The Best Karl Willetts Quotes

D.C. Daniel Chalmers: Did Janis mention where she was going after she left the Snake and Tiger?
Frankie: No, just the usual.
Janis: I've got to see a man about a thing.
D.C. Daniel Chalmers: Which we understand to be a singing telegram booking.
Frankie: Did Rhys tell you that?
D.C. Daniel Chalmers: Yeah, he did.
Frankie: You should probably know that Janis was a...
D.C. Daniel Chalmers: A...?
Frankie: You know.
D.C. Daniel Chalmers: I don't know.
Frankie: C'mon man. A... A "woman of the night."
D.C. Daniel Chalmers: An escort?
Frankie: Shh! Yeah. She has been for years. Ever since I was a kid. She was always popping out and saying, "Oh, I'm just off to sing for my supper."
D.C. Daniel Chalmers: Why is why Rhys thinks she performs singing telegrams?
Frankie: Yeah, well, they're kind of the same thing, really. Just one's got more singing. And a telegram.

Frankie: [raising tequila glass] To Hayden and Kelly. The stag may have found his hind, but the hunt should never end.
Stent: Geez. Ease up on the poetry, Frodes.