30 Best Steve Byers Quotes

Sgt. Cam Henry: Well, the truck was found abandoned, not too far from where your grandmother was forced off the road.
Dylan: Who did it belong to?
Sgt. Cam Henry: Trent McBride. Verna McBride's nephew.
Sarah: Her nephew?
Dylan: There's no way that's a coincidence.
Sarah: So you're saying he's the Executioner?
Sgt. Cam Henry: Well, Trent inherited Verna McBride's entire estate, and he did have a falling out with Justin Faysal over his property.
Sarah: But my grandmother...
Sgt. Cam Henry: We're working on that. We will bring Trent in, and we will question him. This nightmare might finally come to an end.

Marjorie: I saw Ariel where I saw her and when I saw her. What more do you need to know?
Sgt. Cam Henry: Benny Peterson was at the Legion that night. That's right around the corner from where you said you saw Ariel.
Marjorie: Yeah, I know where the Legion is.
Sgt. Cam Henry: He left at 11:40 p.m. and no one saw him again 'til the next morning.
Marjorie: That's because he was busy raping and murdering his daughter.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Okay, well, we now know that's impossible. So I'm gonna ask you again, Marjorie. Are you sure that it's Ariel that you saw that night?
Marjorie: I was having a smoke in front of the White Onion Tavern. Ariel Peterson walked by me. I know it was 11:30, 'cause karaoke night at the Onion just let out. Starts 9:30, goes two hours. Unless my math is wrong, that'd put it at 11:30 p.m.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Well, thank you very much for your time, Marjorie. Let's go.
Sarah: [stopping at the door] You know, the fact that someone like you gets to live and waste their life is wrong on so many levels.
Marjorie: Sweetheart! Your mother might have been a whore, but at least she was fun.

James: Do not do this.
Tom: These are choices everyone has to make. It is my family first!
James: Do not let your anger become violence. There are lines that we do not cross.
Tom: Get out of my way!
[they get into a physical brawl, which ends with Tom on the ground in an armbar]
Tom: I just wanna protect my family. You'd do the same thing.
James: Not like this, I wouldn't.

Sgt. Cam Henry: We found ID on the remains.
Sarah: It's Peter McBride, isn't it? Verna McBride shot him.
Chief: What exactly does that mean?
Sarah: Tom Winston has a theory.
Chief: A theory? Hmm.
[to Cam]
Chief: Do you know about this?
Sgt. Cam Henry: No, sir.
Sarah: Tom thinks the Executioner is killing people for their sins. The seven deadly sins. Verna's was anger, and the biblical punishment for anger is being dismembered alive.
Chief: Well, I guess my work here is done, huh? Because Tom Winston has gone and figured it all out for me! This is a murder investigation! Do you understand? And if you think I'm gonna give any credence to the ramblings of the town's resident serial killer, you're out of your god damn mind!
Sarah: [Vaughn storms off] It's a theory, Cam.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Yeah, one of many. Look, maybe you should put a little more faith in the police than faith in the guy who murdered your parents, huh?

Tom: James Olsen?
James: In the flesh.
Tom: Wow. You're a lot bigger in person.

Sgt. Cam Henry: [finding hand-drawn pictures in an allegedly abandoned house] Jesus.
P.C. Sharma: Wrath, gluttony, envy, lust, greed, sloth. Aren't there seven deadly sins? I'm only counting six.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Yeah. Pride. Hasn't been put up yet.

Sgt. Cam Henry: So, the house was okay? Everything's in order?
Sarah: Oh, yeah. We need to hit, like, six furniture stores, but...
Sgt. Cam Henry: Well, there's some of your parents' old stuff in the basement.
Sarah: I am thinking a lot of wicker and a microwave the size of a VW Bug.
Sgt. Cam Henry: That's probably accurate.

