The Best Toll Road Quotes

Pilar: Who you are?
Barney: We're Americans.
Lee: Since when?
Gunner: Swedish.
Hale: Blackfoot.
Maggie: Chinese.
Toll: Retards.
Barney: [to Toll Road] You done?

Gunner: [the bomb's fuse goes out] Well, the phosphorus must have been damp.
Lee: Yeah, right.
Toll: Or you suck.
Hale: There's that.
Maggie: Don't cry, Gunner.
Barney: You almost had an idea.

Lee: Beware, beware, walk with care / Care for what you do / Or mumbo jumbo's gonna hoo-doo you / Mumbo jumbo's gonna hoo-doo you / Boom-lay, boom-lay, boom-lay boom!

Toll: [eating some bad food] Oh. This tastes like shit.
[to Caesar]
Toll: How's yours?
Hale: Can't complain about rigatoni. Plan ahead, fellas. That's all I have to say. Y'all, what if you knew you were going to die tomorrow? What would your last meal be? One choice.
Toll: One choice?
Hale: It'd probably be cereal for you, huh?
Toll: What the hell's wrong with cereal?
Gunner: It's cliché.
Hale: You gotta be original. You know, if you were an original, broad-thinking man, you'd probably come up with some special cereal, like Earios. You know, just like your ear. You know, pour milk on them suckers, they just lay there and you don't hear shit.
Toll: For the record, my hearing is 20/20.
Hale: Barney?
Barney: Donuts and most food that kills ya.
Hale: That's deep, man.
Barney: [chuckles] You think so?
Hale: Maggie?
Maggie: Crispy aromatic duck with plum sauce. Very sexy.
[short pause]
Maggie: But I like Italian, too.
Hale: I'm starting to think Italian's overrated.
[everyone laughs]
Gunner: Hey. What about me? My favorite Swedish dinner would be, baby seal, and whale ass, in the summer.
[to Maggie]
Gunner: But I'd really die for some Chinese.
Barney: Then you're gonna starve to death.
[everyone laughs]