The Best Andrea Avery Ray Quotes

Sam: So... Who'd you guys pay to make your cars so dirty?
Brianna: Excuse me? Like, what are you, the Dirt Police?
Gabriella: [laughs] Yeah! The Dirt Police! Like, excuse me miss, do you know how fast your dirt was going?
Brianna: You should've stopped at the Dirt Police.

[''The stepsisters are pretending to cry and make Shelby and her friends think that Cinderella hurt them'']
Gabriella: And then, she told us that...
Gabriella: ... she was going to try and steal Austin away from you if that was the last thing she did.
Brianna: Our stepsister has always been jealous of you!
[blows her nose loudly]
Shelby: [impatiently] Go on.
Gabriella: Well, that's when she came up with this whole "Cinderella plot". She got a hold of Austin's e-mail address, and that's when she started the whole affair
Brianna: We wanted to tell you sooner, but she threatened to kill us. She's such a monster!

Sam: [narrates] Well, that hidden will stated that the house, the diner, and everything belonged to me.
[the two stepsisters are looking for Sam's "real" acceptance letter to Princeton]
Sam: It turned out my stepsisters knew where Fiona had filed my real acceptance letter at Princeton.
Gabriella: I've got it!
Sam: My Dad's diner has been restored to its former glory. And my stepmom made a deal with the DA. She's working off her debt to society, at Hal's, under the watchful eye of my new partner. And my stepsisters? They finally put their teamwork to good use.

Austin: [after Brianna and Gabriella both tell him that they're his mystery girl] Ladies, ladies, I can settle this, all right? The girl that I met at the dance, she dropped something on her way out. What was it?
Gabriella: Oh that's easy! A wallet!
Austin: No.
Gabriella: I mean a... wallet-purse.
Austin: [succinctly] No.
Brianna: Oh, a fish!

[the LAPD is repossessing Fiona, Brianna, and Gabriella's cars]
Fiona: [runs outside with the girls] Hey! Hey! I can pay for those parking tickets.
Sam: Actually, I'm selling your cars, Fiona, for college tuition money.
Gabriella: What?
Fiona: Now what gives you the idea you can sell our cars?
Rhonda: She owns them.
Sam: Exactly. I own them.