Top 30 Quotes From Ruth Wilson

Alice: Don't worry; I concluded my investigation.
[looks at Luther]
Alice: I think I got the right man.

Alice: Some little girls grow up wanting ponies; I always wanted to be a widow.

Alice: I wonder. Why did your wife turn her face from you, John? Why would she do that?
Alice: Is it because you shine so bright?

Alice: So go on. Kiss me. Kill me. Do something.

Alice: You assert a fabulous moral conscience, John. This adherence to unwritten law, yet, time and again, it devastates the people you claim to hold dear but you don't stop. Seems to me your conscience has killed more people than I have.

Alice: He swore he wasn't going to kill you. He thought the humiliation of prison would be worse. The beatings. The rapes. The incessant fear for your life, but I told him, "No, John, you're wrong. Dying would be worse." Because, well, honestly, it is, isn't it? Dying is just worse. So do I pull the trigger or not?

DCI: Well, there was no evidence of an intruder.
Alice: But absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence.
DCI: I know, I'm making a leap. It's a little leap, though. It's more of a hop.
Alice: Is this where you ask me if I hated my parents?
DCI: It is about that time, yeah.
Alice: Did they make me a freak? Yes. Did I hate them? Absolutely. Did I kill them? No.
DCI: Can you prove that?
Alice: I can't prove a negative. Can't be done.
DCI: Innocence is a negative. It's the absence of guilt.
Alice: Meaning the burden of proof is entirely yours.

Alice: I'm not apologizing for what's happened, I'm regretting what's to come.

Alice: You're asking me to be your accomplice?
DCI: Yes.
Alice: Excellent. Where do we start?

Mark: Why are you here now?
Alice: Because, I'm sorry.
Mark: No, you're not.
Alice: No, no I'm not. I was just trying to empathize. I'm here because this has gone just far enough. And what I need you to do now is pick up that phone and withdraw the complaint.
Mark: And if I refuse? What if somebody actually stood up to you and refused?
Alice: Hmmm. Well then, I'd have to leave. And then one night, I'd have to come back.

DCI: ...I really need to catch this man.
Alice: More than you want to catch me?
DCI: At the moment, yeah. I'm running out of time.
Alice: Because, if I thought you were about to lose interest in me...
Alice: I'd be inconsolable.

[first lines]
Alice: Now what?

Tom: [aiming his shotgun at Luther, realizes Alice is filming] Give me that camera, or I will shoot him!
Alice: No, you won't, Thomas. Not on camera. Because people do hate a cop killer, and you so very much want to be admired. Which is a defect, really, in a multiple murderer...

[last lines]
Alice: You really do need to lose the coat.
[Luther tosses coat into river]
Alice: So, now what?

DCI: I'm coming for you.
Alice: Not if I come for you first.

Alice: So, I've got bullets but no gun. That's quite zen.

Alice: If you're going to go on the run, you're going to have to, er, lose the coat.
DCI: It's my lucky coat.
Alice: Lucky? Right. Well, I'd take it back to the shop if I were you. Get your money back. It's obviously defective.

Alice: I heard about the dead policeman. I was worried about you, John.
DCI: About what, that someone else might get me?

Alice: This is a black hole. It consumes matter, sucks it in, and crushes it beyond existence. When I first heard that, I thought, that's evil in its most pure. Something that drags you in, crushes you, makes you...
[sighs and whispers]
Alice: nothing.

DCI: See, keeping that gun wasn't a rational decision. It was a compulsion. You did it 'cause you needed to do it. And it's that compulsion that makes you weak in ways that you can't see or understand. And it's that compulsion that's going to get you caught. And it will bring you down, Alice, it always does, just like clockwork.
Alice: Are you threatening me? Because honestly, I wouldn't.
DCI: And why's that?
Alice: Oh come now, really. Because I'd be hurt and angry.

[last lines]
Hospital: Excuse me, miss. Can I help?
Alice: No. Thank you.

Alice: This man Burgess; he's just a naughty child, showing off. You already know his flaw, his compulsion to dominate, to be in control, and you already know how to exploit that.
DCI: How?
Alice: Oh, come on. Change the state of play.
DCI: Yeah, well, I tried that with you, and I failed.
Alice: Only just.

DCI: I'm coming for you.
Alice: Not if I come for you first.

Alice: Some little girls grow up wanting ponies. I always wanted to be a widow.

Alice: So, I've got bullets but no gun. That's quite Zen.

[last lines]
DCI: You'll leave her alone? You need to leave her alone.
Alice: [3-finger salute] Brownies honor.
DCI: One coffee doesn't make us friends...

Alice: Did you come here for sex?

DCI: Why are you doing this? I'm lost. I don't understand.
Alice: Because we're friends. I wanted you to feel better.
DCI: We're not friends. I don't know what we are, but we're not friends.
Alice: Whatever else may have happened is in the past.
DCI: The past isn't dead. It's not even past.
Alice: Are you still frightened of me?
DCI: Yes.

Alice: Love is supposed to dignify us, exalt us. How can it be love, John, if all it does is make you lonely and corrupt?

Alice: Police arrested two kids yesterday. One was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other one off.
Alice: Tommy Cooper. Boom, boom!
DCI: It was Basil Brush that said, Boom boom.
Alice: Oops.