The Best Pana Hema Taylor Quotes

Mike: [Shepherd, carrying 2 glasses and a bottle of wine, joins Morehu, who is working in the vinyard] Hey! I meant to ask - what does quantum physics have to do with gardening?
[Hands Morehu a glass of wine]
Jared: Well, everything.
[They clink glasses]
Jared: Quantum physics is the theory that logically leads to the conclusion that everything is interrelated, and that what we see with our eyes, only a shallow outer form of a much deeper reality.
Mike: ...and what we see is...
Jared: What we see is what we think we see. And what's really there is most likely something we haven't even seen yet.
Mike: Well, that's as clear as this beautifully opaque Merlot.

Jared: I'm a suspect, aren't I?
Mike: Let's just say you're helping us with our inquiries.
Jared: I had a cousin that did that once. Problem was, he was so good at helping with the inquiries, he ended up in jail.
Mike: Was he guilty?
Jared: Well, technically yeah.

Greg: All the cars are street legal.
Jared: And what you're doing *on* the street, is that legal?