Top 30 Quotes From Haley James

Haley: Did you ever figure out your porn name?
Lucas: What are you talking about?
Haley: Your porn name. Uhm, you know, you take the name of your first pet and your mother's maiden name and you put them together... What was the name of your first pet?
Lucas: You know, I have a dog named Rocket.
Haley: Oh, Rocket! I loved Rocket! So your mother's maiden name is Roe... Rocket Roe!
Haley: Nice!
Lucas: [laughs] What's yours?
Haley: Oh, I had a bunny named Bunny.
Lucas: You named the bunny "Bunny"?
Haley: Yes, I did and my mother's maiden name is Beaugard so...
Lucas: Bunny Beaugard?
Haley: Bunny Beaugard... Dawson's Creek starring Rocket Roe and Bunny Beaugard.
Haley: [Lucas interrupts to say "Nice"]
Haley: Shut up!

Brooke: Where the hell are we?
Haley: Miles from normal.

Haley: We're just trying to keep it small, so don't advertise.
Popular: Oh hey, are lips are sealed. Thanks for the invite, Haley. You rock.
Haley: Sure.
[Girl leaves and Brooke comes up]
Brooke: Hi, friend.
Haley: Hey, Brooke.
Brooke: So when's the party?
Haley: Well, it's Saturday night, but ...
Brooke: Don't worry, I'm not going to tip off the paparazzi.
Haley: Oh no, I'm not worried, we're just trying to keep it small. So...
Brooke: Peyton said not to invite me.
Haley: No, she didn't. Not exactly.
Brooke: Alright. You know, have your little party, and play your naked twister, and ...
Haley: Brooke, it's really just going to be couple of friends.
Brooke: Right, but I'm not one of them. Whatever.
[She leaves]

[Nathan is outside Haley's house throwing rocks at a window, Haley walks up behind him]
Haley: Trying to wake up my parents? That's their room...
Nathan: [runs over to Haley] Wait, Haley, look I need to apologize, okay?
Haley: You should buy 'em in bulk if your gonna hand apologies out that often.
Nathan: Look will you just... I don't know how to do this all right...? I'm... I'm not like you
Haley: What does that mean?
Nathan: All right, I screw up a lot, all right... and being around you I just I don't wanna be that guy any more.
Haley: Well, who do you wanna be, Nathan?
Nathan: I wanna be somebody who's good enough to be seen with you.
Haley: You should've thought of that last night... You know I keep... I keep putting myself out there and you keep blowing it and it's probably a good thing because at this point there is nothing that you can say or do that's gonna surprise me!
[Nathan cuts her off with a kiss]
Haley: Except that... You shouldn't have done that Nathan...
Nathan: But I wanted to...
Haley: Yeah...
[jumps onto Nathan and starts kissing him]

Haley: We are doing equations on the train.
Nathan: Well it's not exactly Risky Business but there's always the ride back.

Haley: "Good" is relative, considering a third of the world is starving, which does not change the fact that I am clumsy as hell. Did I tell you that i fell down today? Yeah, slipped off the curb, face down, butt in the air. Too graphic? Sorry. I'll just be quiet.

Haley: But you and your mom worry too damn much.

Haley: Yeah this is my house. Um... we're staying here while we renovate the mansion.
Nathan: [laughs] It's not like I was trying to show off.
Haley: Wasn't that your default setting? Sorry.

Haley: I gave you my heart, and that's all I can give you, and if that's not enough for you, then I'm not enough for you.

'Mouth': Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, from the stinks of Pickerington where the pirates always suck and the livestock is nervous. I'm Mouth McFadden and sitting with me at tonight's game is Haley James. Haley, how do you see tonight's match up?
Haley: I'd rather not be associated with your lunacy, Mouth.

Haley: Is that it?
Nathan: You know, my pride says, "Yeah, that's it. Just walk away and let Haley deal with the fact that she's clearly threatened by a sexual relationship." But my heart says, "Just forget your pride, you idiot. You love this girl. And even if you're gonna catch pneumonia, your ass is gonna stand out here in the rain... until you convince her to forgive you." So, come on, Hales, just meet me halfway?
Haley: Why should I?
Nathan: Because I'm sorry. Because I love you. And because you're looking really hot standing out here in the rain and I'm thinking I have to kiss you.
Haley: Well, if you have to.

