Lucas or something.
Nathan: Look Haley, it's late. Besides, what's the difference? You turn the lights out it's all the same darkness right?
Haley: Nathan... You know when you took those drugs before the game, when you collapsed? You made a mistake, but I know you promised yourself that if you could have a second chance you would do things differently... I know that I hurt you. But I promised myself that if I could get you to listen then, um, I would tell you that there was never a day on that tour when I didn't think you were the best part of my life.
Nathan: You can't just say that Haley. Not after months of silence.
Haley: Why? It's the truth.
Nathan: Really? What about the day you signed the anulment papers?
Haley: The papers that you initiated?
Nathan: Yeah, after I drove a thousand miles to see you and you didn't even call me after I left. Must have been a hell of an encore.
Haley: Nathan, you just walked away!
Nathan: Well it beats running away.
Haley: I did call.
Nathan: You called our answering machine Haley!
Nathan: Because I knew that you were going to hang up on me anyway so I had to leave a message.
Nathan: Well I didn't even play it. I deleted you.
Haley: Well... Then you deleted this: Um... I was being childish when I walked away from you for the tour. You gave me an ultimatum the night that I left and, uh, I fought back for all the wrong reasons. I was being stubborn... and I can't take that back, I wish that I could. Did I want to go? Yeah. I loved it, I loved every night of it. But I want you to know something Nathan. There was never a night where I loved it more than I loved you.

Peyton: Marriage is big. I don't know how you trust somebody for your whole life. I can't even date somebody without an escape hatch.
Haley: I don't know if it was so much about trusting Nathan, which I do. It was more about trusting myself.

Brooke: And Mouth who was that?
Haley: Oh, that's Carrie. She's our new nanny.
Brooke: I'm sorry, have you lost your mind? She cannot be your new nanny.
Haley: Why?
Peyton: Um, well, for starters, have looked at her, she is way too hot.
'Mouth': OK, you two need to stop. Why does everything have to be about looks? You know, maybe she's a great nanny. Or a great field reporter. Shouldn't that be the point and not her looks?
'Mouth': Besides, if Haley doesn't hire her I won't get to see her in a bikini.
Haley: Nice...
'Mouth': Damn, she was hot.

Tim: Hey, Nathan, what do you think? Thai? Mexican? Chinese is always good...
Haley: Tim, you just ate. How is it possible that you're still hungry?
Tim: I'm not ordering food, i'm ordering strippers.

Lucas: We just spent the last couple of days together happier than either one of us can remember and I know I have been all over the place but my best friend told me to pick a team. You were right.
Haley: You happy?
Lucas: We both are.
Haley: That's all the counts. Besides the only people that tear happy people down are those that are unhappy.

Haley: Hey, Luke, will you promise me something? No matter what happens you and I will always be friends
Lucas: [in a mocking tone] Always... and forever.

Haley: Be careful with his heart. It's more fragile than you think.

Haley: [approaching Nathan] Hey! I'm sorry I haven't been around. Mia's performing tonight and she's really nervous. How have you been?
Nathan: I realized how boring bars can be without alcohol.
Haley: Yeah, tell me about it!
Brooke: [approaching Nathan and Haley] Tric needs to establish a 'No Mom' rule.
Haley: I'm a mom!
Brooke: You don't count. You got married and pregnant before you graduated high-school. You'll be safely locked in a home by the time you got 35.
Haley: Good talking to you Brooke!
[to Nathan]
Haley: I gotta get backstage, I'll see you in a bit. Bye.
Nathan: Bye.
[Brooke walking away]
Nathan: Well, it's good talking to both of you...

Haley: What'd you say to Hooter girl when she made her topless debut?
Lucas: I told her she looked beautiful.

Brooke: I can't breathe!
Haley: What?
Brooke: There's no room with Chris's ego!

Lucas: Great, it's gone global.
Haley: Yeah, at least now the whole world knows all the nice things you said about me to go along all the crappy things Nathan said about me.

Taylor: Morning kids.
Haley: Good morning, slut! You can get your things and go now!
Taylor: What's wrong? Are you still mad about me and David? That's so last night.
Haley: You like that outfit enough to get buried in, or you wanna go put something on?

