The Best DSU George Stark Quotes

DSU: DCI Luther will be taking on a case of a waste of semen called Jared Cass.
DS: It was you. You had him assigned to the Jared Cass murder.
DSU: I want to know exactly how he handles that investigation. And I mean every move by move, breath by breath. If he breaks the law, I want his head on a stick.

DCI: George, if you sow these seeds...
DSU: And what? I reap the whirlwind? Is that right? You know your problem? You've spent your life thinking you're the whirlwind. Well, you're not because I'm the whirlwind, John. I'm the whirlwind.
DCI: We'll see.

DSU: There was a park ranger. In America, that is. He was struck seven times by lightning. Seven times. Actually made the Guinness Book of Records for being the unluckiest guy in the world. Or maybe the luckiest guy in the world. Depends on how you look at it.

DCI: [after barging in on Stark's operation, observing photos on the wall] Do you remember that show This Is Your Life? It's like the big red book. Except for all these people are dead. Well, most of them.
DSU: Don't make it any worse for yourself.
DCI: And who are you, exactly?
DSU: Me? DSU George Stark.
DCI: [scoffs] I'll tell you what, George. You're a big man, and I'm tired. But if we are gonna take lumps out of each other, it won't be the first one I've had tonight. And someone's gonna have to find out. Your boss, my boss. And they'll ask why, how I just walked in on your... operation. And how I walked out of here with all the evidence you've got against me. What's that gonna do to your reputation, eh? Now, you can continue if you want. Chase me down.
[gets up and looms over Stark]
DCI: But if you take me down, I'll take you down even faster and even harder.

DSU: There was a park ranger. In America, that is. He was struck seven times by lightning. Seven times. Actually made the Guinness Book of Records for being the unluckiest guy in the world. Or maybe the luckiest guy in the world, depends on how you look at it.

DSU: [opening a book in Luther's flat] He underlines.
DCI: So?
DSU: We tend to underline observations that confirm our view of the world. Give me a day with those books, and I'll serve him to you on a plate.