The Best Torg Quotes

The: It cannot be fought. It cannot be killed. The First Evil has been and always will be, since before the universe was born. Long after there is nothing else, it will go on.
Rupert: I refuse to believe that! There must be some way to destroy it!
The: What, am I talkin' to myself here? There's no way!
Anya: Okay, we tried. Let's go, Giles.
Rupert: Are you saying that the First will succeed in-in wiping out the line of Slayers?
The: The Eye sees not the future, only the truth of the now and before.
Anya: Yes, we've all got that. It's called memory.

Torg: You broke my heart, Anyanka.
Anya: Don't be so dramatic, Torg. You don't even have a heart! Six spleens, two stomachs, half a brain, maybe, but no heart.
Torg: Don't mock this. The night we spent together was important to me.
Anya: It was one date. It wasn't even a d-date.
[to Giles]
Anya: We-We just happened to be invited to the same massacre,
[to Torg]
Anya: an-and you hit on me after I'd had a few.
Torg: I remember. You wore pink.
Anya: Those were entrails.

Anya: Okay, Torg, look, you open this tiny little gateway to the Beljoxa's Eye for me, and-and I... you and I can go...
Anya: I'll have sex with you, again.
Torg: Ugh. Please! You gotta- You're human. The way you look now, wouldn't touch you for all the kittens in Korea.
Anya: You're rejecting my offer of sexual bribery? What am I, a leper in this town? I can't even *give* it away!