The Best Megan Cantor Quotes

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DCI: They'll do her for intent to supply and then they'll upgrade to murder when they connect the toy to Jonathan.
Megan: Do you feel better putting it right?
DCI: Did you hurt her?
Megan: Who?
DCI: Alice. Did you?
Megan: Why would I?
DCI: Because you wanted me to keep my promise. You had to stop me from leaving.
Megan: Hmm. It could be that. Or perhaps it could be that Alice Morgan... was your blind spot. You didn't love her, not really. She frightened you and she excited you... and you mistook that for love. But you would have killed her, eventually. If she didn't kill you first. Perhaps that's why I did it.
Megan: But I didn't.
DCI: Megan... are you scared of me?
Megan: Clearly not.
DCI: Well, you should be. Because I'm coming for you.

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DCI: Can I help?
Megan: Are you DCI Luther?
DCI: Yeah.
Megan: I have a message for you.
DCI: Message from who?
Megan: Alice Morgan.