The Best Suit #3 Quotes

Superman: They're all yours, Officer.
[She hands them back their guns back]
Superman: What's going on?
Cop: You didn't read them their Miranda rights, did you Superman?
Superman: No, I didn't, I never do! You guys always do that. You can't just let them walk out of here, I caught 'em in the act!
Cop: It's your word against theirs, I'm afraid Superman.
Superman: What? They have guns and ski masks and...
Cop: The Constitution allows them the right to bear arms, and the last time I heard, skiing was still legal.
Suit: Excuse me, Superman, I'm Smithers, I'm with the FAA. Was that you flying overhead a few minutes ago?
Superman: What? Yeah.
Suit: Mm-hmm. I need to see your license.
Superman: My what?
Suit: Your license, to fly. You do have one?
Superman: No, I don't.
Suit: Superman, Agent Bower, I.R.S. We've been trying to contact you. We need your social security number.
Superman: I don't have one.
Suit: Everyone has a social security number.
Superman: Well, I don't.
Suit: I guess that explains why we can't locate any of your tax returns. It doesn't appear you've actually ever filed. That can't be, can it? Superman a tax dodger? Should we be looking under "S" for Super or "M" for Man?
Suit: Superman, Emily Stevens with Immigration and Naturalization. We just need a quick look at your green card.
Superman: Green card?
Suit: You are an alien, are you not?
Suit: Superman, I'm afraid until we get this cleared up, I'm going to have to ground you.
[All 3 suits hand him paperwork]