50 Best DCI John Luther Quotes

[last lines]
DCI: Now what?

[last lines]
DCI: One coffee doesn't make us friends.
[John and Alice walk off together]

DCI: Come with me, please.
George: Sorry, mate, who are you again?
DCI: Police.
George: Which police?
DCI: *The* police.
George: I don't care if you're fucking Sting.

DSU: You don't think this approach is a bit merciless?
DCI: No. Graham knows we're onto him, alright? And he'll try and kill as many as he can before we catch him. And if I have to terrify his wife to stop that happening, I can live with that.
DSU: Thus spake John Luther, gentleman of the parish.

Alice: You're asking me to be your accomplice?
DCI: Yes.
Alice: Excellent. Where do we start?

DCI: If I was you, I would've killed me.
DCI: There's nothing I'd like to do more.
DCI: Do it, come on. I've come so far, I don't ever care. You know this is the end for me.
DCI: [aims gun at his head] No.
DCI: Why not?
DCI: Because I choose not to.

Detective Sgt. Catherine Halliday: Can I stop you from leaving?
DCI: No.
Detective Sgt. Catherine Halliday: Then I won't try.

[Paul enters Ayesha's room and sees Luther beside her]
DCI: Hope you don't mind, Paul, but I gave Ayesha a call. Asked if I could sneak up here with her. Hmm? Well, go on, say something.
Paul: Ahh!
[lunges at Luther with a knife]

[last lines]
DCI: Can I help?
Megan: Are you DCI Luther?
DCI: Yeah.
Megan: I have a message for you.
DCI: Message from who?
Megan: Alice Morgan.

DCI: George, if you sow these seeds...
DSU: And what? I reap the whirlwind? Is that right? You know your problem? You've spent your life thinking you're the whirlwind. Well, you're not because I'm the whirlwind, John. I'm the whirlwind.
DCI: We'll see.

Detective Sgt. Catherine Halliday: What did you do?
DCI: Nothing I can't fix. I just need time.

DCI: Do you want to play a game?
Nicholas: I already am.
DCI: Oh, I know. In order to get to the next level, you need a lot more points. And correct me if I'm wrong, but you need a... a boss. You need to kill a boss. Well, I'm the man at the end of that level, aren't I? I'm the man that's chasing you. I'm that boss. If you beat me, you get to play on. You're gonna like this. Check it out.
[tosses a lighter to Nicholas and douses himself with gasoline]
DCI: Now you roll the dice. I guess a number. I beat you, you disarm that switch. If I lose...
Nicholas: You're not serious.
DCI: [laughs] Look at me. Do I look like I'm joking?

DCI: So they welcomed you back with a weird one?
DCI: Yeah, they did welcome me back with a weird one.
DCI: You?
DCI: Honour killing.
DCI: Ouch.

DCI: You don't understand love, Alice. It's not your fault. You can mimic it and I guess you can recognise it in other people, but you will never be able to understand love.

DCI: I'm making a leap. It's a little leap, though. It's more of a hop.

DCI: You have any idea how lies I've told for you over the years for the shit you done?
DCI: Yeah, well I never killed anyone, have I?
DCI: Yeah, not for lack of trying.

DCI: Well, there's this thing. Cotard's Syndrome, okay? It's a delusional mental illness and the patient thinks that he's dead and decomposing.
DSU: And the cannibalism? That's a symptom?
DCI: No, not usually. I mean, I'm making a... a leap. Well, it's a small leap... it's more of a hop, really.

DCI: Don't you ever worry that you're on the Devil's side without even knowing it?

DCI: [looking at dead woman in bed] Sleeping pills, separate bedrooms, what does that tell you?
DS: Husband snored?

DCI: Don't you ever worry that you're on the devil's side without even knowing it?

DCI: [observing a dead body] Look, it's a very specific look - the wig, the makeup. There's a bit of a Siouxsie and the Banshees thing going on here.
DS: Who and the what?
DCI: '80s. Post-punk.
DS: Oh, uh, goths.
DCI: Post-punk.

DCI: Can you breathe?
Emil: Yeah.
DCI: Shame, that.

[last lines]
DCI: They'll do her for intent to supply and then they'll upgrade to murder when they connect the toy to Jonathan.
Megan: Do you feel better putting it right?
DCI: Did you hurt her?
Megan: Who?
DCI: Alice. Did you?
Megan: Why would I?
DCI: Because you wanted me to keep my promise. You had to stop me from leaving.
Megan: Hmm. It could be that. Or perhaps it could be that Alice Morgan... was your blind spot. You didn't love her, not really. She frightened you and she excited you... and you mistook that for love. But you would have killed her, eventually. If she didn't kill you first. Perhaps that's why I did it.
Megan: But I didn't.
DCI: Megan... are you scared of me?
Megan: Clearly not.
DCI: Well, you should be. Because I'm coming for you.

Alice: This man Burgess; he's just a naughty child, showing off. You already know his flaw, his compulsion to dominate, to be in control, and you already know how to exploit that.
DCI: How?
Alice: Oh, come on. Change the state of play.
DCI: Yeah, well, I tried that with you, and I failed.
Alice: Only just.

DCI: Alice, you may be very, very clever, but you're wrong. There is love in the world, so you lose.