Nathan: Haley, stop!
Haley: Sorry, just trying to wake Taylor and David.
Nathan: I'm sure you did, along with the rest of the neighborhood. How long have you been up?
Haley: Since I dreamt that my sister was screwing my other sister's husband.
Nathan: Ex-husband.
Haley: Did you dream that too? That's so weird. Did I kill them in yours?
Nathan: No actually, you played it cool.
Haley: Well, then you really were dreaming because there's no way to play this cool. This is the most uncool thing Taylor's ever done.

[Haley and Nathan are having dinner]
Nathan: So you couldn't have ordered a lobster?
Haley: Dude, macaroni and cheese is food of the Gods.
Nathan: Yeah if the Gods are five-year-olds.

Haley: You keep going to that bridge, I never thought I'd be jealous of a river.

Haley: Nathan, about last night?
Nathan: Hey, look it's not about sex with me all right. When you're ready, I will be too.
Haley: Come here.
[they kiss]

Haley: Oh, no, no, no, I really don't feel like going out.
Peyton: Haley, where is your sense of adventure?
Haley: Probably got knocked out of me when I got hit by a car...

Haley: I guess everybody's just gonna change and go back to Karen's, okay?
Nathan: People are definitely gonna change.
Haley: [sighs] Will you unzip me?
Nathan: Oh, Haley, I love you.
Haley: I love you, too.
Nathan: It's all so uncertain. God, I love you. I don't ever want to come that close to losing you again. I need you to be safe, okay?
Haley: I told you. I'm not going anywhere.

Brooke: George Bernard Shaw once wrote: "There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it." Clearly, Shaw had his heart broken once or twice.
Nathan: As far as I'm concerned, Shaw was a punk. Cause you know what? Tragedies happen. What are you gonna do, give up? Quit? No. I realize now that when your heart breaks, you got to fight like hell to make sure your still alive. Because you are. And that pain you feel? That's life. The confusion and fear? That's there to remind you, that somewhere out there is something better, and that something is worth fighting for.
Haley: This year, I got everything I wanted and everything I wished for. But in a way, I lost even more.
Lucas: Shaw was right. As we strain to grasp the things we desire, the things we think will make our lives better: money, popularity, fame... we ignore what truly matters, the simple things, like friendship, family, love. The things we probably already had.
Mouth: So Mr. Shaw thinks that getting your heart's desire is a tragedy? I say he's wrong. I mean, clearly Shaw never kissed Erica Marsh.
Peyton: Yes, losing your heart's desire is tragic. But gaining your heart's desire? That's all you can hope for. This year I wished for love... to immerse myself in someone else and to wake a heart long afraid to feel. My wish was granted. And if having that is tragic, then give me tragedy. Because I wouldn't give it back for the world.

Nathan: [Nathan walks in the apartment and sees haley crying] Haley, whats wrong?
Haley: Um... I was just alphabetising our CD's
[Takes CD's off the table]
Haley: and um... we don't have any doubles. Not one.
Nathan: [He sees that she had taken off her wedding ring and put it onto a CD case] So what?
Haley: So, 'Natalie Merchant' after 'NOZ' and 'Wilco' before the 'Wu-Tang Clan'?
Nathan: So you listen to crummy music. I can live with that.
Haley: [sadly] We made a mistake Nathan.
Nathan: Haley...
Haley: No. I'm-I'm not ready for this. I just, I just really wanna go home to my room
[Starts dumping CD's in boxes]
Haley: You know, I'm not a wife; I'm not even a senior!
Nathan: Haley. Haley, listen this is not a mistake.
Haley: [crying] How can you be sure because there is nobody that thinks this thing can work.
Nathan: I do.
[He picks up her wedding ring]
Nathan: I promise you Haley. I will always be there for you, I will always protect you. OK?
[Haley nods slightly]
Nathan: I will always protect you. Always.
[He puts the ring back onto her finger]

Haley: We have cupcakes for dessert in case anybody wants 'em. I bought them for Jamie, but Taylor doesn't seem to have a problem taking other people's stuff.
Taylor: I wish I could be like you, Haley, just eat whatever I want and get fat.
Haley: Your lip is about to get fat!
Nathan: Alright, that's enough. I can't take this anymore. If anybody needs me, I'll be upstairs with the kids... having a more mature conversation.

