The Best Stewardess Quotes

Rachel: [on Ross' answering machine] Ross, hi. It's me. I just got back on the plane. And I just feel awful. That is so not how I wanted things to end with us. It's just that I wasn't expecting to see you, and all of a sudden you're there and saying these things... And... And now I'm just sitting here and thinking of all the stuff I should have said, and I didn't. I mean, I didn't even get to tell you that I love you too. Because of course I do. I love you. I love you. I love you. What am I doing? I love you! Oh, I've gotta see you. I've gotta get off this plane.
Ross: Oh my God!
Rachel: Excuse me?
Stewardess: Miss? Please, sit down!
Rachel: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, but I need to get off the plane, okay? I need to tell someone that I love them.
Stewardess: Miss, I can't let you off the plane.
Ross: Let her off the plane!
Stewardess: I am afraid you are gonna have to take a seat.
Rachel: Oh, please, miss, you don't understand!
Ross: Try to understand!
Rachel: Oh, come on, miss, isn't there any way that you can just let me off...
[the answering machine beeps and cuts off the rest of the message]
Ross: No! No! Oh my God. Did she get off the plane? Did she get off the plane?
Rachel: [from behind Ross] I got off the plane.

Rachel: [after telling him that Phoebe said that there was something wrong with the plane's "fillange"] Sir, what are you doing?
Nervous: I'm getting off this plane. I can't go on a plane if there's something wrong with its "fillange".
Stewardess: Sir, sir! That's OK, this plane doesn't have a "fillange".
Nervous: Oh, my God! This plane doesn't even have a "fillange"!