The Best Other Pam Quotes

Dwight: [after finding out Pam lied about the new building] Pam, Pam, Pam...
Other: Yeah?
Nate: Pam?
Dwight: What?
Other: I'm Pam.
Nate: No you're not.
Dwight: Sorry, we have a colleague with the same name, so...
Other: Oh, that's fine.
Dwight: You're not a liar too, are you?
Other: I've been known to bend the truth...
Dwight: [interrupting] Dammit, Pam! Get out, right now! Leave! I mean it, get the hell out of here. Go!
[Pam hurries away]
Dwight: I can't wait to do to Pam what I just did... to Pam.