Haley: How am I going to get through this?
Nathan: Graciously and courageously, the way you always do. With me at your side, every step of the way.

Haley: Remembering what?
Nathan: Your hair. You wore it that way the first day you tutored me.
Haley: You remember how I wore my hair the first day I tutored you?
Nathan: Of course.
Haley: What else do you remember?
Nathan: I remember the ugly-ass poncho that you wore.

Haley: Just promise me this time, you'll be here when I get back.

Brooke: How you holding up?
Haley: I'm good.
Brooke: I know it must be hard. Your mom played a big part in this night.
Haley: Yeah, it is. But you know, I think Jamie really helps. It's kind of life's little plan, you know? You have kids so you have something to hold onto when you lose your parents.
[Brooke starts to cry]
Haley: What's wrong?
Brooke: I can't have kids.
Haley: What? Have you seen a specialist or...?
Brooke: Yeah. No I did everything, and kids aren't in the cards for me.
Haley: You cannot give up, Brooke. You never know.

Lucas: I should go.
Haley: Lucas, wait.
Lucas: No, I should go. I thought you weren't ready. I didn't mean to - it's just - I thought you were going to wait until you got married, Haley.
Haley: What?
Lucas: I thought you were going to wait.
Haley: We did.
Lucas: What?
Haley: We, um -
[hold up her left hand]
Haley: - we got married last night.

[Brooke and Lucas are standing outside Rachel's cabin]
Brooke: Oh, okay, what do you wanna show me? It's freezing out here!
[Lucas is pulling Haley's wedding ring out from his pocket]
Lucas: This...
Brooke: Are you proposing to me? Lucas, this is really Naley...
Lucas: No, no, no, no... This is Haley's ring. Nathan stole it. I'm just holding on to it until he proposes to her again tomorrow.
Brooke: Like a re-proposal? She's already had one.
Lucas: Well, Nathan wants to have this big, fancy wedding.
Brooke: Awww... That is SO romantic!
Haley: [imitates Brooke] Awww...
[Haley comes out to Lucas and Brooke]
Haley: ...What is so romantic? Oh, is that my ring?
Lucas: Yeah... I... found it. Surprise.
Haley: Oh my God! Thank you! Where did you find this?
Lucas: Uh... It was on the... thing... next to the other... thing.
Haley: I've been looking for this everywhere! Thank you so much! You're not gonna tell Nathan, are you?
Lucas: Nope. I wouldn't do that.
Haley: Thank you! You're the best!
[Haley kisses him on the cheek and walks happily away. Lucas smiles, resigned]
Lucas: Now I'm pretty much dead...
Brooke: Yeah...
Lucas: Yeah...
Brooke: Yeah.

Lucas: That doesn't change the fact that we haven't seen a single car pass by since we've stopped.
Brooke: Uh...
Lucas: Until now.
[sees the bus coming]
Nathan: That's a bus.
Brooke: No, that's a tour bus.
Peyton: Oh, please be The Foo Fighters!
Skills: Please be Kanye!
Chris: [gets off the bus] Well, well.
Haley: Stupid Elvis Sandwhich!

Haley: [holding a shot] I guess one shot won't kill us, huh!
[disgustingly, after everyone drinks their shots]
Haley: Maybe it will. Brooke, what was that?
Brooke: I wanted something that would remind everyone of me... so... they mixed their most popular liqueur with their sweetest...
Brooke: The bartender did name it a 'Brooke Davis'.

Nathan: I was going to surprise you when we got back. It's the London Bridge.
Haley: Thank you.
Nathan: It's probably a good thing we didn't go... I mean the wedding wasn't cheap, now we have new furniture to pay for and... can't wait to get those hospital bills especially considering we don't have insurance.
Haley: It's okay. You're safe... you're home now.

Taylor: Hey, what happened to the whole, "tattoos are for sluts and burn-outs" sermon you gave me?
Haley: Uh, 23 is Nathan's jersey number, and you permanently marked your body with some random spider.
Taylor: The scorpion paralyzes it's victims. Nothing random about that.