Dylan: [Sarah reads a newspaper article he wrote] Tennyson wrote, "'Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all." But guess what? Lord Tennyson had no idea what he was talking about. Waterbury has faced many losses this year, but for me, my own personal loss has been my wife. I didn't lose her to the Executioner, however. I lost her to myself. The greatest sin, the cardinal sin...
P.C. Sharma: [cut to the police station] "... is pride. It's been the downfall of many a man and woman, and now it's my own personal undoing." Wow. God. If Sarah doesn't take him back, I will.
Sgt. Cam Henry: [taking the paper away] Don't you have any actual work to do?

Sarah: [Cam bursts in during a fight with Dylan] Cam, what are you doing?
Sgt. Cam Henry: It's the Executioner. He's coming for you.

Tom: I'm so sorry I got you involved in all this. They lied to me. I thought they were gonna give you an interview. I didn't know they were gonna use you.
James: [Tom offers a neoprene wristband] My gauntlet.
[he activates it, revealing his Guardian shield, then deactivates it]
Tom: [tossing him a Liberty mask] Come on. We don't have a lot of time.

Tom: I was so wrong. I thought if I joined the Children of Liberty, I wouldn't feel so...
James: Helpless?
Tom: I guess this is what happens when we let fear guide us.
James: Yeah. We both made choices that got us here, right? I mean, I asked for your help.
Tom: No. If you stay, if you blow up that monument, then everyone's gonna think you're with them. That you're a Child of Liberty. You're gonna give them the face they've been dying for, the legitimacy.
James: So what? That's what happens if I stay. But if I go and I preserve my reputation, you die. And then what, Tom? I'm lost. And you're dead. And then I am no better than him. And I'm stronger than that. I have spent my entire life building myself up into the man that I am today, and I have not given society one reason to doubt me. What is reputation? I mean, what is it? It's nothing. It's not who you are. So if the latest fringe group wants to tear that monument down, we will build it right back up. Agent Liberty can do whatever he wants with my reputation. I know who I am.

Tom: Your work as Guardian has inspired so many of us to stand up and fight for justice.
James: Thanks, man.
Tom: Yeah.
James: What's your name?
Tom: Oh, yeah. Sorry, I'm just, uh... I'm a little nervous. Tom.
James: Tom, nice to meet you, brother.

Sarah: Did I hear that right? Tom's escaped?
Sgt. Cam Henry: Yeah, come on. We gotta get you somewhere secure, right now.
Tom: Sarah.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Sarah, go back upstairs.
Tom: You sure about that, sport? She's the only thing stopping me from shooting you.

June: It was five years ago. The night Ariel Peterson went missing. Me and Trent, we had worked an 18-hour shift. It was a long, brutal day. I was wiped, so... Trent dropped me off at home. He said he'd take the ambulance back and sign us both out. He told me he drove past Ariel on the way to the hospital. She was drunk. She'd been sick, and... and he knew if he picked her up, his 18-hour shift would turn into 22 by the time they processed her in the hospital. So he made sure she was okay... and left her to walk home. Ask any paramedic. When you come across a kid who's been drinking but who can still make it home, you... you turn a blind eye. Trent never imagined that...
Chief: What? Ariel wouldn't make it home? That she'd just disappear?
June: No.
Sgt. Cam Henry: You've known this for five years, June. You never thought to tell us?
June: I wanted to, but I... I promised Trent. This town would have never forgiven him if I told you what happened.
Sgt. Cam Henry: So that's it, hmm? That's what you were worried about?

Robin: I'm sorry, I have to say this. You just look so much more normal than I thought you would.
Justin: Robin.
Robin: What? I'm just saying what everyone else in this town is too polite to say out loud. But honey, I am not polite, and moving into the same house that your parents were murdered in is cuckoo crazy.
Justin: I am so, so sorry.
Sarah: You know what? It-It's fine. I-It's nothing compared to this morning. There was this woman across the road...
Robin: Ah!
Justin: Verna McBride.
Robin: I hate her.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Some tenants have had issues with her in the past.
Sarah: [sarcastic] Issues. Great.

