The Best Nic Sampson Quotes

D.C. Sam Breen: Choosing not to hear anything doesn't mean nothing's heard.

D.C. Sam Breen: Driver?
Edward: Oh, definitely.
D.C. Sam Breen: Definitely what?
Edward: Well, cars don't drive themselves, do they?
D.C. Sam Breen: Did you *see* the driver?
Edward: No.
D.C. Sam Breen: Color?
Edward: I told you, I didn't see him!
D.C. Sam Breen: The car! What color was the car!
Edward: No need to raise your voice. Sand hills.
D.C. Sam Breen: What?

D.C. Sam Breen: The witness has you arguing with Brian Beautemps in the car park. You're saying that didn't happen?
Buzz: It depends how you define arguing.
D.C. Sam Breen: Disagree. Accost. Lambast.
Buzz: [laughs] Lambast? Good word, that. Yeah, all right, I lambasted him a bit.

D.C. Sam Breen: What time were you up and about?
Doug: About 6:00.
D.C. Sam Breen: So between 6:00 and 9:00, did you leave the farm?
Doug: No.
D.C. Sam Breen: Who can vouch for you?
Doug: No one. Not unless you name is Dr. Dolittle.
D.C. Sam Breen: Dr. Who?
Doug: Not him. You know, the other one. The one who talks to animals.

D.C. Sam Breen: Mike's got a dog? This a midlife crisis?
Kristin: It's a corgi. Hardly the sports car of the canine world.

D.C. Breen: You can't call us losers just because we've never won.
Kristin: You should put that on a t-shirt.

Kristin: Gina hates me.
Mike: No, it's an act.
D.C. Sam Breen: Ahh, no it's not.

Brenda: No offense, but I'm only interested in talking to the big guy.
D.C. Sam Breen: God? Well yeah, me too. At least, you know, he might have heard something.
Brenda: No, your senior.