Peyton: [to Haley, asking about Mia] Okay, she's almost on. How's she doing?
Haley: Umm, I think she'll be OK as long as the only lyrics to her song are 'Why is Jason here? Why is Jason here?'
Mia: Why is Jason here?
Peyton: Because I invited him.
Mia: I'm sorry, you what?
Peyton: Mia, most people dream of the chance to stand up to the person that's kept them down. This is yours.
Mia: Someone just tell me the first line of my song, please.
Haley: Um, it's 'I never fear the unexpected'.

Haley: Oh God, this bed is so comfortable.
[Nathan burps]
Haley: Ooh that was attractive. Room service?
Nathan: Actually let's have a proper sit-down breakfast somewhere, family style.
Haley: Family style sounds perfect.

Haley: [graduation speech] There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. I think that what that quote means is that life is short and opportunities are rare and we have to be vigilant in protecting them and not only the opportunities to succeed but the opportunities to laugh and see the enchantment in the world and to live. Because life doesn't owe us anything. As a matter of fact, I think that we owe something to the world.

Haley: Champagne? How much is that gonna cost?
Brooke: Who cares? It's on my dad's credit card!

Mia: [referring to Victoria] Um, that person creeps me out.
Haley: Yeah, okay, now listen, me too, you're gonna do great, you're fine, just want you to play her like a few bars of 'No Good' and that will make her happy, okay?
Mia: Right, like that thing will ever be happy.

Jamie: Bacon, crispy. Eggs, scrambled. Milk, chocolate.
Haley: Hey! Besides please and thank you, do you have anything else you would like to say to your mother?
Jamie: Uh... pancakes, blueberry?
Haley: [to herself as Jamie walks away] I can't believe it. They frickin forgot my birthday!

Haley: [looking out over the town with Jamie, from the roof of Karen's cafe] It's a magical place, son. I've seen that magic in your eyes for the past nine years. There's only one Tree Hill, Jamie Scott. And it's your home.

Brooke: I cannot believe that director lady. I hate her. She was wearing white and it is way after Veteran's Day.
Haley: Labor Day.
Brooke: Whatever, almanac girl.

Nathan: I need to be tutored. I think I'm failing marriage.
Haley: Did you try sleeping with the teacher?

Peyton: So we never really talked about the wedding, like how you got there.
Haley: I told you, I got dressed, I threw up at my parents' house, brushed, flossed and went to the beach.
Peyton: Okay, hard image to forget, but I meant more like, um, I don't know, how your heart got there. Marriage is big. I don't know how you trust somebody for your whole life. I can't even date somebody without an escape hatch.
Haley: I don't know if it was so much about trusting Nathan, which I do. It was more about trusting myself.
Peyton: Yeah, my old friend, self-doubt. I don't know, sometimes everything seems really simple, and then...
Haley:'s not?
Peyton: Yeah.

Haley: I was saving it for the day I was rid of Dan Scott for good.
Haley: [laughs]
Deb: A girl can dream.

Nathan: I might have called a couple of times.
Deb: Six times.
Haley: [teasing] You crazy, obsessive perent...
Deb: You called eight.

Nathan: Haley?
Haley: [sitting under the table] Oh hey, under here.
Nathan: What the hell are you doing?
Haley: You know, just hanging out under the vanity. Singing the Finale to Les Miserable. Right before the first time I had to play the tour, I got really nervous, so I ending up hiding under a desk and I just sang that song over and over again . It was kinda the only thing that would calm me down. So, What you dont have any pregame rituals?
Nathan: No. What are you worried about? I mean, you got the home court advantage. You played infront of this many people before.
Haley: I know. I'm not worried about playing in front of hundreds of people, that I can do in my sleep. Im scared of playing in front of one in particular. This is my first time playing out since the tour and its my first time playing since you and I have been us again. And I saw yout time capsule and I just got scared.
Nathan: Of what?
Haley: Loving it again, of you seeing me love it again. I just, I'm afraid your going to think that it somehow means that I love you less.

Haley: Dan, not a day goes by that I don't miss Keith. Or hate you for what you did to him. And to Nathan... and to our entire family. I have no sympathy for you. But if there is such a thing as rehabilitation or forgiveness, than I believe a person should have the opportunity to prove that they've changed. That's why you're here.