Peyton: What are you still doing here?
Haley: [sarcastically] I'm thinking of transferring... what's you're excuse?
Peyton: Brooke... she's been in there forever.
Brooke: [High on pain killers] Peyton!
[stumbles over to Peyton]
Brooke: This is my best friend in the whole wide world, don't you think she's pretty?
Peyton: What the hell is this?
College: She found some pills... on the floor, just let her sleep it off and she'll be fine, I should probably go.
Brooke: Call me!
[Brooke trips and Haley catches her]
Brooke: Hey what's your name?
Haley: HALEY...
Brooke: Yeah I don't like that name, let's call you Brooke...
[Haley puts Brooke in the backseat]
Peyton: Thanks... so where are you going now?
Haley: I was gonna catch the last bus out.
Peyton: It just left...
Brooke: That's perfect! Brooke you can come with us!
[Peyton looks at Haley strangely]
Haley: Yeah she named me Brooke...
Brooke: Can she come? Please Peyton?
Peyton: Fine, but don't touch the stereo or else we're gonna have a problem!
Brooke: [singing and shaking her pom-poms] We're goin' on a road trip, we're goin' on a road trip...

Karen: So, I got something for you, Lucas.
Haley: Actually, I found it. Not that I was looking for something specifically, which implies some hideous sort of "Joey loves Dawson" scenario and completely creep me out, but, you know, we saw it, and... Well, give him the book!
[Lucas open up the gift]
Lucas: Wow. "Julius Caesar."
Karen: "There's a tide in the affairs of men", or something like that.
Lucas: Nice. Thank you, guys. Thank you very much.
Haley: Whatever. That's what you're into.

Nathan: [Nathan and haley are cleaning his apt after the wild party. Haley looks sad/upset] Don't worry about it.
Haley: I never thought this many people would actually show up.
Nathan: Why?
Haley: Because why would they? I mean, it's just me.
Nathan: It kind of comes with the territory, you know?
Haley: What territory?
Nathan: Popularity. This was just your coming out party.

Haley: So uh, I gotta ask you kind of a personal question... just out of curiosity. How many times per minute do you guys think about sex?
Lucas: Per minute?
Haley: Yeah, Elle magazine said that guys think about sex like every 30 seconds
Lucas: You're thinking about having sex with him!
Haley: Shhh...
Lucas: [whispers] Sorry.
Haley: Ok, it just, it keeps coming up...
[Lucas looks at her in disbelief]
Haley: sorry, wrong words.

Brooke: Tutor girl.
Haley: Yeah, it's Haley
Brooke: Oh right. Nathan's own little care package. What was it..."Believing you will do well is half the battle". Oh c'mon Nathan, you know, tutor girls little love letter that you passed around earlier, the one that said "Call, if you need anything... at all."
Nathan: Haley, look...
Haley: Stay away from me.
Nathan: Why don't you put some ice on it Brooke.

Haley: [answers phone at the café] Karen's Café.
Nathan: I'm calling for Haley James.
Haley: Yeah, this is her.
Nathan: Hey, it's Nathan Scott. Um, I really need your help.
Haley: Sorry, this isn't her.
[hangs up phone]
Karen: What was that?
Haley: Wrong number.

Haley: The good news is you did better and the bad news is better is a "D".
Nathan: Yeah I guess I didn't really give this one my best shot.
Haley: What's going on with you?
Nathan: Well you know me and Peyton broke up.
Haley: Peyton and I.
Nathan: Well she broke up with you too? I didn't know she was going to take it this hard. She went off on Brooke at practice. I'm kinda worried about her.
Haley: Well maybe you should have worried about her more when you were together. I'm sorry, but come on it's true.
Nathan: No you don't know the first thing about Peyton and I.
Haley: Ahem... me and Peyton.
Nathan: Whatever.

Haley: The good news is you did better and the bad news is better is a "D".
Nathan: Yeah I guess I didn't really give this one my best shot.
Haley: What's going on with you?
Nathan: Well you know me and Peyton broke up.
Haley: Peyton and I.
Nathan: Well she broke up with you too? I didn't know she was going to take it this hard. She went off on Brooke at practice. I'm kinda worried about her.
Haley: Well maybe you should have worried about her more when you were together. I'm sorry, but come on it's true.
Nathan: No you don't know the first thing about Peyton and I.
Haley: Ahem... me and Peyton.
Nathan: Whatever.