Sarah: What do you want, Tom?
Tom: I want you to come with me, so I can protect you.
Sarah: Cam's protecting me.
Tom: And he's doing such a bang-up job. You're not safe, Sarah. Not in this house. So please, come with me.
Sgt. Cam Henry: I'm not letting you walk out of here.
Sarah: What's the alternative?
Tom: I won't hurt her. You have my word.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Your word's not worth shit.
Sarah: He won't, Cam. Trust me.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Trust you?
Sarah: Tom's my father. He wouldn't lie about something like this.

Sgt. Cam Henry: Everything in this case has led directly back to Benny Peterson.
Sarah: Yeah. You see, not anymore, though. Marjorie Travers has given an interview to the Bulletin where she says that she saw Ariel on Tecumseh Street at 11:30, which makes her the last person to see Ariel alive.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Okay.
Sarah: Well, we now know that June and Trent saw her seven minutes later on Sheridan Street.
Sgt. Cam Henry: No, that's impossible. Sheridan's, like, at least a twenty-minute walk away.
Sarah: Exactly. So either Ariel was in two places at once, or Marjorie's lying. About everything.

Chief: Did Trent say where he saw Ariel last? What street was she on?
June: Sheridan, I think. Just outside of downtown. Sheridan and Market.
Chief: All right, I'm gonna go to the vault, and I'm gonna pull all the closed-circuit TV footage that I filed from that night. Anything on Sheridan Street, I'll go through with a fine-tooth comb again.
June: I'm sorry.
Sgt. Cam Henry: You're sorry?
Sarah: Cam! Cam, you're not helping.
Sgt. Cam Henry: June, you're sorry?
Sarah: Cam.
Sgt. Cam Henry: A 15-year-old girl went missing that night, June, and you protected the piece of shit who did that. *You* did!

Coroner: June was lying out, exposed to the elements, but the cause of death was most likely respiratory failure.
Chief: Respiratory failure?
Coroner: The IV, it administered a paralytic. June's tox screens will identify which one.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Did she suffer?
Coroner: Death wasn't instantaneous.
Sgt. Cam Henry: I want to see her.
Coroner: I have to warn you. June suffered a variety of wounds, insect stings, animal bites.
Alan: Cam... son, please, why don't you let me do this?
Sgt. Cam Henry: I wanna see what he did to her.

Sgt. Cam Henry: Have you heard from Sarah?
Dylan: No. I thought she was with you. What's going on?
Sgt. Cam Henry: Just meet me at the station.

Sgt. Cam Henry: Hey, the other day... those things, all that shit I said... I'm sorry.
Sarah: It's okay. Really, I'm sorry, too.
Sgt. Cam Henry: No... no, you being here... that's the one good thing that's happened this summer.

Chief: I told you, I went through all this footage. I didn't find anything.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Look, top left-hand corner.
[they see a pair of legs walking on the sidewalk]
Sgt. Cam Henry: There. That's Trent's ambulance. Now watch closely. She's still there.
Chief: [as the ambulance leaves, another car pulls up] Can you zoom in on this? Blow it up?
Sgt. Cam Henry: No. Not on this. But that's the intersection.
Chief: [watching Ariel get in] Shit.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Yeah. She got in the car. Now, I don't have plates, but... it's a start.

Sgt. Cam Henry: Now, why don't you tell me why we found a box full of evidence in your house?
Dylan: What the hell are you talking about?
Sgt. Cam Henry: [showing him a picture] Do you deny that this is your box? Hmm? Or is it Sarah's?
Dylan: Okay, I need to talk to my lawyer.
Sgt. Cam Henry: No. You need to tell me why you kept a box full of god damn souvenirs from the murder scenes.
[showing him another picture]
Sgt. Cam Henry: Brenda Merritt's fingernails. Tell me, Dylan, did you... did you pull those out with pliers?
Dylan: No, Cam, listen to me. I didn't do anything to anybody, Cam. You have the wrong guy.
Sgt. Cam Henry: What about my wife's hair, huh?
Dylan: Okay, I need to see my lawyer. Now!
Sgt. Cam Henry: Yeah. Maybe I'll do that. Tomorrow. You better get used to that chair, 'cause you're gonna be there all night.