Julian: [voiceover] The world is full of magic, you just have to believe in it.
Brooke: [voiceover] So make your wish. Do you have it?
Nathan: [voiceover] Good. Now believe in it...
Haley: [voiceover] With all your heart.

Haley: Be careful with his heart. It's more fragile than you think.

Haley: I need you to talk to me.
Nathan: Haley, I'm not trying to shut you out, ok? I just don't understand it enough to let you in yet.
Haley: Whatever it is we are going to get through it together. I'm right here, Nathan. I'm not going anywhere.

Haley: Hi.
Nathan: Hey. Thanks for coming.
Haley: Yeah, thanks for calling me. What's wrong?
Nathan: Your song is great, Haley. Chris played it for me... uh, it's a long story, but it's really great. I just wanted you to know that.
Haley: Oh... okay.
Nathan: My mom left... for good. I think. Oh and apparently my dad's the mayor now, so, yeah, today's really sucked ass.
Haley: Oh, Nathan. I'm so sorry.
Nathan: You know for most of my life I would have gone through this alone, but then I met you. And I finally found someone I could depend on like I've got this. So I guess I called you 'cause I wanted to know if that was still there.
Haley: Nathan, you can always call me. Always and forever. I want to ask you something, umm, the night of the masquerade party, did we... did you kiss me?
Nathan: Of course I did.
Haley: Oh, no you didn't. That kiss wasn't half as good as this one. I love you for lying to me. Thanks for calling.
Nathan: Haley... stay with me tonight.
Haley: Oh, I was hoping you would say that.

Haley: [to Lucas] There's a reason our sons middle name is Lucas. You had Keith and James is going to have you!

Haley: Brooke, what the heck? What about the fashion show?
Brooke: I have the rest of my life for that stuff. Not so much to be seventeen with my friends.

Nathan: My mom's coming home. She called.
Haley: Well, at least now you won't have to live alone in this big giant house.
Nathan: No, but she will. I want us to live together. I wanna be your husband again, Haley.
Haley: That sounds so good to me, but I have a roommate named Brooke.
Nathan: That doesn't matter.
Haley: And our dream schools are 3,000 miles away.
Nathan: Doesn't matter.
Haley: And neither of us have jobs.
Nathan: It doesn't matter. You know how long it took me to realize that? The amount of time it takes to pull a trigger. I love you, Haley James, and that's all I need to know. And it doesn't mean it's not gonna be hard. It doesn't mean it's not gonna be confusing, but, whatever it is, we'll face it together.

Lucas: I look like an idiot.
Haley: Dude, I saw you in your headgear.
Lucas: Don't call me dude. And I thought we promised not to talk about that in public?

Haley: Nathan, you're a hero. You did everything that you could. Nathan: Did I?
Nathan: Did I?

Nathan: Yeah, very funny Lucas. Your ass is still sleeping on the floor.
[he walks into the bathroom where Haley's taking a bubble bath]
Haley: Surprise. I switched rooms with Lucas, I don't have to sleep on the floor do I?
Nathan: How'd you manage to switch rooms?
Haley: Well believe it or not Bevin "mastermind" maskey arranged the whole thing.
Nathan: [whispers] Come here. You have any room in there for me?
Haley: I thought you'd never ask.
[Nathan jumps in the bath fully clothed]
Haley: NATHAN!! haha. Come here.

Lucas: I should go.
Haley: Lucas, wait.
Lucas: No, I should go. I thought you weren't ready. I didn't mean to - it's just - I thought you were going to wait until you got married, Haley.
Haley: What?
Lucas: I thought you were going to wait.
Haley: We did.
Lucas: What?
Haley: We, um...
[hold up her left hand]
Haley: - we got married last night.

Haley: Do you understand the rest of your life is being shaped right now? It's up to you, you can walk out that door and fail this class and take your chances, or you could sit down, listen, and learn from somebody that's been there. Choice is yours. The rest of your life is a long time and whether you know it or not, it's being shaped right now. You can choose to blame your circumstances on fate, or bad luck, or bad choices, or you can fight back. Things aren't always gonna be fair in the real world, that's just the way it is. But for the most part you get what you give. Let me ask you all a question; what's worse, not getting everything you wished for or getting it all and finding out it's not enough. The rest of your life is being shaped right now with the dreams you chase, the choices you make, and the person you decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time and the rest of your life starts right now.

