The Best DSU Rose Teller Quotes

DSU: So where's the gun? It's got to be somewhere. Everything's somewhere.
DCI: I don't know
DSU: Play that again. That was special

DSU: [rushing by Zoe] How are you? Good. Nice to see ya. Bye-bye then.

DSU: So, they won't give us what we want. We can't give them what they want.
DCI: No. Can't give it to them, but we can lend it to 'em.
DSU: Meaning?
DCI: Let's visit the evidence safe.
DSU: Don't wanna hear it.
DCI: Boss, these are very special circumstances; same rules do not apply.
DSU: Chain of evidence is like the ten commandments: it applies unto time and all eternal. Anything in the evidence safe is sacrosanct; we tamper, we risk voiding active cases.
DCI: Only if we get found out.
DSU: Am I actually having this conversation? Are you actually saying this to me?

[first lines]
DSU: Nothing?
Police: No, ma'am.
DSU: Her oxygen ran out two minutes ago.
DCI: John said she's here, so she's here.

DCI: [after Teller tells him here's-how-it's-going-to-be] Is that the speech?
DSU: That's the speech
DCI: It's a good speech
DSU: Thank you. It's one I prepared earlier

DSU: You and Zoe: You spoken?
DCI: No, not for a while.
DSU: And?
DCI: It was a trial separation. I tried it, didn't like it.

DSU: Want to know the real tragedy about marriage?
DCI: No, thanks.
DSU: Women always think men will change, but they don't. Men think women won't change, but they do.

DSU: You don't think this approach is a bit merciless?
DCI: No. Graham knows we're onto him, alright? And he'll try and kill as many as he can before we catch him. And if I have to terrify his wife to stop that happening, I can live with that.
DSU: Thus spake John Luther, gentleman of the parish.

DCSU: [entering Rose's office] So, he's back.
DSU: From outer space.
DCSU: You do know the man is nitroglycerine?

DSU: You want to know the real tragedy about marriage?
DCI: No, thanks.
DSU: Women always think men will change, but they don't. Men think women won't change, but they do.
DCI: Where'd you get that from, a fortune cookie?

DSU: Well, that's the difference between her and me. She talks about taking you back, I actually do it.

DSU: The evidence won't leave our sight for a second?
DCI: We'll get it back.
DSU: We'd better, 'cause right this second, I'm peddling thin air like Wiley Coyote.

DSU: I know what you say she can do. I also know we can't prove what she already did. And you can't detain people on suspicion of crimes yet to be committed. Be nice if we could.