The Best Bernheim Quotes

Bernheim: Lt. Kojak will now be advised of his rights.
Capt. Frank McNeil: Hey, wait a minute, hold on. We're down here to talk to you about a case. You've got this set up like an inquisition.
Bernheim: I'm taking a formal statement.
Capt. Frank McNeil: You haven't even told us what this is about, officially.
Bernheim: It's about the shaking down of a suspect - on the record!
Lt. Theo Kojak: Let it go, Frank. Let's hear him.
Capt. Frank McNeil: No way! If he want to play this game you come back here with a lawyer. He's setting you up! Now let's get out of here.
Bernheim: If you refuse to give me a statement I'm turning this over to Internal Affairs.
Lt. Theo Kojak: I'll give you a statement: Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of... hogwash.