The Best Bottoms Quotes

Josie: You don't care about feminism. Your favorite show is Entourage!

Jeff: Okay, I'm sorry that I looked at Mrs. Riley and then grazed her left tit, alright?
Isabel: Move, you prick!
Josie: Excuse me, she said move. Prick.
Jeff: Don't talk to me you ugly bitch, okay? I do not talk to girls in overalls!
Josie: Okay, I may be ugly, but these aren't overalls!

Jeff: Jeff!

Jeff: Shut up nerd I fucked your mom!

Mr. G: The Holocaust. It happened.

PJ: I'm going to say something crazy. I think you could eat food, digest it, let it marinate, poop it out.

Isabel: I really value when people use violence for me, it's actually one of my love languages.

Principal: How come you can't buck up and learn to protect yourselves without running somebody over?
PJ: Maybe it's because we're small and he's giant, so we needed to use a little machinery. Did you ever think of that, sir?

Principal: [over intercom] Could the ugly, untalented gays please report to the principal's office?

Stella: Oh wait, I'm gay!
Brittany: I'm not, I just like gay porn.

Josie: By the way, our son Hezekiah hates us cause he knows we're both closeted, but we're trying to make it work for him. But he's not happy. And yeah, guess what? The deacon's fucking the evangelist, man! He's fucking the evangelist!

PJ: Ok, so, um... who here has been raped?

Brittany: I'm gonna fuck up some football players and I'm buying a gun.

Josie: Annie, you may be a black Republican, but you're the smartest out of all of us.