The Best Vilain Quotes

Vilain: [to Billy] Are you afraid of me?
Bill: No, I'm not.
Vilain: You should be.
[Hector quickly props a knife against Billy's chest and Vilain kicks it into his chest]

Vilain: Don't challenge me.

Vilain: [after kicking Barney down] Over so soon? I want my money's worth! Come on! Get up!
Barney: Coming right up.
[Barney attempts to rise, but Vilain kicks him down again]
Vilain: Going back down.

Vilain: Ironic. Here we are, you and I. And your knife. You're going to die. Like him. What his name? What did you call him? What does it matter?
Barney: Come on, Vilain. Somebody's dying. Come on, Vilain. Come on, Vilain. Come on!
[whips Vilian with a large chain then beats him. Barney picks up his knife]
Barney: Get up, Vilain. Get up. Now turn around. Turn around, sheep.
Vilain: Now what?
[Barney throws the chain around Vilain's neck, pulls him toward his knife and stabs it into Vilain's stomach]
Barney: His name was Billy.

Vilain: Respect is everything. Without respect, we are just people. Common, shitty people.
Bill: [to Ross] I'm sorry, sir.
Barney: It's not your fault... Now what?
Vilain: We are both fighting men. And I respect that. But fighting men, they don't deserve to be killed like sheep. But, respect... must be taught.

Vilain: You wanna kill me like a man? Or you wanna kill me like a sheep? So. What's it going to be? Man or sheep?
Barney: You wanna man up? I'll man you up.

Vilain: Imagine if 6 pounds of pure plutonium is powerful enough to change the balance of the world. So, imagine what 5 tons would do.

Vilain: Now we know where it is. Right. Right.
Hector: Okay. I know what to do.
Vilain: Good, I want the plutonium out in three days.
Hector: Three days?
Vilain: I have people ready to pay four million a kilo now. Three days.

Vilain: You must want to hurt me bad.
Barney: I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm gonna take your life.