The Best Nate Quotes

Dwight: You know who the vandal is. Now I know a lot of these warehouse guys are your friends... but we've got chewing gum.
Nate: Gum's gotten mintier lately, have you noticed? Like, some of it is just too minty. It's like they're literally trying to hurt your mouth.
Pam: Tell us who defaced the mural!
Nate: [pointing out the window] He did it.
Pam: All right, you can go. Give him his gum.
Dwight: There's no gum. There never was any gum!
Nate: That's really rude.

Dwight: [after finding out Pam lied about the new building] Pam, Pam, Pam...
Other: Yeah?
Nate: Pam?
Dwight: What?
Other: I'm Pam.
Nate: No you're not.
Dwight: Sorry, we have a colleague with the same name, so...
Other: Oh, that's fine.
Dwight: You're not a liar too, are you?
Other: I've been known to bend the truth...
Dwight: [interrupting] Dammit, Pam! Get out, right now! Leave! I mean it, get the hell out of here. Go!
[Pam hurries away]
Dwight: I can't wait to do to Pam what I just did... to Pam.

Pam: You're breaking the law.
Dwight: Impossible. I love the law.
Pam: Read Article 19. There are certain standards you have to maintain the building at. And that includes comfortable temperatures and adequate lighting. It also means no more cutting the tampons in two. And no more tampering with the toilet paper.
Dwight: I see I've underestimated you. And I didn't think that was possible. Nate. Re-ply the paper.
Nate: [separating rolls of toilet paper on a spinning machine] I don't think it goes that way.
Dwight: Re-ply it!