The Best Elliot Cowan Quotes

Michael: Whereas before it would have been seen as ungentlemanly to... to ask a public figure questions about personal matters or... or business affairs...
Thomas: Oh, well. No need to worry. I'm no gentleman.

Tom: The criminal justice system was created to protect us from people who would do us harm. But time and again, it fails in that purpose. For all the Caitlins, and for all their families, it's time for that failure to end.

Tom: [aiming his shotgun at Ripley] Let me go.
DS: Say I did that. Yeah, and all this carries on. Someone innocent gets hurt. How am I supposed to live with that?
Tom: It won't happen.
DS: It'll happen.

Tom: [aiming his shotgun at Luther, realizes Alice is filming] Give me that camera, or I will shoot him!
Alice: No, you won't, Thomas. Not on camera. Because people do hate a cop killer, and you so very much want to be admired. Which is a defect, really, in a multiple murderer...