The Best Caleb Quotes

Caleb: [to Tony] Wanna take your mind off it all and watch Madrid destroy Barcelona Monday night?
Tony: What makes you think I like soccer?
Caleb: You're Mexican and you're gay. How could you not like soccer?

Tony: [to Caleb] My mom's gonna love you. She is, she's gonna love you. My brothers, they'll try and scare you, but you can take any of 'em, and they know it.
Caleb: I'm more worried about your dad. He's old school, yeah?
Tony: Yeah, he is, but he's learning. I came out to him when I was 14 years old. He kissed me on the forehead, he said he loved me, and then he walked away. Fell silent for six days. Then he comes to my room, and he's all, "Tonio, let's watch The Modern Families. Let's watch The Modern Families together, I love that show." God bless that show!" I'm like, "Papa, I'm not gonna watch The Modern Families, 'cause I got shit to do. PS, there's no 'the', it's just Modern Family".
Caleb: Now I'm worried I might not be gay enough.
Tony: He's gonna love you.
Caleb: You sure?
Tony: Yeah, 'cause he knows that I do.

Caleb: You're staying here, Tony. This is your home.
Tony: This is not my home. My home is on South 15th Street. My home is where my family is.
Caleb: I know and your home is with people you love, and I love you.