Haley: You're not gonna like this. In fact, you're gonna hate this. But I feel that I should tell you in the interest of full friendship disclosure.
Lucas: [chuckles] Yeah, right. What could be worse than you tutoring Nathan, huh?
[Haley looks guiltily at him and sighs. Lucas stops smiling]
Lucas: You like him...

Nathan: So a month ago, did you think we be alone in your bedroom?
Haley: Oh but we're not alone in my bedroom, we have the fore-fathers with us.
Nathan: They can watch.
Haley: Nathan, can you just get serious for a minute?
Nathan: Oh I'm serious, come here.
[he pulls her next to him and they start to kiss]

Haley: Nathan, about last night?
Nathan: Hey, look it's not about sex with me all right. When you're ready, I will be too.
Haley: Come here.
[they kiss]

Lucas: You know, I've never walked away from anything before, Haley?
Haley: I know.
Lucas: But I can't do it, and even worse, I don't know why I can't do it. You know, it's like, no matter how confusing or screwed up life got, you know, the game always made sense. It was mine, you know? And in a lot of ways it's who I am. But I can't be that person in their gym, or in their uniforms, or in their world.
Haley: I hear you, Luke. But I know you. And I know that no matter what happens you're still gonna be the same guy you always were. No uniform, no whatever is gonna ruin that, you know?

[the low fuel light comes on]
Peyton: Oh, my God... Brooke, didn't you think to put gas in the car?
[Brooke looks at Haley]
Brooke: Answer the question, Brooke!
Haley: [gets out of the car] Hey, Peyton, pop the trunk.
Brooke: Peyton, don't listen to her! It might be a trick!
[Peyton pops the trunk anyway]
Haley: [pulls out a gas can] Great... it's empty! I saw a gas station about a mile down the road, if I'm not back in an hour, tell my mom I loved her.
Brooke: Don't you mean Nathan?
Peyton: I'll go with you.
Peyton: What about me?
[Peyton locks the doors]
Brooke: Peyton... come back! Someone might come...
Haley: You did remember to crack a window didn't you?
[Peyton and Haley laugh]
Brooke: Come on, you guys, I'm scared!

[Haley and Nathan are having dinner]
Nathan: So you couldn't have ordered a lobster?
Haley: Dude, macaroni and cheese is food of the Gods.
Nathan: Yeah if the Gods are five-year-olds.

Haley: [Calling her parents] Hey, Mom it's Haley. Haley James, your daughter. Listen I'm gonna go out after work, and I'll be home. Okay? All right, bye.
Lucas: Was your mom drinking?
Haley: No, I got the machine.

Peyton: [at the Boy Toy Charity Date Auction] This is fun. So who's next?
Haley: [reads program] Oh, no...
Other: [in unison] Tim.

Haley: [Small flock of birds just flew at her] Damn! What is up? I was attacked by a flock of crows last week! I'm totally serious!
Lucas: By the way, it's a murder.
Haley: What?
Lucas: More than one crow is a murder.
Haley: I don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Lucas: A parliament of owls, an exaltation of larks... a murder of crows.
Haley: I think that is why people think you're weird, right there.
Lucas: I would like to show him sometimes, what a mistake he's made.
Haley: Dan?
Lucas: Mostly for Mom... and sometimes for me.
Haley: So Luke, what are ravens? I mean, you know, more than one?
Lucas: An unkindness.

Haley: Did you ever pick out your porn name?
Lucas: What are you talking about?
Haley: Your porn name. Um, you know. You take the name of your first pet and your mother's maiden name, you put them together. What was the name of your first pet?
Lucas: You know that. I had a dog named Rocket.
Haley: Oh, Rocket. I loved Rocket. So, your mother's maiden name is Rowe. Rocket Rowe. Nice.
Lucas: What's yours?
Haley: Oh, I had a bunny named Bunny.
Lucas: You named the bunny Bunny.
Haley: Yes, I did. And my mother's maiden name is Beaugard. So...
Lucas: Bunny Beaugard.
Haley: Bunny Beaugard. Dawson's Freaks, starring Rocket Rowe and Bunny Beaugard.
Lucas: Nice.
Haley: Shut Up.

Haley: Do you think he maybe - I mean, just maybe - he's had a change of heart?
Lucas: [snorts] Requires a heart.