[last lines]
DCI: You'll leave her alone? You need to leave her alone.
Alice: [3-finger salute] Brownies honor.
DCI: One coffee doesn't make us friends...

DCI: [after Teller tells him here's-how-it's-going-to-be] Is that the speech?
DSU: That's the speech
DCI: It's a good speech
DSU: Thank you. It's one I prepared earlier

DCI: Why are you doing this? I'm lost. I don't understand.
Alice: Because we're friends. I wanted you to feel better.
DCI: We're not friends. I don't know what we are, but we're not friends.
Alice: Whatever else may have happened is in the past.
DCI: The past isn't dead. It's not even past.
Alice: Are you still frightened of me?
DCI: Yes.

DCI: You ever have that dream where you're falling?
DS: Yeah.
DCI: Do you ever wake up in it?

DSU: So, they won't give us what we want. We can't give them what they want.
DCI: No. Can't give it to them, but we can lend it to 'em.
DSU: Meaning?
DCI: Let's visit the evidence safe.
DSU: Don't wanna hear it.
DCI: Boss, these are very special circumstances; same rules do not apply.
DSU: Chain of evidence is like the ten commandments: it applies unto time and all eternal. Anything in the evidence safe is sacrosanct; we tamper, we risk voiding active cases.
DCI: Only if we get found out.
DSU: Am I actually having this conversation? Are you actually saying this to me?

DCI: I think he's this clever, little lonely man, slowly falling apart, spending his days watching the lives of others. And you know what that's like... other people's lives seem so much better than ours. More interesting, more attractive, more alive. The way he sees it, they got something that he needs so, he's just going to take it from them. No, he's never going to stop, he's just going to keep doing it and doing it, because he'll never get back whatever he's lost. None of us ever do.

DCI: So, what's up with the website?
DS: Goes live in two hours.
DCI: Well, can't we just pull it down or trace it to the source or whatever you do with websites?
DSU: Apparently now it's been posted from Uzbekistan, or Kasakhstan... one of the 'Stans.

DCI: I'm coming for you.
Alice: Not if I come for you first.

Jenny: A job. Like flipping burgers?
DCI: Well, them burgers are not going to flip themselves, are they?
Jenny: It's, like, 2p an hour. Who am I, SpongeBob?
DCI: I don't know what that is.
Jenny: He's a sponge. He flips burgers.

DCI: So do we need to have the chat?
DS: What chat?
DCI: I was sick, I got better, I'm back, etc.

[first lines]
DCI: [abruptly waking up to the sound of his mobile ringing] What?
[answers it]
DCI: Ian.

DCI: You get a reputation for answering phones, and all they do is ring.

[repeated line]
DCI: It's not right, though, is it?

DSU: You and Zoe: You spoken?
DCI: No, not for a while.
DSU: And?
DCI: It was a trial separation. I tried it, didn't like it.

[first lines]
DCI: So, now what?

DS: Textbook. After the first kill, he goes into the depressive phase, can't believe what he's done. Until the urge builds again, becomes uncontrollable. Cooling off periods get shorter and shorter, but not this quickly, so what's driving the escalation?
DCI: Do you have any sexual fantasies?
DS: What? Yeah, not that I'm going to tell you about.

DCI: [observing a dead body] Look, it's a very specific look - the wig, the makeup. There's a bit of a Siouxsie and the Banshees thing going on here.
DS: Who and the what?
DCI: '80s. Post-punk.
DS: Oh, uh, goths.
DCI: Post-punk.

DCI: If I could go back, I'd rather it was me that was dead. I'd rather be dead than go through this.
DCI: That can be arranged.

DCI: I'm coming for you.
Alice: Not if I come for you first.

Alice: Police arrested two kids yesterday. One was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one and let the other one off.
Alice: Tommy Cooper. Boom, boom!
DCI: It was Basil Brush that said, Boom boom.
Alice: Oops.

[last lines]
DCI: [seeing the police close in on him, Alice and Mark standing over the dead Ian Reed] Now what?

Alice: If you're going to go on the run, you're going to have to, er, lose the coat.
DCI: It's my lucky coat.
Alice: Lucky? Right. Well, I'd take it back to the shop if I were you. Get your money back. It's obviously defective.

DCI: Well, I've never had an affair before. So, I don't know what to do. Is it still called an affair if I'm sleeping with my wife behind her lover's back?

Alice: I heard about the dead policeman. I was worried about you, John.
DCI: About what, that someone else might get me?

DCI: [after barging in on Stark's operation, observing photos on the wall] Do you remember that show This Is Your Life? It's like the big red book. Except for all these people are dead. Well, most of them.
DSU: Don't make it any worse for yourself.
DCI: And who are you, exactly?
DSU: Me? DSU George Stark.
DCI: [scoffs] I'll tell you what, George. You're a big man, and I'm tired. But if we are gonna take lumps out of each other, it won't be the first one I've had tonight. And someone's gonna have to find out. Your boss, my boss. And they'll ask why, how I just walked in on your... operation. And how I walked out of here with all the evidence you've got against me. What's that gonna do to your reputation, eh? Now, you can continue if you want. Chase me down.
[gets up and looms over Stark]
DCI: But if you take me down, I'll take you down even faster and even harder.