The Best Girl #5 Quotes

[the girls on the prom are trying to get to know the crashing people from Tree Hill]
Lucas: So nobody has a fatal heart condition and a father who was purposely set on fire?
[the girls are shaking their heads]
Nathan: You probably have classmates who are married, right? Wife's pregnant? Got married as juniors?
[the girls are shaking their heads again]
Brooke: I started the clothing line after Peyton and I shoplifted my designs back and got arrested.
Prom: Arrested? What did your parents say?
Brooke: Oh, I haven't seen my parents in, like, a year. I live with my friend Rachel. She's so funny. She's had all this plastic surgery, and she just got suspended, and... Now she's kind of missing.
[the girls looks at her in sympathy]
Marvin: You ever had your heart broken?
Prom: Yeah, I think that happens everywhere.