Peyton: [Lucas and Haley on the counter talking, Peyton approaches them] How are you feeling Haley?
Lucas: Hales, you know my girlfriend Peyton, right?
Peyton: Oh God.
[Peyton leaves embarrassed]
Haley: What? Since when?
Lucas: Since now, I hope!

Haley: [to Nathan] You are quite charming, you know that?
Nathan: You haven't even seen my A-game.
Haley: Oh, Lord, help me if that's true.
[Nathan kisses Haley on her forehead]
Haley: It's Scott, by the way. You called me Haley James. Haley James Scott. And it always will be.

Nathan: Don't be afraid to love it, Haley. Alright?
[slaps her a$$]
Haley: Hey!
Nathan: Sorry! Pre-game ritual.
Haley: Yeah, I'll bet

James: Mom the phones for you.
Haley: [on the phone]
Haley: Yes, hello. Yes that's my son. Yeah hes very cute, who is this? I-Im sorry can you repeat that? Hospice.
Deb: [to Jamie]
Deb: Mmm, come here babe.
Haley: Yeah, just a second. Uh huh. Yes I understand, thank you.

Haley: Brooke I know about birth control, okay? My mom sat me down a long time ago and asked me if I was more afraid of getting Herpes or pregnant.
Brooke: And what did you say?
Haley: I said "I haven't even kissed a boy, I'm only seven"
Brooke: Your mom was progressive!

Rachel: If you're looking for Nathan... he's in my bedroom.
Haley: If you're looking for a black eye... it's in my fist.

Haley: So, I had an idea, why don't we just get a picture of you eating one egg and then tell them you ate five?
Peyton: Haley James Scott, we don't cheat.
Haley: Well, you did with Lucas.

Chris: Haley can sleep in my bed... although you're looking a little plump Hails...
[Brooke, Peyton and Haley glare at him]
Chris: ... Tch... what the hell, I've had bigger chunk in my bunk.
[Chris grins at Nathan]
Haley: [almost Crying] I'm pregnant you idiot.
Chris: [grin fades] Oh...
[looks to Nathan and puts his hands up]
Chris: Dude totally not mine.
[Brooke and Peyton glare at Chris]

Brooke: I can't breathe!
Haley: What?
Brooke: There's no room with Chris's ego!

Haley: Hi.
Nathan: Hey. Thanks for coming.
Haley: Yeah, thanks for calling me. What's wrong?
Nathan: Your song is great, Haley. Chris played it for me... uh, it's a long story, but it's really great. I just wanted you to know that.
Haley: Oh... okay.
Nathan: My mom left... for good. I think. Oh and apparently my dad's the mayor now, so, yeah, today's really sucked ass.
Haley: Oh, Nathan. I'm so sorry.
Nathan: You know for most of my life I would have gone through this alone, but then I met you. And I finally found someone I could depend on like I've got this. So I guess I called you 'cause I wanted to know if that was still there.
Haley: Nathan, you can always call me. Always and forever. I want to ask you something, umm, the night of the masquerade party, did we... did you kiss me?
Nathan: Of course I did.
Haley: Oh, no you didn't. That kiss wasn't half as good as this one. I love you for lying to me. Thanks for calling.
Nathan: Haley... stay with me tonight.
Haley: Oh, I was hoping you would say that.

Haley: [opening voiceover] Someone once said that death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we live. I could tell you who said it but who the hell really cares.

Tim: What's this lame-ass joke about you guys getting married?
Peyton: He's in shock now that you're officially off the market.
Brooke: It's true, Tim. Haley's preggers.
Haley: Brooke!
Tim: Right - and Lucas moved away.
[Lucas gives him a quick look, but doesn't say anything]
Tim: You guys gotta do better if you're gonna get one over on the Tim.

Haley: Excellent right back at you, BIL.
Lucas: [laughs] Okay, I've been gone for, what, a few days, and you already forgotten my name? Who's Bill?
Haley: [links arms with him] B-I-L! Brother In Law. That's you!
Lucas: [jokingly] Oh-ho! Crap... I'm related to you?

