The Best Trench Quotes

Trench: [Church pulls up in a SmartCar] My shoe is bigger than this car.
Church: Shoot something!

[from trailer]
Trench: I'm back!

Barney: Trench?
Trench: Oh, this is embarrassing.
Barney: Yeah, it sure is.
Lee: What's he doing here?
Trench: Saving this Chinese billionaire.
Barney: Oh, yeah? That's funny. So are we.
Trench: Well, then we have a scheduling problem, don't we?
[to Gunner]
Trench: Cut me loose, Frankenstein.
Barney: Don't get nuts, Gunner. Do it.

Trench: I'll be back.
Church: You've been back enough. I'll be back.
Trench: Yippee-ki-yay.

Trench: I need a weapon. Something big.
[looks at Caesar's gun]
Trench: Yours.
Hale: Whoa, whoa, whoa. My big weapon's hangin' right where it is.
Barney: Come on, Caesar. You got a backup.
[Caesar reluctantly hands over his gun]
Hale: If I don't get this back, your ass is terminated.
Trench: In your dreams.

Trench: [to Booker] Who's next? Rambo?

Barney: [seeing their new plane] That thing belongs in a museum.
Trench: We all do.

Church: Did you win?
Barney: I think so.
Trench: Well, where's the proof?
Barney: [Pulls out Vilain's head in a bag] Heads up.
[Chucks head onto the ground]
Trench: Nice touch.