The Best DS Justin Ripley Quotes

DCI: So, what's up with the website?
DS: Goes live in two hours.
DCI: Well, can't we just pull it down or trace it to the source or whatever you do with websites?
DSU: Apparently now it's been posted from Uzbekistan, or Kasakhstan... one of the 'Stans.

DS: The media don't care if it's lies, as long as there's a good story.

DSU: DCI Luther will be taking on a case of a waste of semen called Jared Cass.
DS: It was you. You had him assigned to the Jared Cass murder.
DSU: I want to know exactly how he handles that investigation. And I mean every move by move, breath by breath. If he breaks the law, I want his head on a stick.

DCI: You ever have that dream where you're falling?
DS: Yeah.
DCI: Do you ever wake up in it?

Tom: [aiming his shotgun at Ripley] Let me go.
DS: Say I did that. Yeah, and all this carries on. Someone innocent gets hurt. How am I supposed to live with that?
Tom: It won't happen.
DS: It'll happen.

DCI: [observing a dead body] Look, it's a very specific look - the wig, the makeup. There's a bit of a Siouxsie and the Banshees thing going on here.
DS: Who and the what?
DCI: '80s. Post-punk.
DS: Oh, uh, goths.
DCI: Post-punk.

DS: [enters to see Luther surrounded by a ring of photos on the floor] What's all this?
DCI: Decoupage, a cut-up technique. Take a bit of text, cut it up, randomize it, make new text. See new patterns...
DS: Where'd you learn this?
DCI: David Bowie. It's how he wrote his lyrics.
DS: You a fan?
DCI: Don't I look like a fan?
DS: What, of songs about like aliens and that?
DCI: No, there's a bit more to him than aliens. I'll make you a tape.
DS: A... a what? Sorry?

DCI: [looking at dead woman in bed] Sleeping pills, separate bedrooms, what does that tell you?
DS: Husband snored?

Cameron: [yelling to John holding a knife] You know what I can do! You know what I can do, you know who I am!
DS: Cameron. No one's listening.
[punches Cameron in the face]

DS: I've lobbied to be stationed with you. I put in the request nine months ago. Chased it up three times a week in writing.

DCI: So do we need to have the chat?
DS: What chat?
DCI: I was sick, I got better, I'm back, etc.

DCI: [observing a dead body] Look, it's a very specific look - the wig, the makeup. There's a bit of a Siouxsie and the Banshees thing going on here.
DS: Who and the what?
DCI: '80s. Post-punk.
DS: Oh, uh, goths.
DCI: Post-punk.

DS: Textbook. After the first kill, he goes into the depressive phase, can't believe what he's done. Until the urge builds again, becomes uncontrollable. Cooling off periods get shorter and shorter, but not this quickly, so what's driving the escalation?
DCI: Do you have any sexual fantasies?
DS: What? Yeah, not that I'm going to tell you about.

DS: What you're doing is wrong.
DCI: Yeah, I know.
DS: Why do it then?
DCI: 'Cause it's right!