[the low fuel light comes on]
Peyton: Oh, my God... Brooke, didn't you think to put gas in the car?
[Brooke looks at Haley]
Brooke: Answer the question, Brooke!
Haley: [gets out of the car] Hey, Peyton, pop the trunk.
Brooke: Peyton, don't listen to her! It might be a trick!
[Peyton pops the trunk anyway]
Haley: [pulls out a gas can] Great... it's empty! I saw a gas station about a mile down the road, if I'm not back in an hour, tell my mom I loved her.
Brooke: Don't you mean Nathan?
Peyton: I'll go with you.
Peyton: What about me?
[Peyton locks the doors]
Brooke: Peyton... come back! Someone might come...
Haley: You did remember to crack a window didn't you?
[Peyton and Haley laugh]
Brooke: Come on, you guys, I'm scared!

Haley: In case you were wondering, the nurse's office is still the best place to treat a venereal disease.
Rachel: It's good to know. Umm, actually, I was looking for you, I need you to tutor me.
Haley: Hah... hah... oh, God, she's serious.
Rachel: I'm failing Calculus and if I don't pass I won't graduate with my friends.
Haley: Remind me who your friends are, again?
Rachel: Look, Haley, I know we've had our differences...
Haley: You think?
Rachel: I've seen what you can do with those brain-dead losers at school and I'm actually smart, I've just skipped too many classes and I can't catch up on my own.
Haley: Well, if you're really committed to this I will be happy to recommend another tutor to you, but I can't help you personally. It's not possible.
Rachel: Well, I figured you'll be all booked up.
Haley: No, no, I've plenty of time. Hah. I just can't stand you.

Peyton: I don't know, sometimes everything seems really simple and then...
Haley: It isn't?

Keith: Karen. Ready to go?
Karen: Oh, I'm not going. I decided to stay open. I could use the business.
Keith: You talk to Luke about this?
Karen: No, he will understand.
Keith: Karen...
Haley: She doesn't want to go. She doesn't want to see her high school sweetheart slash your brother Dan slash the jerk who abandoned Lucas slash the father of Nathan, the team's star player slash my wrists if I hear this story again. Let's go.
Keith: I think you're making a mistake.

Haley: Eternal damnation for you?
Peyton: Ah, I-I think the jury's still out on that one.

Nathan: I scored 35 points that night and each basket was like my own personal version of a Haley James pick-up line.
Haley: It worked.
Nathan: I played that game for you, Haley and you know what? I'd give it up for you too. Because as much as I love playing the game and the person that I am when I play it, I love being a husband and a father more.

Taylor: You want to know why I really got the tattoo? When a scorpion's caught in a fire, it stings itself to death.
Haley: That's a myth, actually.
Taylor: Not in my life. When things get bad, I always find a way to make them worse.

Haley: I was thinking about the finality of it all- how somebody can leave your world in the blink of an eye and be gone forever. It's too enormous to think about it. It's too hard. And then you're just supposed to go on, right, like just deal with it. I mean really, you're only supposed to be sad for as long as the flowers last and then, oh, time to go back to telling jokes and reminiscing about the old days. I don't have any jokes to tell. As a matter of fact I hope I never hear another joke as long as I live. And the old days are just that, they're old days... that are gone.

Haley: Isn't that what it's all about? If we're not out there looking for the one we wanna be with forever than what are we doing?

Deb: The two of you were driving us crazy.
Haley: The two of us?
Nathan: I might have called a few times.
Deb: Six times.
Haley: You over obsessive parent!
Deb: You called eight.

Haley: I sleep better knowing that your side of the bed is closer to the door, because if somebody breaks in than they are probably going to brake in and get you first and I can run, ok?
Nathan: You say the sweetest things to me Haley James.

Haley: Your strength is inspiring.
Denise: My strength is from Jesus Christ. I am going to miss my baby boy for the rest of this life but I know we are going to see him again and our faith will see us through.

Mia: [worrying about her performance] What if I fail?
Haley: Well, people fail sometimes. Look at Peyton!
Peyton: Hey!