Dylan: I don't get it. Why snakes?
Chief: [simultaneously with Sarah] It was sloth. You're thrown into a...
Sarah: Because of biblical interest.
Chief: Goes back to the seven deadly sins. Punishment for sloth is being thrown into a pit of vipers. Did I get that right, Sarah?
Sarah: So, Trent's not the Executioner. He's a victim.
Chief: Looks that way.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Sloth? It does make sense. Trent McBride is the last person I'd call lazy. I mean, he was June's partner for years. He was a paramedic. He... he competed in a bunch of Ironmans.
Chief: That's why we've got to look into this guy's past, see if he's got any skeletons hanging in his closet.
Sarah: So you're back to square one. How many times is that now?
Chief: Look, I get it, Sarah. You don't like me. You think I suck at my job. Well, lucky for me... I don't give a shit. You have yourself a nice day now.

Sgt. Cam Henry: Marjorie Travis has been shooting smack since I was in Little League. I say we run the syringe for prints and do a sweep of the room.
Chief: Even longtime users make mistakes, Cam. She probably got a hot load.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Yeah. Maybe that's what this is. Maybe it isn't.

Sgt. Cam Henry: So when I finished my shift, I drove by to check in on things on my way home, and I found Constable Sharma on the ground, out cold.
Dylan: Okay, what about the phone call?
Chief: We traced the number to Verna McBride's cell. Phone was missing at the murder scene.
Brenda: So, then it's the Executioner for sure.
Chief: This is not the Executioner. This is whoever killed Mrs. McBride.
Dylan: Stop bullshitting and just call it what it is.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Dylan, you're upset.
Dylan: Yeah, I'm upset, man. He was in our house.
Sarah: I can't stay here.
Brenda: All right, that's it. Let's hit the road. Let's go.
Dylan: Brenda, can you please, for once, can you just...
Brenda: Dylan, I am so tired of biting my tongue and worrying about your...
Dylan: Really? When have you ever done either of those things? I don't think I was there.

Sgt. Cam Henry: Nancy, you need to tell us where your husband is. Now!
Nancy: I... I don't like your tone, Cameron.
Sgt. Cam Henry: You don't like my tone, Nancy? You don't like my tone? Then answer my God damn question. Where is your husband?

Sarah: Can I come in?
Sgt. Cam Henry: What do you want?
Sarah: Look, I'm not here to fight or upset you, or make anything worse, but I think I found something out about Ariel.
Sgt. Cam Henry: [opening the door] Come on in.

P.C. Sharma: This is where the Vicars family died that winter a couple years ago. They suffocated.
Sgt. Cam Henry: Yeah. Youngest kid was only eight years old. You go through any of this?
P.C. Sharma: No.
Sgt. Cam Henry: [putting gloves on, he opens a small diary] "Verna McBride. Justin Faysal. Brenda Merritt, envy. Trent McBride. June Henry. Iain Vaughn."
[seeing the names listed under "pride"]
Sgt. Cam Henry: Oh, Jesus. Sarah.

Sarah: "I saw Ariel walk by me, blah, blah, blah." She didn't see her!
Sgt. Cam Henry: She's unbelievable. I know, it's upsetting.
Sarah: Upsetting? Cam, she was 15, okay? She was a child. And I think about how terrified she must have been.
Sgt. Cam Henry: I know, but honestly? It's not your concern. Sarah, you didn't even know Ariel.
Sarah: I'm sorry? Alison, Trent, June. The Executioner targeted... killed them because of their association with this girl. When I think of what she must've went through... huh! It almost makes me wonder whether the Executioner is actually doing God's work.
Sgt. Cam Henry: What?
Sarah: Marjorie's lying. You know it and I know it.