The Best Paul Quotes

Dr. Cohn: [When the neurosurgeon arrives to operate on Derek] What the hell have you people screwed up now?
Dr. Penelope Blake: Us? You're on call for trauma. What took you so long?
Dr. Cohn: Who the hell are you?
Dr. Penelope Blake: Your response time was supposed to be 20 minutes.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: [thinking to himself] It wouldn't have made a difference.
Dr. Cohn: If you guys had ordered a head C.T, you would have called me sooner. What am I supposed to do about that?
Paul: We needed to control...
Dr. Penelope Blake: He was bleeding into his belly.
Dr. Cohn: He was stable. You had the time. Now I gotta work like hell to save this man, thanks to you.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: [thinking to himself] There's no point.
Dr. Penelope Blake: You were supposed to be here in 20 minutes. Not an hour and a half. We had a chance. He had a freaking chance.
Dr. Cohn: Get out of my O.R.
Dr. Penelope Blake: What?
Dr. Cohn: You heard me. Unless you're gonna be cutting into this man's head, you can get out. Now. Now!
[Penny leaves]
Dr. Cohn: I'm gonna scrub in. Someone pull in a craniotomy tray. We've already wasted enough time.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: [thinking to himself] It's too late. You're too late.

Dr. Derek Shepherd: [thinking to himself] My head. Look at my head.
Paul: Sedation, please. You need to calm down, buddy.
Dr. Penelope Blake: He's a surgeon. He's a surgeon and he just saved everyone from the car accident that just came through.
Paul: Doctor, we're gonna sedate you now so we can secure your airway. You're gonna be fine.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: [thinking to himself] No. I'm not. You need to wait.
Dr. Penelope Blake: [as Derek tries to grab her arm] It's okay. We've got you. It's all gonna be okay.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: [thinking to himself] This isn't right. You should have taken me to get a head C.T.
Dr. Penelope Blake: His pressure's holding. Maybe we should get the scan.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: [thinking to himself] Yes, listen to her.
Paul: Too risky. He could bottom out in the scanner. We need to open him up. Find the source of the bleeding.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: [thinking to himself] No, you don't. You have the time.
Paul: We have to work fast, people.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: [thinking to himself] I'm stable. Guys, I'm stable. Take me to get the head C.T.
Paul: Let's set up for an ex lap. Coming through.
Dr. Derek Shepherd: [thinking to himself] I'm going to die because these people aren't properly trained.

Paul: [to Meredith] Ma'am? I thought that if this was a good time, I'd take a moment to explain how this all works.
Dr. Meredith Grey: Where are the papers?
Paul: Mrs. Shepherd, there's some things you need to know... some things we need to discuss. Difficult things.
Dr. Meredith Grey: I'm a doctor. Dr. Grey. I'm a surgeon just like my husband was. I know how this works. You've waited the requisite number of hours and now you can officially declare him dead. Normally, you'd talk to me about organ donation, but by the looks of his chart, there's not much left that works to donate. So, the ICU needs a bed. Those must be the papers, the papers you want me to sign to decide what to do with my husband now that he's dead, but not really dead. Do we ship him off to a long term care facility and cross our fingers and hope for fairy tales and magic? Or do I pull the pus? And stop all curative intervention? Discontinue all routine monitoring, remove all the catheters, drains, and tubes, end any and all treatments that might provide comfort to the patient. Terminate all... life-sustaining measures... and behave as any sane doctor would behave. Does that about cover it, doctor?
[voice breaking]
Dr. Meredith Grey: Is that what you want to talk to me about while I sit here with my sleeping children? You want to talk about killing my husband? Give me the papers.
Paul: Ma'am...
Dr. Meredith Grey: Give me the papers!